Oct. 17th, 2023 at 9:23 AM
Just how many of you are dead? This place reeks of it and the thanergenic levels are higher than I would have expected with how much thalergy is here as well.
Is it always this bright?
I guess this is going to keep me busier than usual. So.. hugs and kisses, see you when I come up for air?
The chocobos have a treat schedule. Please do not fuck with the schedule.I am aware they are cute, and that they have the please give me treats look on lock down at this point, but I promise you all they will live if you don't give into it. If anything they will be happier, more productive chocobos and not full of food that they love but isn't the best for them. You do not know what it was like before the schedule but trust me when I say it was madness.