Nov. 9th, 2023 at 10:45 AM
Over a year into Vallo life, it feels like bartending isn't really hitting that fulfillment threshold. Back home, Kenzi and I did PI work, nothing officially official, but I'm thinking of picking that back up here. It'll have to be a little more on the up and up (licensing and all that), but while I'm digging into the requirements, I thought I'd ask:
Any Outlanders out there who'd be interested? General idea is 18+ to work as an investigator, but trainees can help out with office work starting around 16, if there's any aspiring investigators out there.
Any Outlanders out there who'd be interested? General idea is 18+ to work as an investigator, but trainees can help out with office work starting around 16, if there's any aspiring investigators out there.