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Aug. 22nd, 2023



netpost - kaitlyn ka - august 22nd

Greetings from one human being who has been staying indoors this entire time that she might just be going stir-crazy but is not actually about to leave because I'm sure shit is going down right now, and therefore is updating with something totally mundane and acting like it was an adventure.

The last time I went the coffee shop before it started raining, someone had ordered a vanilla soy latte, and sat nearby and I was like "oh they're kind of cute" and I ruined it by telling them that it's like they're having a three bean soup. I got this look and they left.

It's not weird. Technically, I'm right, right?

I hope wherever that good-looking human (or fae for all I know, I don't know) is safe and dry during this shitstorm.

Aug. 2nd, 2023



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Kaitlyn]
I'm going to need you to be very sticky. Like super sticky. Just stick to Vallo like glue, okay?

[Filtered to Chocobro House]
Thanks for putting up with me being clingy today. You guys are the best.

I wanted to ask something - if she shares my room, could Kaitlyn come live with us? It's okay if the answer is no, I haven't said anything to her yet. She might not even want to. But I'd like having her where I can see her more.

Jul. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

I hope that the wonders of what people can accomplish in this place will never cease to amaze me. A week ago, I woke up with nearly six years of new memories - and a collar around my neck that suppressed all of my magic.

We had uh- a potentially catastrophic event happen at home, though I am not sure of how it will go from here and Vallo did not see fit to give me memories that far ahead. Perhaps I am dead, I- But the important part is that friends here were able to help me out of my annoying predicament and I am feeling more myself now. I am very thankful and hopefully my gifts found their way to you via Frumpkin.

I am a little more settled in age now. Ronan has already commented on my little slivers of gray hair but Essek assures me they look "distinguished". I have a few more tricks to teach my students, so this is a good reminder that if you would like magic tutoring beyond a university or school, I offer that to anyone who would like to learn. My brand of magic does not require you to have previous magical abilities, you may start from nothing.

And finally, if you are in the market for a job and happen to like books, I am once again hiring at Chastity's Nook. We specialize in smut and rare books and do not judge, so you must keep an open mind. Please come save Matthew, though he is getting very good at faking his enjoyment of pirate shafts.



[No Subject]

I'm stuck babysitting eight children because someone who looks like me, but is not me, said they would. Any advice on how not not stab eight children for being annoying? Or, even better - does someone wants to come watch eight annoying children for me so I can go stab this impersonator?

Jul. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

Attention people who expressed interest in a roller derby league:

This is officially happening! I'm still working on ironing out the specifics right now, but things are coming soon. I'll be popping up again in a few weeks with info about skating lessons for anyone who needs them.

Please no one start the end of the world, or try to take over Vallo in the meantime. Thanks.

Jun. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

I guess I'm sorry about the desk.

Jun. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

Please tell me that is going to be the worst creepy shit I’ll be experiencing in this place. I didn’t even get to finish my soup.

Jun. 7th, 2023



[No Subject]

So I just saw a guy walking down the street with a fully functional metal arm. Is that like, something anyone can get, or do you have to be some sort of super badass? Because I've been rocking this hook hand for a couple of weeks now and like, it's nice, I'm all about the pirate aesthetic, but there's something to be said about being able to tie my own shoelaces.

[Filtered away from the Hacketteers]

So hey, did anyone else show up here with a bunch of people from the same universe as you, where you guys remember more or less the exact same things except with a couple of little differences?

And by a couple of little differences, I mean some pretty major differences.

Jun. 6th, 2023



[No Subject]

Random thoughts on a Tuesday night. Leave a comment here if you'd have any interest in bringing Roller Derby to Vallo. Either playing or spectating. The idea got stuck in my head earlier, and want to see what the public opinion is before I spend any more time thinking about it.

May. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

Okay, I guess now that I've gotten settled and realized that I'm not actually hallucinating in a coma somewhere or something, and half of you I met in my first day are no longer little babies, I'm redoing this.

I'm Kaitlyn Ka, new to Vallo. Great place, really, even if it's kind of weird surreal. I mean I never thought I'd be in a place where plants can talk to me. I'm a friend of Abi and Nick's, know them from the camp we were counselors at, along with Dylan. Anyone have ideas on how I can pass the time here?

May. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]

Let it be known that no matter how many times you say I'm not hallucinating from the lack of sleep and potential PTSD from a full night of running from monsters in the woods... it's not at all convincing and my brain says it's still a potential.

Regardless, on the chance that, you know, this isn't? I could really use a shower and new clothes. Please direct me to the nearest department store. Or charity shop, I'm honestly not picky right now.

Nov. 29th, 2019




tw: discussion of pregnancy in comments

Things I didn't miss:
Nearly burning down the house trying to make a Thanksgiving dinner.

Things I am missing:
Black Friday. I need new boots and do not want to pay full retail thank you very much.

((pls to ignore the tag dump on this))
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