Now that my reign of tyranny has come to an end and things feel a bit more normal at home
even though it's still, I'm here to do the work thing I was supposed to do days ago. As the kids may or may not say: my bad.
Last year we did a silent auction fundraiser benefiting the Youth Center on New Years Eve. It was a wild success and something that we're now doing again, because why not. I understand this is quite some time out before the holiday hits, but time moves quickly this time of year, or so I've noticed, so here I am. It will still be the optionally fancy affair, but this time we're doing a masquerade for full dramatic effect.
That being said, what I'm really here for is to once again look for donations from individuals and businesses alike to go toward the silent auction. Gift baskets, certificates, experiences, and so on. All of the proceeds do go back to the youth center, to fund facilities and programs. Our hope is to expand to add some additional classrooms and general space eventually.
Anyway. You can reach out at or by approaching one of us at the youth center, if you're interested in contributing. Otherwise, clear your schedules and all that. It'll be a good night.
[OOC - You can find a spreadsheet here to put any items you'd like to include for the auction! I'll do another reminder closer to the event.]