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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+enid+sinclair'

Oct. 3rd, 2023



[No Subject]

I've been looking into the theater options here and it's come to my attention that there was a showing some time ago that was based on my family. Does anyone have a recording? The actress who played Wednesday appears to no longer be here.

Also, the network is showcasing why I prefer to find my answers in the library.

Are you feeling more yourself today?

Sep. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

I just got home from the library and I noticed that the wards protecting the house were messed with. They weren't fully broken, but it's odd so I'm going to be asking for some help to reinforce them and get one of those cameras for the front door and other places on the lot, just to look out. I don't know that it was anything nefarious, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Anyway. About Fig I know that I'm not Anyw Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to make things feel more secure, all right?
I think someone might have tampered with the wards on the house. I came home and they were clearly touched, though I don't know if someone was trying to break in or if that is just me being paranoid. Either way, will you come over when you have a chance and check my new warding work, just for another set of eyes?

Also, I just wanted to Today has been When you have a chance, that's all.
I don't How was the wedding? Fun?

Sep. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

First day of school, and we've got a bunch of skeletons just chilling on the school lawn. And I don't mean plastic "somebody got excited about Halloween early" skeletons. I mean actual bone skeletons that were walking around like they own the place. Carrie in my literature class said one of them asked her if she had any "tomes of power and might." (Apparently her math book doesn't count.)

So, thanks for making the first day of junior year good and weird, Vallo. Now I can think about how the hell skeletons are capable of talking instead of listening to anybody drone on about the syllabus.

Added Slightly Later:
Also, say I wanted to dampen sound around my lunch table at school so it's not so loud that we have to shout our whole conversation. Are there magic items that could do that? And if they do exist, how much would it probably cost to get one? (Specifically, could someone with "part time at the gaming store" money afford a Bubble of Quiet or whatever?)

[Filtered to Vallo High]
Hey Outlanders. Are we sticking with our lunch table from last year, or are we trying for one of the ones up by the windows?

Aug. 21st, 2023



[No Subject]

[Enid, Adaine, Fig]
I will be in the upper floors of the castle until this fun new event has ended.

Aug. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

Right. So I know everyone probably says "I need to go back" because who wouldn't, right? But here's the thing... I really need to get back. Like really really. So on the off chance someone's just been, you know, holding out on the whole getting out of this universe thing now's the time to speak up.


Jul. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Today was an exciting fun weird an interesting day. I've not worked in customer service for very long, but long enough to deal with a few rather unpleasant people. People that you have to be nice to if you want them to come back (why you would want them to I still don't understand).

But today! Today Wanda did what I have wanted to do a couple of times and told off the entire lot!

Though it got the point across, a few of our regulars didn't seem to like it. To those regulars, the ones that are actually nice, I apologize. I'm sure what was said wasn't meant for you. (pretty sure, anyway...)

EDIT: I've now talked with the Real Wanda and whoever it was at the shop this morning was not the real person. Whoever it was clearly is up to no good and I am going to find them and have a few "words" with them.

Private to Wanda;
Where did you go? I tried following you after you left this morning, but the place was in chaos!

Private to Edwin
I am very sorry about what happened even if it was funny. I'm not sure what came over Wanda today.

Jul. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

Okay, so! Things I have figured out being here so far:

✨ Emojis. Maybe I should say this phone but I feel like emojis are sort of a crowning achievement for me.

✨ Car doors. Way more complicated than they look. Worse than those circle doors that only turn one way. If you pull on the handle at the wrong time they don't unlock. But also sometimes they just unlock or lock whenever. I didn't even see the driver push the button, but he looked really annoyed when I asked so I just sort of stopped. But I think I got it now.

✨ Microwaves. Not a fan. Does anyone else feel like they're kind of yelling at you if you don't pull out your food in time? Also they're not very good cooks.

Things I am still trying to get a handle on:

✨ Washing machines. I feel like the bathtub works for now, you know?

✨ A job. Right, so I'm a really good cook and if someone would like to enlist my services, I would be really grateful.

✨ Friends. Where do people "hang out"? Is that weird to put "hang out" in quotes? It's just I haven't really had friends until I went on this quest but there's like... I'm also good not questing you know? So

I'm feeling really good about this. Like really good.

Jul. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]

A woman is walking alone at night when suddenly a rogue appears. He kills her and steals three things: her mobile phone, her watch, and her purse.

What did the rogue take first?

Jun. 21st, 2023



[No Subject]

[Kenzi, Dream, Laszlo, and Enid]


We are taking Enid shopping for an outfit to the goth party. She doesn't own anything that is suitable for the event and I'm determined to see how she looks in black. No, I am not entertaining the idea of pastel goth.

