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Aug. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

I keep trying not to be, but I'm worried. It's so dumb, right? I'm a soldier for the Kryn Dynasty, I'm trained to face uncertainty every day if necessary. And yet here I am really disconcerted by the doom and gloom going around?

But I figured you'd rather me tell you than not. I probably wasn't doing a great job keeping it to myself, anyway.

Aug. 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

You know, I somehow forgot that I've officially been here for a full year as of a few days ago. I was just gearing up to go watch my brother compete in the Magic Olympics and thinking about how different things are now than they were even a year ago and realized, huh, a year ago is when I landed here in the first place. It doesn't feel like a whole year, but also...feels like more? It's hard to put into words.

So here's to a year of making a new life, my brother probably wiping the floor with everyone else (I'm totally unbiased) today, and I guess being another year older. Happy Belated 116th to me?

Anyway GO ESSEK (and the entire team, obviously), WOOOO and all that!

Jul. 30th, 2021



[No Subject]

Is there anyone here that can talk with plants? A druid or another world's equivalent, perhaps?

I am entirely magic free, so I apologize in advance if asking that sort of thing is taboo or rude. A bit of home arrived here and a friend used to talk to it now and again and I just wanted to make sure it is comfortable.

Jul. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hello, darlings. I was wondering if we might pick your brains for a moment. Our sweet sister has started showing signs of magic use and we're trying to discern just how much of it is just innate ability as an elf, and how much is actual magic usage. If it's actual magic ability, we're also trying to figure out what kind of magic it is. So far, we know for sure that she can do prestidigitation, thanks to the keen observation of our dear Shaun Gilmore. She can snuff out candles and relight them from a distance. That could very well have just been picked up from watching Caleb or Essek in action, but we're trying to figure out what to do for her from here.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Unrelated to my family goings on, how are you? Settling in? My recent odd jobs have admittedly been a bit less exciting than our last adventure, but I'm hardly complaining. I appreciate the quiet when I can.

Jun. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

I've woken up with new memories before, but at least those didn't contain a lot of fleshy horrors and nightmare material. I shouldn't have eaten so much pasta last night. Still, I feel oddly more relaxed than I have in a long time. Closure is a wonderful thing. You ever have those days where you wake up and find out that things you've been anxious about are suddenly resolved and behind you? It's a rather thrilling experience. Flesh horrors aside.

Ah, did anyone else wake up with a .. download, I suppose the word is now?

Jun. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

Apparently this wish phenomenon has officially hit the Xhorhaus (or at least just me), because I off-handedly expressed that I would like it if Mochi were a bit more fur and bone and, well: Cut for image! )

I am certainly not complaining by any stretch of the imagination as he is very soft and cuddly, but apparently I'm going to need to do an emergency run to the nearest pet store to get some supplies. Luckily the cats and the rest of the menagerie had already made him learn how to behave, even when he was a bit incorporeal, so there shouldn't be too much change to the established hierarchy.

I know that I am not a terrible lot of help when it comes to recent events, but I did go to the library yesterday and came home with an armful, should you need a distraction and would like to peruse for something new.

Jun. 22nd, 2021



[No Subject]

If you had to choose one summer activity that you must do every year or would just recommend others do, what would it be? This could be something from home that you particularly enjoy or more universal.

I'm hoping to pack a lot into this summer break, but I could use all the suggestions.

I know that this is a big in advance, but time seems to just fly by if I let it. Highsummer is coming up on the 15th of July. The Dawnfather played every part in the eventual founding of Whitestone, so it tends to be a highly celebrated holiday for us. (I will spare you the history lesson, unless you really want it.) I am not deeply religious by any stretch of the imagination, but I rather enjoy the traditions and togetherness that come with the holiday -- it reminds me a bit of Thanksgiving and Christmas, from a while back. And so, I was wondering if you all would be at all interested in observing the holiday, in one way or another? I was thinking as simple as just having a feast of a dinner together, which I would happily supply. I thought it might be nice to try to recreate or find dishes that remind us all from home, to bring the different regions together onto one table.

In truth, I had a dual purpose in asking; you have all been very kind and welcoming in the time I have been here. (I know you have not known me as long, Beau and Yasha, but I hope that will change.) I do not have many friends back home due to the nature of things, so I suppose I just wanted to express my appreciation and do something for you all and a nice dinner seems like a good way to do that.

May. 12th, 2021



[No Subject]

Though I'll admit that I felt fairly well equipped to have a sudden jump into the past thanks to 22 years of experience of similar(ish) living back home, I am hopeful that if I am ever fated to return to Tal'Dorei that it will be without knowledge of modern conveniences. I might just be a bit insufferable if I were to be back in a Whitestone without pizza delivery and single cup coffee makers Netflix and electricity.

