Oct. 16th, 2023 at 7:46 AM
It's this shit fixed or not? WHO'S GOT EYES ON HENDERSON? This shit still isn't funny
It's this shit fixed or not? WHO'S GOT EYES ON HENDERSON? This shit still isn't funny
two seconds later
two seconds later
I went ahead and dropped one of my classes because I realized I wanted to focus more on writing, and the rest I can do in the longer months in the fall and spring instead of crammed into the summer. So, no math class, and going from 3 to 2 classes. Sorry to anyone I had planned study groups with involving the math class. At least this way I also get to have a little fun in the summer, and also keep working at the library. Hopper, you can't tell me I need to lighten up. I just did and I have a hangover from it. Also, I have realized I like girls, so this is me coming out. Okay, bye, will talk more about study groups when summer classes start!
You boys are as subtle as several brightly colored flying bricks.
I hope everyone has stopped spewing flower petals or WILL stop spewing them long enough to entertain an idea.
Adult prom. I shamelessly want to attend especially since I kind of had plans and then Hawkins blew up and we ended up here. What are your thoughts?