Info for any newcomers or people who just weren't aware, but - the Chakrabarti Clinic offers free first aid and sex ed classes on a monthly basis. Are there any other classes people might like to see? Some possibilities and ideas - healthy eating, stress management (don't everyone sign up all at once for that one now), smoking cessation, etc? I'm open to ideas. Somehow I also managed to collect some lucid dreaming students - teaching people how to lucid dream, that is - but I have space for more if anyone wants to learn this technique to improve sleep and put a stop to nightmares.
We're here for not only Outlanders but locals too, and we've been staying consistently busy (though we always get a spike when people decide to be Big Damn Heroes). At the clinic we have a mix of those who approach medicine in a more scientific way, and those who approach it magically - the hospitals are the same way, for the most part.
I've also been seeing some talk of the Wednesday meetings re: death and dying, so, yes. I'm Dan and I run those, Wednesdays at 8 at the DOA building. The hour before that is AA for those who are new and may be interested.
I guess that's enough 'helpful' advice from me. And now I have to go drop my cat off at 'work' because she gets mad and pisses in the clean laundry if she can't do her job.