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Posts Tagged: '%7Eplot:+ancient+vallo'

May. 5th, 2021



Private Journal Entry to Sydney Clarke

Private journal entry to Sydney Clarke )



[No Subject]

WHO: Molly & Isabela
WHAT: Finding each other and Bela does the mama bear thing a little, nbd
WHERE: The forest, on a trek toward a waypoint
WHEN: The second day of the Ancient Vallo plot, I think!
WARNINGS: Nooooope
STATUS: Complete

She’d punched big and done her best. )




It's another big damn rally post from your local Bennett witch. S

We've been here for a few days now, and I know people have been finding ways to get by while we're stuck here. But for the sake of keeping people on the same page and getting ourselves on a path to get back, collaboration could be useful.

Here's what I (and a few others I've spoken to) know so far. Please feel free to add to this list.

- Assumption: It's Vallo, so it's probably magic behind this somehow.
- The Wisdom Hand Coven is not a coven that is wildly known back in the time we are used to, but they are working on the Waypoint system in this time. There are rumors that they have someone very powerful with them who is helping with the Waypoints. These are rumors. Maybe it's multiple someone's, maybe it's all talk. No one is confirming anything.
- The Selene Coven is shady. If anyone has any luck talking with them, or getting information about them, please share with the class.
- There is talk that people are seeing things, missing periods of time in their life, and experiencing intense déjà vu or actually experiencing the same thing twice.

It's not much, but that's what I have at the moment.



Journal entry


cut for length )



[No Subject]


Hi there! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Tina. I'm contacting you all because you're all badasses and I also think you won't gossip. Hopefully.

I need to organize an immediate jail break for Ezekiel Jones. If you don't know him, he's an Outlander and he was just taken by the authorities. Please don't ask too many questions. I would also appreciate it if you did not mention this to Bucky Barnes, and anyone associated with him that's bound to rat me out, because I will never see the light of day again if he finds out.

Basically I need help to do crime. If you have a price, tell me so I can see what I can do.



[No Subject]

Checking in - you good? Do you need anything? Let's just say I have some stuff to spare if you do.

Don't be mad but we took over that gang and now we all have thrones.



[No Subject]

"I’m thinking breakfast tacos at that truck stop on Robinson?"
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Network Post

I doubt that I am the first with the ability to see the future to say this, and also doubt that I will be the last, but it is frustrating to have that sort of skillset and to not be able to foresee something like all of this with enough clarity to provide any sort of concrete warning. Likewise, being able to divine a solution would also be helpful, if it actually worked that way -- frustrating, all around.

I wish there was more that I could do to help, is all. And I'm sorry to those of you that are separated from friends and family. That can't be easy, in the least.

But I have noticed how all of this has really swung the gossip focus at school. I don't know all of the details of last week's events, but it is quite something to be in a school that seems to discourage student participation in an unsanctioned fight club, magical or otherwise. In all honesty, I would be shocked if back home doing such wasn't expected curriculum for some focuses. Then again, I'm fully aware that much of what happened at our school couldn't be filed under peak responsibility.



[No Subject]

I ran into Sabrina earlier today and have seen the rest of you over the last few days. I know we're all in the process of gathering information about what might have gone on to bring us to the past, but it might be a good idea to try and get everyone centralized and pool our resources and knowledge?

I also nominate Bonnie to be the face of that, since everyone knows her and she knows how to be more diplomatic and get people working together. Also, I don't like people.

Hope the twins are doing well, Bonnie!



[No Subject]

WHO: Bonnie Bennett, Sirius Black, & the Bennett-Black Twins
WHERE: Ancient Vallo: A Civitas Inn
WHEN: May 1st, 2021 (Backdated)
WHAT: Bonnie and Sirius settle into their situation and make plans.

'Wasn’t really expecting a trip to the past for Beltane.' )



[No Subject]

network post
Anyone else feeling kind of antsy and want to hit up the training grounds?

journal entry to noctis and ignis
Still hanging in there? I may be spoiling the cat.

journal entry to skyhold residents, nyx and bucky
Still all good down on your ends. Everyone's fed and in one piece, if there's anything else I should be doing at this point let me know?



Public Journal Entry

For the record, I'm not worrying about anyone who's off having adventures - from what I know, everyone here has adventures all the time back home. I'm certain you're all doing some daring and exciting things that will be talked about for years, likely causing International incidents, and as I'm equally certain that some of you will have some injuries to treat when you're back here in Vallo, I've taken it upon myself to do an inventory on our Clinic supplies.

Not because I'm worried. But because that's the responsible thing to do, when things appear to be quiet.

[ Network Filter to Wen Ning ]

Let's have dinner together, brother.



Journal Entry

Happy birthday, Bits. I know it's not what either of us expected for today, I was going to wake you up with something enjoyable for the birthday boy and then make some funfetti pancakes, so hold me to that when you get home?

Pensez-y, ce sera une histoire amusante à raconter à nos enfants un jour.

I love you, and I miss you, and I'll be here waiting when you get home. With funfetti cupcakes, pretty much all the hugs you're willing to put up with, and-- haha, whatever cupcakes are left of your face. We've made a pretty good dent in them, I had dibs on your lips.

How goes civil rights of the ancient times, Shitticus? Have you seen T



[No Subject]

Wednesday Morning
Julia & Kady
" Like she was going to leave Julia to do this on her own. Upped power or not, it never hurt to have someone watching your back and Julia tended to do stupid things when she was on her own."
The Woods & Civitas | Side Questing through Ancient Vallo
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journal post - public

Hello everyone! Hank McCoy here, and I come with updates about Wormhole Theory and the efforts of myself and Lena Luthor to create passage through time and space, using the concepts of the general Theory of Relativity. Did you know that wormholes contain two mouths, with a throat connecting those two mouths which are likely spheroidal in nature? It's true! We've made excellent progress hypothesizing about what exotic matter a wormhole would also contain and calculating the volume, as the presence of exotic matter seems to be the key to sending travelers through wormholes and...

Well, all the lights went out and there was a brief snafu with an electrical fire but not to be concerned - we have plenty of baking soda at our disposal!

We are also exhausted and haven't slept in forty-eight hours. Coffee has become water to our fatigued livers and cytochrome P450 oxidase enzyme systems. So I suppose we really don't have any updates at all, but - we will persist! For science.



[No Subject]

Sabrina & Regina
"Do we think this is a Vallo thing, a Beltane thing, or someone creating this situation for us?"
A town in the forest | Some theorizing and chatting
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May. 4th, 2021



Journal Filter to Sara Lance

Journal Entry Filtered to Sara Lance )



Journal Entry

Before anyone else Hello. I know we are all a bit spread out throughout both time and space, but I wanted to just check in. I took for granted being able to see any of you at a whim, apparently. There was a bit of an incident earlier on today with myself and Verin, however everything is -- ah more or less is fine turned out okay in the end, so don't worry. It has also rained a great deal today, which I suppose is the least of any concerns but I have spent too much time here waterlogged.

Are you all fine? Has anything else happened there? I have some theories about all of this, some of which revolve around ley-lines, but they're not anything I can properly measure without my equipment at home.



Journal Entry

Nothing like an attempted assassination to liven up a boring day. I'm glad we were able to track down the conspirators.



journal entry - public

[a handwritten "note" of gibberishy scrawl that ends in ink just being dragged across the page]