Then again, knowing my brother, we might just be a handful of years out from that already -- who knows, really.

That being said, I'm in the throes of trying to make up for lost exam studying time by spending too many waking moments buried in books. This is a much needed break and attempt at socialization before diving back in. If anyone else is out there studying and wants company, even if we're studying different topics, do let me know. Once exams are over, though, I think a night out is in order.



[No Subject]

Well, this is - different.

I was told typing messages on this device would post them to other Outlanders kind of like a big focus network -. Convenient. Are you able to send an image of yourself as well, or just text?

I'm Aloy.

May. 4th, 2021



Journal Entry

Before anyone else Hello. I know we are all a bit spread out throughout both time and space, but I wanted to just check in. I took for granted being able to see any of you at a whim, apparently. There was a bit of an incident earlier on today with myself and Verin, however everything is -- ah more or less is fine turned out okay in the end, so don't worry. It has also rained a great deal today, which I suppose is the least of any concerns but I have spent too much time here waterlogged.

Are you all fine? Has anything else happened there? I have some theories about all of this, some of which revolve around ley-lines, but they're not anything I can properly measure without my equipment at home.

Apr. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

Going to hazard a guess that it's not common to wake up with a title deed to a theme park in your hand, with your name on it. And doubly so that you've never heard of it, but suddenly it's in the phone directory and you call and they say they're open like they didn't just suddenly show up.

Is this one of those April Fools things I'm going to head over there and take stock of things. Anyone want to go with? No promises it'll be fun or interesting, I don't know anything about "Critical Role Land."

Apr. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

It occurs to me that with finals on the horizon and summer break just around that corner, that I'm going to need to find something to do with my time. I have never held a job before, in the sense of having a set schedule of hours and receiving a salary for my time and work, so perhaps that is something that I ought to consider changing? I don't entirely know where to start, though.

Out of curiosity, and if you are reading and inclined to answer, what was your first job? Perhaps it will give me a jumping off point.

I have a confession to make, now that the kids have dispersed. I've thought about it and as unequipped as I felt that I could be to observe a slumber party as an adult, even from the outskirts, it made me very much wish that I would have been able to have them as a child.

Mar. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

Nothing and everything had changed and he decided that, for the moment, the soup could likely wait.
Read more... )

Mar. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

Question for all of you lovely Outlanders! What is your favorite thing about Spring? Do you have any favorite plants or flowers that only bloom in the Spring? Springtime traditions that just make you happy, or give you fond memories? Is it the colors? The clothes? The Springtime foods and drinks? I'm looking for any and all answers! Hit me! 😊

Mar. 10th, 2021



[No Subject]

For the love of every god, I sw Ver Well, that would happen, wouldn't it?

Though, I must ask: is cupcake delivery a true possibility? I could use one or six.

Mar. 8th, 2021



[No Subject]

Waking up with a mash of new memories crammed into ones head isn't something I'd recommend. Have any of you dealt with that yet?

I don't think I'll be into the shop today I should go to the cli. Sor Sorry. I have a few injuries I need to look into, along with a headache even the Mother above can't cure. And a house to say hello to.

[OOC: I'm being pretty liberal with this! Her fam, Vax, Jiang Cheng, Thurvishar, Cassandra, Solaire and p much anyone else she's talked to more than once or had wine with?]

Feb. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

You know, I'm not very discouraged about my recent dipping of toes in being something like an adventurer. I'm likewise not entirely sure I'm cut out for a full-time engagement, but freelancing? Internship? I could do that.

Just for warning as you will undoubtedly notice when I see you, I got a bit injured, but not as bad as last time. I'm patched up and am just going to take it easy.

Feb. 23rd, 2021



[No Subject]

Tuesday jams.

Anyone going to college or university here? Not the magic ones but just like - normal ones? Thinking of taking some classes.

filtered to ezekiel.
Hey. We're still cool right?

filtered to yuri.
I had an appointment with a doctor last week. She thinks she can get me back to mostly normal by mid March.

Feb. 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

Things I am going to regret later: eating a large plate of breakfast nachos, strawberry nutella crepes, and a side of bacon for brunch. Is it absolutely worth it? Yes.

I thought about taking this opportunity to tease you mercilessly, but I've decided I really just wanted to tell you that I love you. I'm glad you're with me, you know.

Feb. 11th, 2021



[No Subject]

Once the imminent threat of murderous fowl has passed and you have time, I'd like to talk to you about officially joining one of your defense teams. Wherever you need me. It's more or less what I did back home, so I have the experience, it just took me longer than it should have to decide that using that experience here was more important than trying something different.

[...] Which rooms are unoccupied?