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Posts Tagged: 'dc:+lena+luthor'

Jun. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

Network Post cw: pregnancy stuff! )

May. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

» Guess what I just found?

May. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

If anyone needs activities for children today, the Great Library will be holding Epic Story Time at 2 p.m. in the main stacks. Our tale of choice this afternoon is the Old English story of Beowulf, as told by Miss Heliotrope Undersea. It does have some scary moments, so today's story time is not recommended for children who don't want to hear about monsters being beaten to death.

[Filtered to Edwin and Nikolai]
Are you two doing well enough with your unexpected child? I don't know the first thing about children, but I can send dinner over this evening.

May. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

open the cooler

May. 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

Guess what! Since we have so many more kids than usual, Art of Expression is launching a special session of ART CAMP!!!

Instead of our usual signups, this time we're just doing show-ups! Starting this morning, kids from 5 to 12 will be with me in The Big Classroom at Cloud Recesses, and we'll have a super great time playing with all kinds of media, including paints and pastels and clay! There's room for all ability and experience levels, so if you want to make art, just come on up the mountain!

If you're bringing a kid, make sure they wear something they can get messy, and pack a lunch. If they need any special accommodations, just let me know and I will make it happen.

And if there are any kids who see this and want to come but don't have an adult yet, just pipe up! We'll find someone to show you the way here and make sure you've got a good lunch.

[Filtered to 15 and up]
Annnnnnnnnd any of our suddenly-teenagers need stuff to do (or our regular teenagers, for that matter), I wouldn't mind an extra hand child-wrangling, so like...hmu if you need extra activities. I already had like a half dozen regular Vallo moms and dads responding that they'd be coming when I sent the message out to our standard mailing list.

May. 1st, 2023



Log: Supercorp

Kara & Lena
WHAT: Kara and Lena discuss their future together after a gift from their future kids
WHERE: L-Corp, Lena's office
WHEN: Backdated to a few days after the end of the future plot
STATUS: Complete

“Being a parent in general, with you? I want that, someday. Whenever that day is, for you. I know we… aren’t in the place you might imagine us being for something like that.”
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Apr. 3rd, 2023



Future Log: Supercorp

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Future Log: Lena & Adora

Lena & Adora
WHAT: Learning how to fix Catra's arm and a heart-to-heart
WHERE: Darla
WHEN: 2030
WARNINGS: Talk of violence and limb loss
STATUS: Complete

“Don’t you dare use duct tape on any part of this - you know better.”
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Mar. 28th, 2023



JOURNAL POST 2033 ⇆ 2023

Hello from 2033.
I know there are some anxious people on your end wondering what's been going on - everyone who decided to travel forward with Caleb and Essek have arrived safely and are now situated with us.

As you can see we are able to communicate across the timelines at the moment using the journals some of us managed to keep over the years. If you'd like to check in with your friends and family who travelled feel free to use this entry to do so.

While the journals will be usable for the next while here we are asking for everyone to refrain from spamming too much. All magic usage is a risk, this included. We are also asking that no one mentions any specifics to the plan, the journals on our end will not leave our safe zone, but should we be ambushed here we do not want any details falling into the wrong hands. As well please keep in mind our journal stock is limited and we are all sharing only a handful, your conversations may be viewed by others.

If someone can give me a quick "hey I see this" that would be great. We are fairly confident this should work but let us know for sure.

(( note: timeline wise today this will be written once everyone is back at the outpost and has had enough time to get sorted, so late afternoon/early eveningish ))

Mar. 27th, 2023



[No Subject]


As of tomorrow at noon, Shiro will be taking full command of the defense department for at least the duration of this new threat. My name is on the list for time travel. If anyone steals my magic coffee cup or scotch while I'm gone, I'll find you. Take care of each other.

Several other defense team members are included. Gladio, Kratos, Orym, Kellach, Iris, Sam, Tally, and Vex as well, should they chose to go. So you can plan accordingly.

Mar. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

[ Filtered to Brigitte & El Higgins ]

Thank you for the workspace; it met my requirements precisely. I will be using it during the work week, and, I have recently hired El Higgins as my assistant. You've already met Blitzcrank, but I am certain he will often be underfoot. I will ask him to take caution not to trip anybody; he's generally good about that but ah, sometimes he gets excited.

Thank you once more for the fresh start.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Lena ]

If I were to approach you regarding using your offered workspace for projects of a more ah, delicate and discreet nature, what would you say?

[ /Filter ]

Mar. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

Guessing I can cash in a gold coin at a bank or something??

I went on a walk because """exercise""" and this little shit of a dude came up to me like it wanted to start a fight. But he took a look at me, thought about it real hard, then gave me a gold coin and walked away like it was ashamed. Melog thought about eating them.

Adora, I got date money.

Feb. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

What are some of the worst team building/bonding exercises you've ever had to deal with? Members of the defense team need not respond.

Feb. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

Due to present circumstances, I'll be moving to a different apartment at Morningside this weekend. The old one is far too much space for one person. It will be a shame to leave the laboratory behind, but staying would be wasteful. And I do not want to remember

I am considering the necessity of a lab assistant once I have settled somewhere new. Someone studying biology or chemistry or medicine, with an interest in the arcane and in improving lives. Someone organized; one of us should be. Someone in university? Perhaps high school if you are of whatever the legal age is for such things. I don't know what the laws are here. Child labor is fine where I'm from so I haven't looked into it?

Full disclosure I killed my last assistant. I do not intend to do that again, but it seemed relevant.

[ Filtered to the Science Community ]

Does anyone have unused laboratory space I might use for my projects? Brigitte, I had heard you might, but I did not want to impose.

[ /Filter ]

Feb. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello friends! Sorry for the short notice, but I've lovingly insisted on throwing an engagement party for our favorite couple to celebrate them and their love. 🥰

So please join us at 7 PM on February 21st at Cloud Recesses to celebrate William Laurence and Lan Xichen and their upcoming marriage! Yes, we're crashing the Longtaitou Festival.

Fancy dress! Bring a big appetite! And Temeraire??? Could use your help if you have time!

Feb. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

Lena & Kara
WHAT: Valentine's not-a-date spent discussing their relationship
WHERE: L-Corp Penthouse
WHEN: Tonight
STATUS: Complete
ART CREDIT: Found here (original artist unknown)

“I know it wouldn’t be fair to promise to be here tomorrow, but I can promise I have every intention of being here tomorrow and for as long as it takes. Wherever you are, that’s where I want to be.”
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Feb. 4th, 2023



[No Subject]

Thank you, Vallo, for four months of exile.

Anyone want to give me the Spark Notes version of what I've missed since the end of September?

Feb. 3rd, 2023



[No Subject]

Kara & Lena
WHAT: Lena pops back into Vallo to be greeted by Kara
WHEN: Today
STATUS: Complete

“I know this, right now, is all kinds of complicated, but I missed you, and I’m happy you’re here. I hope that’s okay?”
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Sep. 16th, 2022



[No Subject]

Lena & Alex
WHAT: Lena joins Alex out on a patrol shift and things go down hill
WHERE: Vallo City
WHEN: Backdated to September 14th
WARNINGS: Some violence and injuries
STATUS: Complete

"We can’t do anything until it shows itself."
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Sep. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

I'm going to be able to continue my education in the New Year, I wasn't able to get things in order for the start of this term.

In the meantime, is there anyone looking for

- A botanist
- A Biotechnologists in training
- Someone who likes to combine magic and science for the good of humanity and because it's fun
- Someone hiring period
- I need a job