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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+lois+lane-kent'

Aug. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

First round of drinks on the house at Al's tomorrow night in honor of the best cousin in the world's birthday back on Tuesday.

Happy Birthday, Lois. Love you.

You're off the clock tomorrow. Do something nice with your wife.

How are you and Adora holding up?

Jul. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm sorry about Kara. Again.

Jul. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

Behold the face that has A) prevented me from making the bed all morning and B) made me extremely late for work. When he demands cuddles, resistance is futile.

Hoping you're free for a fancy date night next Friday night?

Jul. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

WHO: Lois & Alexis
WHAT: Beach trip! And Alexis solicits speed dating input
WHERE: Someplace sunny with lots of sand
WHEN: This past weekend (Sunday, probably)
WARNINGS: Nothing untoward going on here
STATUS: Complete

With the temperatures rising, bringing out the worse moods in some and a broken AC in the Gazette’s office, it really had been the perfect time to get away from the city. )

Jun. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

21+ crowed

Poker night next Wednesday for anyone interested. 7 p.m. We can use the Waverider unless someone else has a better venue to offer.

Jun. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

Texts to Alex Danvers
--I figure you're knee deep in trying to handle the Mistress of Evil
--But wanted to let you know we've got room at the farm if you're not enjoying the apartments any longer.
--I know it might also be a little weird with the other Kara around though.

May. 30th, 2021



blocked from maleficent, dark fairy mistress of evil

Hello, yes, hi. So what's the plan regarding the crazy weirdo in the castle hoarding I guess Avon products and also literal, actual people? I ask because I do PR and damage control and I have to tell you that a shunned fairytale villain suddenly appearing and taking locals hostage isn't a good look. I've issued a few 'we're handling it' statements but I don't actually know how we're handling so can I be filled in?

I mean, I'm totally familiar with this story and I get it - when my boyfriend at the time refused to send a jet for me so I could attend Diddy's dance-all-night fundraiser I was big mad too but the reaction always seemed to be a little extreme to me.

May. 27th, 2021



[No Subject]

Just when I got her home

To everyone who lost someone, I'm sorry.

May. 26th, 2021



Network: Clark Kent [01]

Does this multiverse have a number? Or should I assign it one.

Hi, I'm Clark Kent. Not where I expected to end up today.

The people at intake mentioned you'd been here for a while now. Are you all right? Are the boys here too?

May. 24th, 2021



[No Subject]

(AKA Lois Lane, Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor)

Heads up - this guy showed up on the farm this morning. I don't know if you have him back in your world, but his name is Krypto. He was my uncle's dog back on Krypton and he has similar powers to me and Clark. He's a good dog, but he's not my biggest fan, so - Kara, that might translate over to to you, too. I've tried to convince him to stay grounded, but if you see him flying around, you can send him back this way.

May. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

WHO: Alex & Lois
WHAT: Catching up over lunch
WHERE: An outdoor cafe
WHEN: Sometime not long after getting back from Ancient Vallo
WARNINGS: Just some Klaus Talk™ and all that entails
STATUS: Complete

Well. That’s definitely an interesting development. )

May. 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hi Vallo. I need food to process this - who here can point me toward good cinnamon buns? Popping into another universe because magic wasn't on my to-do list today.

May. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

If you haven't already heard or noticed, there's been some missing persons posters put up in the forest. Maybe avoid being on your own that area for now. Defense teams, I won't hate it if you increase the frequency of check ins.

May. 13th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hello cool people and assholes, it's time for Round Two of Gideon's Food Reviews (part one, for the uninitiated, is located here). If you're not aware, I was born in a duct in the Ninth House and my life didn't get much better from there; the Ninth is well away from the sun and whatnot so most of my food I was exposed to was canned, preserved, pickled, powdered, or otherwise made into nutritional paste. So when I arrived in Vallo, I decided to make it my Mission to try as much food as possible. My opinions are my own, and they are correct, but feel free to be wrong in comments if you just can't contain yourself.

GIDEON'S COMPREHENSIVE AND ACCURATE LIST OF FOODSTUFFS - PART II because everything looks better with Roman Numerals )

May. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]

WHO: Lois Lane-Kent & Alexis Rose
WHAT: Stealing from Karen's ancient ancestor hocking fake healing crystals
WHERE: Civitas
WHEN: Today, the 3rd
WARNINGS: Of course not, and this totally doesn't even count as stealing <.<
STATUS: Complete

Alexis straightened her shoulders, recalling how the klepto game was played when she was looking over Gucci bags or in Goop’s of Sag Harbor. )

Apr. 23rd, 2021


[No Subject]

Reporters Stick Together
WHO: Lois Lane & Eddie Brock
WHAT: Eddie gets a job
WHEN: Monday, April 19th
WHERE: The Vallo Gazette
Read more... )

Apr. 3rd, 2021



Network: Clark Kent [02]

I wasn't anticipating a piece of the familiar showing up here, so it's a pleasant surprise.

Arthur, Diana, Barry
If we need an additional place to set up some Justice League work, I've got one.

Lois, Kara, and Alex
I'm not sure what might have been available in your world or not, but a piece of my home has arrived here, something which might be of interest to you.

Kara, it was built from a Kryptonian ship and crystals, and it contains what's left of the Kryptonian databases and history. You should be able to visit any time you'd like.

Lois and Alex, if you'd like to visit, you'll need either myself or Kara with you for the first time although, Lois, it might work for you regardless.

Apr. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

Anyone know the going rate around here for hiring help keeping up a farm? No animals on it. Mostly different crops that need to be kept up with. And while I can shuck corn that's about all I remember to do with it.

Apr. 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

Alright, not that I've got any room to talk since there's actually a wasteland in Thedas called the Fallow Mire and then let's not even discuss the Exalted Plains - too many Orlesians, too many demons, hard to tell which is worse. But for whomever owns the island that's a literal, actual rubbish heap? It's here off the coast of Vallo, nestled in amongst the other islands.

Was sailing about on a Booze Cruise this morning when me and my stalwart crew spotted the new discovery. I just wanted to check if it and the smell belong to anyone before I headed back to see what I could scavenge from it. I'm a pirate, we're always looking for treasure.

Mar. 29th, 2021



[No Subject]

This certainly isn't the strangest scenario I've been in - but it's won points for the most informative introduction video I've ever seen. Thank you for that.

I'll cut to the chase: I'm Lena Luthor and I don't particularly like to stay idle for long. If I'm stuck here for an undetermined amount of time, I prefer to be put to use and explore what options this world has for employment. I've got degrees in biotechnology management, civil & environmental engineering and computational science. I work best in a lab. Something tells me this place has plenty to study, anyway.

My other search involves a reputable liquor store and what would be Vallo's most recommended brand of scotch. I don't need a bar. I prefer my own bottle to bring into this new apartment I'm apparently going to be occupying. A suitable breakfast considering the circumstances, I suppose.