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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+stephen+strange'

Jul. 27th, 2022



[No Subject]

Wanda & Stephen
WHAT: A second attempt at a honeymoon, uninterrupted
WHERE: That one fancy hot springs place
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: FTB at the end
STATUS: Complete

“I will trust your medical expertise when you tell us it is time for water.”
Read more... )

Jul. 24th, 2022



[No Subject]

Carol & Stephen
WHAT: Deep bestie conversations and a chess game
WHERE: The Sanctum garden
WHEN: This morning
STATUS: Complete

“You can always count on me. No matter where, no matter when.”
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Jul. 22nd, 2022



[No Subject]

I don't have any magic or powers (or magic-powers?) and Kate doesn't either, but things are ridiculous now so we teamed up to do a little old-fashioned interrogating and investigation of the scene of the Moon Day party. Been awhile since I've gotten a chance to flex the Good Cop, Bad Cop routine anyway. We found out that the record that was played right when there seemed to be some widespread effect happening was stolen by another DJ who took advantage of his rival's catatonic state, and carted the record off into the night. We tracked him down and the record has an arrowhead stuck in it is now broken so he can't play it anymore (thank whatever gods too, because maybe I'm too old to get it but that song), however, I don't think that solved the whole problem. If anyone's awake let us know.

In either case, we collected more info about some traveling merchant he actually wanted the song from originally so that may be the key to finding another source. Willing to share that info with whoever wants it.

Jul. 19th, 2022



[No Subject]

Friendly reminder for Moon Day tomorrow. For all you party goers, make good choices, I don't want to see anyone at the hospital or clinc. For anyone who needs help, don't be afraid to ask.

Friday is my birthday, so I'm hoping to take the afternoon off in favor of another taco crawl. Open invitation if anyone wants to join.



[No Subject]

» So, the weird memory dreams? I get how jarring those are now.
» I woke up with a fresh batch this morning.
» Feels like my head's still spinning.

Jul. 11th, 2022



[No Subject]

If a field medic/first responder training program was offered, would anyone be interested in taking it? Certified First Responder or Wilderness & Remote First Aid? I know we're full of people used to being in insane situations, but testing to see if there's any need or interest in this aspect.

Secondly, don't forget the Clinic is going to be running its Sex Ed course from the 15 - 17. Not taught by yours truly, but I'm taking this opportunity to remind any interested parties.

Lastly, for anyone impacted by the full moon on Wednesday, don't forget that this month there will also be Moon Day. On July 20 the sun won't rise, and the full moon will be in the sky. A fun promotional day for some, stressful as hell for others.

Jul. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

I have obtained indisputable proof that Carol Danvers actually can sit still. Please someone notate this day in Vallo history.

cut for photo )

Also just a huge thank you to my lovely girlfriend for whisking me and my best friend off on an impromptu vacation, for no other reason than I've been a bit down lately. Love you, Danvers.

Jul. 3rd, 2022



group text: ironmarvelstrange

» Alright boys, I've got a mission I need your help with.
» Seeing as you're both married people now.
» 👀👀

Jul. 2nd, 2022



[No Subject]

Stephen & Colt
WHAT: Stephen needs to talk to a neutral party about things - Colt is that neutral party, and they do some friendship bonding over Eldritch garlic knots~
WHERE: Sofia's
WHEN: After this
WARNINGS: Some depressing talk of death and murder and mayhem, all that fun stuff
STATUS: Complete

If there was one thing to observe from the mess Stephen was in, it was that all the happiness in the world couldn’t shield you from what was tapping at that existential window, wanting in to sink its teeth into the flesh of your throat.

rarrawr )



[No Subject]

Hello. I don't post here a lot.

In case anyone is wondering about the insane amount of erotica I was writing when Vallo gave us weird and useless abilities - they have been published and are available for purchase. I hate every single thing I wrote but at least making some kind of profit lessens the shame. Is this what rock bottom looks like Thank you, Sophie, for doing that with me.

I don't celebrate July 4th in the traditional American sense but it's still a friend's birthday. There will be Captain America tea blends for a limited time at Looking Glass Tea and they taste amazing iced, too.

Lastly, for anyone who may frequent the Sanctum regularly I have some... demonic guards have have arrived from back home. They're slightly aimless and very clumsy, try to ignore them. I know their size and the way their face looks makes it difficult but just... try.

Jun. 29th, 2022



[No Subject]

I'm sorry. There's really no other words than I'm sorry. Back home, Bucky is doing good tossing around his trademark sass as much as he can... but it's not the same as having him here and it just can't compare.

