I thought I was super clever with Adaine's 'more gray than Gandalf and twice as magic' shirt, but then I had to explain it to her and poor Adaine suffered through ~38 minutes of a lecture, dating back to when he was called Olórin, the wisest of the Maiar (with the exception of Melian, although there's debate about that,
I have Thoughts).
Which, I mean, was very obviously a hardship for me and I did not enjoy it at all.
So anyway, I offered to intro Adaine to all things Tolkien, so, viewing at our apartment (shut up Tommy, there will be snacks) tonight, we'll start with Fellowship of the Rings and move on from there, I will NOT make people watch the extended editions.
Unless there's a great demand, in which case, absolutely the extended editions.
The heart could be persuaded to also do an intro to Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galatica, Game of Thrones, or really, any other epic fantasy/sci fi movies/tv shows that you've always wanted to know about but have been too afraid to ask.
Also, our D&D group is always open for newbies.
Info here. We have a great group of players, some who have played, some who were new, and everyone's learning together. Come join, it's good stuff. And dice are amazing, I've been using
these and have only poked myself...five times so far.