Jun. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

I guess I'm sorry about the desk.

Jun. 8th, 2023



june 8 - afternoon

Hello! I found Groot! Or I assume they’re Groot because they keep saying “I am Groot” so I guess a really good assumption. They were fighting a bunch of squirrels just now which I totally get. You should see NJ/NY squirrels. No cares in the world, will probably snatch food right out of your hands. But I guess that’s what happens when you have that many people and very little trees.

Anyway, pic for proof!

[attached: a selfie with Groot sitting on her shoulder, both wearing big grins]

May. 29th, 2023



[No Subject]

I'd prefer not to bring this to the public, but I'm tired of the arguing so you all get to help put it to rest.

Do you side with Enid, in that a hand doesn't count as a pocket, regardless of how it's being used to hold things.

Or do you side with Thing, who simply states that he can be a pocket if he wants to be and that's the end of the argument?

Ugh. Two things to consider - Thing is an animated hand. And this argument has been going on for three days and if it continues, I'm going to bury them both in the cemetery outside of Adaine's castle.

May. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

Decorated on the inside of Wednesday's locker @ school )

May. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

Look, I know a lot of us aren't supposed to be this age normally but we are and we're here for fuck knows how long so I think we need to have some kind of get together. A party, as it were.

Thing is, I have plenty of money for things like food and drinks and shit, but I don't really have a place. I'd say at the place I've been staying, but there's an old as all hells gnome, an anxious bard that probably needs a fucking nap, a literally tiny child, and FCG and while most of them are fine, they still kind of, you know, cramp some style.

So: party tonight, I can make sure there's drink and all that, but anyone have a suggestion on the where? Don't know how long we'll all be here so might as well fucking enjoy it while we can.
I have plans tonight.

This is me showing some fucking growth and not just disappearing so I think that means you're supposed to show you trust me by not following me around.

May. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

open the cooler

Apr. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Before the marijuana enthusiasts take over the day, I thought I'd share something else April 20th is known for. One of the first careers I considered, and may still pursue, is celebrated today. And has been since 2019.

National Death Doula Day. Appealing alliteration aside, it's an interesting role. You get to witness someone's eventual decline into and after the end of their life. In return, all you have to do is be present and help them be at peace with the situation. Fair trade.

Mar. 29th, 2023




Enid Sinclair
Mi querida, with reinforcements arriving from the past, we're going to see more activity from Interitus and his forces. It's going to be more dangerous, but we also have more force than we've had since the beginning.

But still, don't use this as an excuse to do something stupid or I'll kill you myself.

Mar. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hi friends! I have A TOTALLY HYPOTHETICAL situation and I would LOVE to hear your advice. 💗 SO LIKE say you go out with a friend to a musical! And ahead of time you don't specify it's a "date", you're just out with your friend having a good time!

AND THEN at the end, they call it a "date". And you internally have a little spasm and freak out but don't say anything because maybe they just mean "date" like, friend-date, right? 🤔

But then like, you still continue to do regular things together! Occasionally go shopping! Mani/pedis! Hang out all the time! Go out for dinner! And the occasional handholding!👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼But no kissing. No other moves! VERy mixed signals.

WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Should I the person on the confused end make a move?? Hypothetically?? Should they just ask? But what if they ask and then the person was like "Relationships and feelings are meaningless." and then they get utterly heartbroken and have no one to talk to after that?? Does this feel like FRIENDS or something MORE?

Hi did you know there are like TWO death covens in Vallo? 💀💀 I scored us an invite to the Ankou celebrations this Saturday to kick off the magical thing or whatnot and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me?

Mar. 4th, 2023



RP Log: Enid and Wednesday

Friday Night | Les Miserables | Complete!
⚠ RATING/WARNINGS: mebbe some cute?
'After all, the name isn't Les Chanceuses.'

Read more... )

Feb. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

I pitched this idea forever ago and then never got around to it because life happens, but here's me getting my shit together.

I'm going to be running a Wilderness First Responder course in April. It's 80 hours long, spread out over 5 Days and 1 Night. I'm designing it as best as I can to accommodate Vallo and its ways. If April goes to hell, we'll push it out to May. Tentative dates are April 16 - 20.

Age requirement is 16 years old, with a parent or guardian signature if you're under 18. Completion earns participants a 3 year certification in Wilderness First Response, and 1-year in Basic Life Support. You'll learn skills such as planning and response to calls, infection prevention and control, scene assessment, airway management, CPR, head and spinal injuries, wildlife and environmental illnesses, and a lot more. A full break down of the course and material available at the clinic or on our website.