Past that, what I can offer is food and an ear over at the Wilson house, or wherever you wish. If you want solitude, there's a quiet river near here, a Rottweiler that loves cuddles, and spare rooms for when you don't want to drink and portal.

Jun. 27th, 2022



[No Subject]

I thought I was super clever with Adaine's 'more gray than Gandalf and twice as magic' shirt, but then I had to explain it to her and poor Adaine suffered through ~38 minutes of a lecture, dating back to when he was called Olórin, the wisest of the Maiar (with the exception of Melian, although there's debate about that, I have Thoughts).

Which, I mean, was very obviously a hardship for me and I did not enjoy it at all.

So anyway, I offered to intro Adaine to all things Tolkien, so, viewing at our apartment (shut up Tommy, there will be snacks) tonight, we'll start with Fellowship of the Rings and move on from there, I will NOT make people watch the extended editions.

Unless there's a great demand, in which case, absolutely the extended editions.

The heart could be persuaded to also do an intro to Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galatica, Game of Thrones, or really, any other epic fantasy/sci fi movies/tv shows that you've always wanted to know about but have been too afraid to ask.

Also, our D&D group is always open for newbies. Info here. We have a great group of players, some who have played, some who were new, and everyone's learning together. Come join, it's good stuff. And dice are amazing, I've been using these and have only poked myself...five times so far.



[No Subject]

For anyone who is really feeling it after this weekend: we have hangover cures at the clinic! For free, of course, just stop on by.

Filter: Clinic employees
For anyone who is willing to help, I got the dates for the sex ed classes at the clinics for July 15 to 17, Friday through Sunday. School's out but it makes for good timing for anyone who is working over the summer

Jun. 26th, 2022



[No Subject]

Hi Stephen. I hope you don't mind - Belle and I are in need of your magical services at the B&B if you have the time.

Jun. 25th, 2022



[No Subject]

hello vallo it is me vax'ildan vessar and i lost my sorcerer so if anyone has seen a very handsome tall man with impeccable facial hair could you please tell him that his undead roguish paladinish druidish boyfriend is looking for him.

also i have maybe been drinking a little lot again.

also while i have you here you're all really great and i love you all and am glad we were able to meet those of you i don't know back home even if this place is fucking weird as hell sometimes. but i'm glad to have met you anyway.

that's it

anyway happy pride 🌈

Jun. 20th, 2022



[No Subject]

Today's been interesting at the clinic. As a doctor, I'll advise to not hold in your sneezes because you could potentially pop your eardrums. In that same vein, I'd like to know the most interesting snot creation that has happened thus far. You all never disappoint me.

And I thought I might try my luck here for something new that doesn't have to do with Disaster. I'd actually like to get started on Spanish language lessons. Is anyone fluent in the language who wouldn't mind teaching me? I'm not her-- Is it stupid-- I miss her--

I can offer some useful magic tidbits or new spells in return, unless you're Carol Danvers. Or whatever else - cold hard cash if preferred. I'm sure we can come up with something.

private message to colt )

Jun. 18th, 2022



[No Subject]

Stephen & Prue
WHAT: Magic training and some chatter about things
WHERE: The Sanctum
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Some vague spoilery talk of Multiverse of Madness
STATUS: Complete

“I mean, eye-rolling situations aside, it's not so bad here. I’ll just try to remember that next time killer tomatoes start rolling down the street.”
Read more... )

Jun. 14th, 2022



[No Subject]

Text Message to Eliot Waugh
>>Hey kiddo no big deal but what do you think about meeting up again?
>>Maybe bring the bf along, if he doesn't mind sassy blondes?
>>Or any other friends?
>>Oh frack, I just saw your post
>>Do you need company? I'll reply there

Text Message to Steven Strange
>>What's your take on the connection between dreams and other strands of existence?

Jun. 11th, 2022



[No Subject]

Stephen & Carol (+ Goose)
WHAT: Having returned from the forest cottage, Stephen fills Carol in about what happened at home - some of it's hard to talk about though (and he drinks a lot because reasons)
WHERE: Morningside
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Multiverse of Madness spoilers + a depresso sorcerer
STATUS: Complete

There was more too, but he struggled to figure out how to put it into words - he looked at Carol, and he just couldn’t do it. Couldn’t bring up Maria.

rarrawr )

Jun. 7th, 2022



[No Subject]

What happened?

Are you all free later today? Before the Outlander Coven meeting, around 5?

Do you have to be anywhere early tomorrow morning, or do you have plans tonight?