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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+julia+wicker'

Oct. 3rd, 2020



julia wicker → network

Am I jinxing things if I comment that things seem quieter now?

I think I'm probably overdue in asking for your help.

What do you think about a vacation?


Sep. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

texts to julia wicker )

Sep. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Magic users]
Tomorrow is our monthly magic group meeting. It's going to be happening at the stone circle in the forest near the Geliara Academy.

I managed to get representatives from the Geliara and Prigany covens to come to see some of the things we're doing and possibly share stuff too, depending on how things go.

It'll be happening later than usual at 8 because I'm still trying to get someone from the Beketh coven to attend. So if I can manage that they'll prefer after dark. But I'm not holding my breath.

Let me know if you have any questions, concerns, ideas, cookie recipes, etc.

Aug. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Anyone here think they could remove god powers from someone who isn't a god?

Aug. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

Nyx Ulric
Julia Wicker
WHAT Julia received a cursed bear and a credit card. Nyx comes over to help her store it safely. It's the start of a beautiful broship. • WHERE Julia's apartment • WHEN Uh... back in April, lol. BE PROUD OF US. WE DID IT!!!! • STATUS Complete • WARNINGS Nah
"How indestructible are you anyway?" Read more... )

Aug. 13th, 2020



[No Subject]

See, I can play nice.

Do you think this place would give me my old wardrobe, just slightly tailored to fit my specific needs?

Talk to me.

Aug. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

You good?

I haven't heard from you in awhile. You still around?

Got any plans for the weekend?



[No Subject]

For those of you I haven't had a chance to meet yet, I'm Caroline and I'm with the DOA. We wanted to reach out and make everyone aware of a situation that was brought to our attention. As some of you may have already experienced first hand, Vallo likes to bring things from our worlds to this one, in addition to the people.

There has been a key that has come through from someone's world in this manner, and it is one of seven keys that exist there. They all have the potential to affect someone who picks them up, all in different ways. We know what one did, we do not know what the others can potentially do. We also don't know if the others even will show up so this is not intended to panic anyone, but more just a heads up.

I'm including a photo of what they look like. If anyone happens to come across one on your travels, don't touch it just give us a heads up and we'll make sure it gets taken care of safely if it is one of them.

[ attached image ]

I'll let you know if we hear anything, and if there's anything I can do, just let me know.



[No Subject]

I'm also going to take this time to remind people, or introduce people to a few other services we have here. To everyone who is new or hasn't met me yet, hey, I'm Sara Lance, and I head up the Defense Department as part of the Department of Outlander Affairs, and I manage the outdoor training grounds.

cut just to save space )

Aug. 8th, 2020



Willow Rosenberg: Network

Huh. Okay, wigged. I don't think I've ever been to a dimension where magic and technology played together this well. Usually it's like two kids in a sandbox and one is like "rawr my dinosaurs are cooler" and the other is like "well my sand truck bulldozes everything you've ever touched" and then the fighting happens.

Are there any witches here? Apparently the Amazon guy got held up and somewhere between the Milky Way and can't deliver my grimoire. Which is, y'know, great if you're trying to not cast spells you don't have memorized. I don't traverse the skein of the multiverse that often.

Aug. 5th, 2020



Log: Julia & Lucy

Lucifer Morningstar
Julia Wicker
WHERE Lux • WHEN April; shortly after Julia's arrival. (Slight pandemic delay. Oops.) • WHAT Julia goes to Lucifer for advice about her lack of power. • WARNINGS None. • STATUS Complete
“You can come on over to the bar. I promise I don’t bite unless you want me to.” Read more... )

Aug. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

Now that my inju I've never had to get a job.

What's uh, a good start for an assassin who spent a couple of decades in the apocalypse?

Jul. 30th, 2020



network post ➜ filtered

So apparently one of the seven keys from home showed up. Only it's not one of the keys Prometheus made, it's one of mine. The thing with Bucky and the Winter Soldier double? That was the key.

I guess these keys have new rules, and I have no idea what they are or if anymore are going to show up or if they're already here. I don't recommend touching this one, for the record.

*OOC: Friends filter posts give me anxiety. Do your best. I promise not to punish anyone for the high crime of wanting to RP with me. Julia just isn't ready to make this public yet since there is ~personal feels~ going on.

It's come to my attention that a key from my world has shown up. These keys are magical in nature and unfortunately, I don't know much about this particular set, only that there are seven total. I don't know if the other keys are in Vallo or just the one. This particular key is what led to the second Bucky Barnes when he came across it.

I'm not comfortable about their existence being public knowledge because depending on what they can do they could be misused or become highly sought after. It's not Outlanders I'm worried about but the rest of Vallo.

It might be nothing to worry about, maybe there is just the one which is locked away safely now. I just thought in case something else strange happens or you hear about a key, you should know.



[No Subject]

All good with the Key?

I just wanted to check in on you. I really haven't heard much from you lately and I'm really hoping it isn't because the other me scared the shit out of you, but I'd understand if it was because of that.

It was nice meeting you the other day, sorry it was under kind of crazy circumstances. I promise weird stuff isn't always happening to me.

Jul. 18th, 2020



Jo Harvelle ⤄ Net Post

Alright, Vallo... what's next?

Kraken, how you feeling?

Jul. 14th, 2020



network post > public

So the transformation thing is um safe. I heard the underwater kingdom was cool?

Just keep in mind you might not transform exactly how you imagined. Most people got the standard mermaid tails at least?

Jul. 13th, 2020



network post > public

With the invitations, I was thinking maybe some of us could volunteer to go first? Just to make sure everything is on the up and up? I can offer to go, but the magic they use may or may not work on me.

Anyone else want to join me so we can report back? Unless anyone else knows more about this kingdom and can vouch for them?

Jul. 8th, 2020



Filter: The Magicians

So the cottage showed up. Or rather, I found it.

Physical Kids: Your old rooms are yours if you want them. That includes you, Todd.

Non Physical Kids: We can figure something out if you want a room, I guess.

Jul. 4th, 2020




Wanna see a time ship?

Jun. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

Are musical recaps a thing now? Should I expect more of these in the future? This wasn't my first, but the delivery was definitely better. And less pitchy.

So, hi. First time in a new world. Am I doing this right?

Oh, right. I'm Elliot. I'm Todd.