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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+gladiolus+amicitia'

Sep. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

texts to Eddie.
» I'm so sorry, Eddie. I know that doesn't fix it or make it better, but I am.
» I was going to stop by, can I pick anything up for any of you on my way over?

Sep. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

I was out with Henruit pretty far down the coast line and one of those bird things (dinosaurs?) swooped down pretty damn close to us. Thought it might damn well try to snatch up my dog. Heads up for anyone heading near the water.

Sep. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

( attached image )
Henruit's been making friends on our walk today.

ignis & prompto:
What do you two think of moving back to the apartments? Or anywhere else really.

How's college life treating you so far?

Thanks for covering for me this week.

Sep. 7th, 2020



Filter ➢ Various

Filtered to Gladio Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, & Prompto Argentum  )

Filtered to the Losers Manor  )

Aug. 31st, 2020



[No Subject]

[ attached image ]

When your dog matches the packaging.

Reminder for all students classes are back in session tomorrow. We'll have donuts on hand to make the end of summer sting maybe just a little bit less.

Aug. 27th, 2020



Date Night

Gladio + Iggy
Sock Garters
WHAT: Making pretend other plans into real ones on Ball night.
WHERE: At Galdin Quay.
WHEN: The 1st, in the evening.
WARNINGS:Dinner devoling into makeouts super quick.
STATUS: Complete!
Read more... )

Aug. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

What's everyone's favorite comfort food?

I know I gave you a lot to process. You figure out if you're still talking to me or not?

Aug. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

Just a heads up that the DOA school will be starting up again on September 1st. We offer classes to get you up to speed to take the testing required for a High School diploma, and will work around any crazy this place likes to throw at us. As well if you've never been to school before or have any other concerns we try to make it pretty easy and relaxed.

Core classes run Monday through Thursday in the mornings and we have electives available in the afternoon. If you'd like to sign up for classes let me know here and I'll get you sorted. If anyone here would be interested in helping out with the instruction end just let me or Vanya know.

ooc: sign people up here please!

Aug. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Losers]
I'll be making enough to feed the lot of you for the rest of the week, so Eddie doesn't need to worry that you're not eating. If you tell me what some of his favorites are, I can make those so you can hopefully keep him eating without issue.

I'm sure Gladio's already made the offer, but if there's anything else you need, let us know and we'll do whatever we can.

[Filtered to Friends & Family of Zuko]
I'm sorry that Zuko isn't here any longer. We spent some time together while he was here and I came to like him a great deal, and will miss him. I know it must be much harder for you. If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask.

[Filtered Chocobros]
It's probably irrational, but is there any merit in handcuffing us all together so it's physically impossible to disappear?

Aug. 10th, 2020



Text Messages ➢ Galdio & Eddie

you have 3 text messages )

Aug. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]


Aug. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

uhh i can't say i ever wanted to be psychic, but at least it's pretty innocuous for the most part. although some of you need several cold showers. i am not familiar with knights of accordo and i can safely say i will never read it now.

actually i think i need a shower now.

oh wait this is probably a two-way thing isn't it? whatever who gives a shit. enjoy thinking about css and javascript, whoever.

next time can i get the dog thoughts?


Aug. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

Been a while since I've seen a reminder tossed up and we seem to have had quite a few new people so friendly reminder that the training grounds have quite a few different classes being offered.

As well if anyone here is looking for help with getting back into shape after any injuries or just generally has any issues with old injuries or mobility, I'm able and willing to offer some one on one sessions to help with that.

(( pls to assume the link does actually link to the schedule of classes ic wise! ))

filtered to ignis and prompto.
Any thoughts for Noctis' birthday at the end of the month?



[No Subject]

Alright, boomers (and boomers-at-heart). I'm going to college in a month which is INSANE to think about and I need tips. What should I be buying? I'll have a shitload of first-aid on me and enough hand sanitizer to choke a moose, but like ... what else?? So far I've got:
1. Granola bars
2. Refillable water bottle
3. Notebook(s)
4. Pens/highlighters
5. Stress ball
[...] Christ, I'm gonna need a huge fucking fanny pack. Need reccs for that, too. Hit me with your suggestions, Vallo people.

Jul. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Now that the announcement is out, the glitter cannons have been fired, and opening weekend went by without any crises.... Hey. I'm Arthur. I'm acting as Vallo's ambassador to Atlantis and have been for.. too long.

Anyway, thanks, every one of you that went down there unaware that you were basically proving we weren't there to attack the people of Atlantis. Future thanks for keeping it that way.

I've spent the last few days trying to keep track of how much has changed in the last year+.

[Ray Palmer]
Hey Ray. I'm being told you're on our payroll and that means you're the best bet for working with the Atlanteans on extending our network down there, so no one's cut off when they're visiting anymore. You in?

Jul. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

» If Prompto asks, you and I have other plans on the 1st that don't include the ball.
» I haven't gotten as far as to what those plans are, but we have them.

Jul. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm unfamiliar with-- The keys are so small--

Can anyone--

I'm still learning how to work this device, and I'm not sure who it's reaching - but my name is Erik. Nothing about this is familiar so I'm going to wager no one I recognize is here either. But apparently there are others who have also arrived from other worlds. I'm interested in learning who else suddenly found themselves here as well.

Jul. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

First of all, thank you all SO much for all of the interest in Caleb's idea for the mystery book delivery! We have so many super interesting titles in stock at the Nook, so there's plenty more where that came from. Second of all, Caleb is the very best business partner ever and this is me publicly telling him that he's as pretty on the outside as his brain is. :'')

Now that the housekeeping is out of the way, he texted me earlier and said there was a LOT of interest in having maybe a book club? And I think that would be a most excellent idea. So--who's interested? And would you prefer a book club where we read whatever we want and swap reviews about what we've read and exchange books? Or would you rather have a book club where we all read the same book and then talk about it?

Personally, I like the first idea. It might be chaotic, sure, but it also sounds fun and we could do additional mystery exchanges so you never know what you're going to get next! There's room to host it at the Nook, so we are super happy to offer that up for this club. 😊😊

Jul. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

It hurts to say this, but I've just received a report that there a vicious bunnies in the forest. They will attack. They're moving in groups and destroyed at least one farmers livestock. Everyone please be careful. Team B is on patrol and I'm hoping for more information soon.

Thank you, Monty Python. Drinking should be allowed at work.

Jul. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

If you see this sheep walking around, DO NOT INTERACT. Her name is Chewbacca (also responds to Chewie) and she's mean for no fucking reason. Don't be fooled by her cute face. She will STOMP YOU. I've given her so many goddamn treats and she still hates me, so good fucking luck making friends with the sheep from HELL. (Not actually demonic as far as I can tell, but don't hold your breath. This is Derry we're talking about.)

Anyway, Mike, come collect your cursed child. I don't know why Chewie showed up to harass me when she's yours?? Probably making her rounds. She's glaring at me like she's got nothing to lose and I swear to God, I'm not above chasing a sheep.