Nov. 21st, 2022 at 9:26 AM
Good morning. I do not mean to speak out of turn, but I also wanted to--well, speak and share some details about our current situation as part of the group that has the most experience about it, particularly in preparation for today. Some of this was already shared by Caleb, so I apologize for redundancy; my husband is far better at speaking than myself, so feel free to appreciate him here and elsewhere as you see fit.
Given all that has happened since the snow began to fall, we feel reasonably sure that a city--or a part of it--from the world myself and several others hail from has been brought to Vallo somehow. The city is called Aeor, which was an ancient magocracy that floated in the skies. It fell for literal divine reasons and landed in the frozen north of our world. Because of how unique the city is, the area it fell in creates magical anomalies, which many have had the luxury of experiencing in the last days.
The creatures that we have been seeing are called Aeorian Hunters. They were created by Aeor to be particularly resilient against magic users and each sort has their own specialty, more or less. The catlike ones can return damage done to it via magic back to the attacker. The ones with mouths can fully stun you while also being able to dispel or counter magic cast. The large green ones will negate any healing done near it, instead reversing the healing to cause harm. All of them are particularly resilient and difficult to kill, but they can be killed.
The creatures were experiments and the current thought is that whatever was brought here to Vallo has a chamber filled with said experiments and they are escaping from it. The hope is to clear everything out, while also finding the chamber and shutting it down.
That being said, a bit of advice to those that will be going into the ruins themselves: do be vigilant and careful. Stick to groups and try your best not to wander alone; this has potential to be a very large area and it is easy to get lost, so a system of buddies is wise. The hunters may not be the only things down there. If you have access to healing potions or the like, take them with you. While exploring, take care while touching anything, as there will likely be artifacts and objects down there. If you see anything that may seem to have potential, use this network to report back to the group as a whole.
Ah, I have gone on too much and I apologize. If you have any questions, now is a good time to ask? Either I or one of the others can attempt to clear anything up, bearing in mind that we cannot easily predict how Vallo might be meddling with what we know from home.
Given all that has happened since the snow began to fall, we feel reasonably sure that a city--or a part of it--from the world myself and several others hail from has been brought to Vallo somehow. The city is called Aeor, which was an ancient magocracy that floated in the skies. It fell for literal divine reasons and landed in the frozen north of our world. Because of how unique the city is, the area it fell in creates magical anomalies, which many have had the luxury of experiencing in the last days.
The creatures that we have been seeing are called Aeorian Hunters. They were created by Aeor to be particularly resilient against magic users and each sort has their own specialty, more or less. The catlike ones can return damage done to it via magic back to the attacker. The ones with mouths can fully stun you while also being able to dispel or counter magic cast. The large green ones will negate any healing done near it, instead reversing the healing to cause harm. All of them are particularly resilient and difficult to kill, but they can be killed.
The creatures were experiments and the current thought is that whatever was brought here to Vallo has a chamber filled with said experiments and they are escaping from it. The hope is to clear everything out, while also finding the chamber and shutting it down.
That being said, a bit of advice to those that will be going into the ruins themselves: do be vigilant and careful. Stick to groups and try your best not to wander alone; this has potential to be a very large area and it is easy to get lost, so a system of buddies is wise. The hunters may not be the only things down there. If you have access to healing potions or the like, take them with you. While exploring, take care while touching anything, as there will likely be artifacts and objects down there. If you see anything that may seem to have potential, use this network to report back to the group as a whole.
Ah, I have gone on too much and I apologize. If you have any questions, now is a good time to ask? Either I or one of the others can attempt to clear anything up, bearing in mind that we cannot easily predict how Vallo might be meddling with what we know from home.