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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+francis+barton+%282%29'

Dec. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

Apparently I worked at the Underground as a trainer and didn't know about that until I was walking by the place and it triggered a memory. So I went in, got to talking to management, and I'm starting up sessions again at the Underground a couple of days a week. Group sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays, individual sessions on an as need basis. If you're looking to sharpen up whatever skills you do have or are looking to learn self defense, come find me or message me.

I'll be focused on knife fighting, boxing, Taekwondo, and Krav Maga. Open to other martial arts and hand to hand.

And if you have a problem with a baby watching me kick your ass into shape, do not take this class. This is part of her training.

Nov. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]

WHO: Tony (II), James, Francis // Cleo, Tony (I), Pepper // Cleo & Francis.
WHERE: Stark Tower; James & Torunn's apartment // the Stark penthouse x 2.
WHEN: October 29, ‘23; morning.
WHAT: Disappearance notification hell.
RATING: Low, just sad.
STATUS: multi-log; COMPLETE.

-Four years-. One month shy of four full years that Torunn and James had spent together in Vallo with nothing ripping them apart. If James didn't count both Blackpoints as one collective run, it was the longest time they had been together in one single displacement. And with one jarring notification and one empty side of the bed, that streak was over. )

Oct. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

As fun as all this musical and future kid chaos is - can't believe you guys made me a grandpa already - anyone free to watch Lucy for a few hours?

And then anyone strong enough to lift a wooden beam, I need your help.

Oct. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

We were skipped last year, but we woke up today to a tiny Natalia Rogers demanding our immediate attention. The pack is pretending they're not in love, and at some point we'll think about not having weapons everywhere before it's too late.

Oct. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]

» We've got another fucking Bucky and this one has Lucy for some reason.
» I'm gonna go get her.
» wait
» wait
» It's him
» It's our Bucky

The greeting Francis receives when he answers is just unintelligible yelling.



[No Subject]

Uh, not sure what's going on here and I'm figuring someone fucked up with magic somewhere along the line, but...

Does this belong to someone? )

[ooc; The baby in hand is much younger and Asian, but same vibes! Posted right after this and breakfast.]

Oct. 7th, 2023



[No Subject]

Who needs what? I'm serious. Give me things to do, even little or stupid things.

Sep. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

Public opinion poll:

Would you be interested in/have any use for a public transportation system here in Vallo beyond Waypoints? More specifically, a light rail.

Obviously the waypoints are great, and useful. My thinking is that magic can be unpredictable, so why not have a backup. Also, always good to have another option for Outlanders who might not always be comfortable with magical transportation.

Would love to get some various opinions to see if this is something SIV may potentially move forward with.

texts to pepper. )

filtered to marvel + mcu. )

Sep. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

Note to self: When the little piece of paper in the geocache box tells you, "don't put the ring on, it's cursed" - don't put the ring on, it's cursed. Sure, it's the curse of a thousand hives and not something terrible (like death) but still. Make better choices, Kate of the Future.

But thanks, Adam! Geocaching was fun, let's do it again.

I miss you. 🥺

Aug. 25th, 2023



[No Subject]

After all the crazy this month, I sort of figured we could all use some silliness to cool down. But this time, instead of "today is [insert random holiday here]", you get a mini-survey! (Thank Google, even my brain couldn't come up with all these.)

Answer as much or as little as you want.
  1. If you could get anything for free for the rest of your life what would it be?
  2. You have to get a tattoo of the last emoji you used. How screwed are you?
  3. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
  4. What’s the most used phrase in your house?
  5. If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
  6. Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?

Jul. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

(with some spectators)
WHAT: Learning the tricks of the trade (ft. High Kate Bishop)
WHERE: Avengers Compound
WHEN: Late night on the Fourth of July
WARNINGS: Drug references and silliness
STATUS: Complete

“You telling me that Clint didn’t teach you the secret Hawkeye handshake already?”
Read more... )

Jul. 3rd, 2023



[No Subject]

I know this is last minute, but Sam and I collabed on Fourth of July festivities at Avengers Compound tomorrow for anyone interested! We'll be out on the grounds and have a whole setup on the beach, too. There will be colossal amounts of food and drinks, and plenty of games (kid-friendly!) for everyone to join in on!

And I'm pretty sure Tony has some elaborate fireworks display planned, so you'll definitely want to see that up close.

[Compound coordinates here]

Edit: Noise-proof room available at the Wilson house for your animals if you're joining the party! Talk to Sam.

After fireworks, we'll disperse the crowds (if we get them), and Sam's got a kickback planned down on the water for Steve's birthday with cake and beer. Stick around for that!

Jun. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

» Where are you?



[No Subject]

Do we need to break things or shoot things? Or both? I can do both.

Jun. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

I know these hands are terrible. Definitely gross. Probably annoying.

But Deathripper is just so violently happy? It's hard not to be happy for him? Living his best helhound life, sometimes with a sibling team up. He's the best boy.

May. 29th, 2023



[No Subject]

WHO: Francis, James, Tony, Pepper, Natasha, Kate, Steve.
WHERE: Stark Tower, then Avengers Mansion.
WHEN: Moments over the course of a day during the age plot.
WHAT: James is smol.

you'll be in my heart, no matter what they say, you'll be here in my heart, always )

Apr. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

I'm not upset, I just want to discuss this.

Apr. 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

» Hey, it's Francis.
» Not sure if you saw the network but Carol is putting together a superpowered baseball game tonight.
» Want to come hang out and watch it together?

Mar. 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hey, Mom, I've got a joke for you, since Dad already knows this one.

Which one of the Avengers is always in a hurry?

[ooc: I remembered my favorite Steve & James texts, sue me.]

Mar. 7th, 2023



[No Subject]

Alright, SO, my birthday's in two weeks. You all probably know I require more attention on my birthday than some - no gifts, though, I'm good there. In the absence of Disney (unless Vallo decides to be nice again 👀), I want to plan something fun. I'm not old enough for the wine-and-cheese night that Google suggested.

Karaoke? Escape room? But that wouldn't be fun for spy and spy-adjacent people. Rage room? Everyone here probably likes breaking shit sometimes. OR we could stick with the theme park idea and go to Blizzard World or Critical Role Land since those are more kid-friendly! (Pepper, please can the kids come?)

Opinions? Please help.