Today was
an exciting fun weird an interesting day. I've not worked in customer service for very long, but long enough to deal with a few rather unpleasant people. People that you have to be nice to if you want them to come back (why you would want them to I still don't understand).
But today! Today Wanda did what I have wanted to do a couple of times and told off the entire lot!
Though it got the point across, a few of our regulars didn't seem to like it. To those regulars, the ones that are actually
nice, I apologize. I'm sure what was said wasn't meant for you. (pretty sure, anyway...)
EDIT: I've now talked with the Real Wanda and whoever it was at the shop this morning was not the real person. Whoever it was clearly is up to no good and I am going to find them and have a few "words" with them.
Private to Wanda;Where did you go? I tried following you after you left this morning, but the place was in chaos!
Private to EdwinI am very sorry about what happened
even if it was funny. I'm not sure what came over Wanda today.