Genya told me I need to write a proper introduction. So1. Give name and origin
2. Apologize for previous entry
3. Explain relations/establish self
4. Announce desire for employment
5. Establish experience
6. Salutation
7. Insert footnotesHello. I am David Kostyk, and I have learned that "where is your nitroglycerine?" is not a traditional greeting in this world. I've also learned that the problem I needed nitroglycerine to solve is no longer a problem
I'm Genya Safin
2's husband, a friend and colleague of Nikolai Lantsov
3, a Grisha Fabrikator
4, and a recent transplant to Vallo. Since everyone with power isn't automatically drafted into an army here, I'm now looking for a lab position. I've been employed as a scientist, engineer, and general problem solver since childhood. My previous experience is primarily in weapons development, but I would prefer to turn my skills toward something that will actually improve the world rather than destroy it. I would appreciate any help that can be offered in seeking such employment. Thank you.
1I would still like to be able to explode things for testing purposes. Where one problem is solved, another tends to appear. 2Grisha Tailor5, most beautiful woman in any universe, titanium spine, much more likeable than me3engineer4Grisha Fabrikators, also called Materialki, come in two types: Durasts and Alkemi. Durasts are capable of manipulating solid matter down to its tiniest forms, using the mind and often aided by gestures for focus5Tailors are Grisha capable of manipulating living matter who use their gifts to change people's appearances. Genya is the best of them.