Well, I couldn't get a straight answer from whoever it was who found me in this arctic nightmare —sorry I forgot your name already — but this is definitely the Bad Place, right? I mean, there's no way this Arizona girl could be dropped in the middle of a blizzard and call it good, so it's pretty obvious.
It's alright. I can handle it. Just tell me.
And is there a Janet here? Even a bad Janet? I can't seem to get her to respond to me. And I imagine Michael will be sending Chidi, Tahani, and Jason through any moment now so please use your magical powers to find them quickly? It's really
fucking forking? cold outside.
Major kudos to whoever made the intro video to this neighborhood though! It was the first thing I really paid attention to once my teeth had stopped chattering enough that I could actually hear.
Yep, this is definitely the Bad Place or Michael really forked up.