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Feb. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

How are you?
I know it has only been a few days and I have every intention to give you any and all space that you want and require. You can ignore this entirely, if that is what you prefer, I will understand.

However, I wanted to let you know that I do remember things beyond what you do now, things that are specific to you. I did not give you the option before, for which I still apologize, but I want to give you that option now, if you want to know it. Because Let me know.



Log: Vax'ilmore

WHO Gilmore and Vax
WHERE Greyskull Keep
WHEN Mid-day of February 1
WHAT Vax attempts a chat with a goddess, Gilmore provides moral support, and they discuss her silence, how they're going to choose to interpret it, and the future.
WARNINGS Spoilers through the end of Critical Role's C1, heavy talk of death
"Darling, there are no shadows,
you don’t need to hide."
Read more... )

Jan. 30th, 2022



[No Subject]

Cut for spoilers for end of CR C1! )
Cut for more spoilers for end of CR C1! )
I understand if you want to be alone or need space, but I'm reminding you all the same that I love you.



Log: Cass, Vex, & Verin


WHO: Cassandra de Rolo and Vex'ahlia, then Cassandra and Verin Thelyss
WHAT: Vex comes to talk to Cassandra about her new memories and the latter talks to Verin about the aftermath.
WHEN: Morning of January 30
WARNINGS: Spoilers through the end of Critical Role's C1. Heavy talk of death, guilt, the sads.
STATUS: Complete
She remembered so much and none of it was good. No, some of it was good, and that was an entirely different hell she’d need to process later. Read more... )



Log: Vex & Vax


WHO: Vex'ahlia and Vax'ildan
WHAT: The twins get a canon bump.
WHEN: Very early morning of January 30
WARNINGS: Spoilers through the end of Critical Role's C1. Heavy talk of death, the sads.
STATUS: Complete
"Jenga." Read more... )

Jan. 26th, 2022



[No Subject]

[pretend this is being posted around 8PMish, making this a reality~]

Uhh Hey! So. Um There are a bunch of kids from school that seem to be stuck out in the forest and are surrounded by whatever those terrifying things are. They posted about it on TikTok and seem really freaked out, so I scryed on them and know where they are and am going to go and try to help, but I think that it probably wouldn't be the smartest to go alone? I know that a lot of my friends here have abilities to help with something like this so--want to come with?

It's really not terribly far from the village that Crossed Quills is in, if you want to meet there... very soon? ASAP? Etc?
It's Adaine. I'm sending just in case to make sure you see what I wrote on the network because I thought you'd want to know
Twenty-five words goes really fast. I thought you'd want to know if I was doing something dangerous. [...] This is still Adaine.

Jan. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

Vex and I are turning Not Quite Old (But Old Enough For Vax To Be Dramatic About It) on the 2nd of February. If you're interested in helping us celebrate a bit, come on by the Crossed Quills in the evening for some food and drink and probably cake. It's going to be fairly lowkey, given it's a weekday and how work filled mornings come quicker than they ought to. I know, it's very responsible. I surprise even myself.

Then again, claiming it's going to be lowkey now just seems like tempting fate, so. Who knows.

So anyway, this is a bit in advance, but given how Vallo and schedules can be, I figured I'd bring it up now for penciling into the future.

Jan. 17th, 2022



[No Subject]

I have a question for you, if you have a moment. It is not a bad question, in case that was unintentionally ominous.
Hello, Jester. When I was feeling more forthcoming than usual last week, you had mentioned that you had some questions before I stowed away my phone and went into hiding. Now that I'm more myself, I wanted to see what they were, in case I had answers for you.

Jan. 13th, 2022



[No Subject]

Apparently whatever has been in the air is still in the air, as I just spent the latter half of my first class this morning answering questions about my childhood, in far greater detail than I would have ever indulged on a regular day.

I foresee several weeks of being called Professor Essie.

Jan. 12th, 2022



[No Subject]

There seems to be a lot of people who have adopted animals or had animals arrive or whatever the case may be and I find myself very much wanting to see them all. So, if you're willing to share, please share here so I can appreciate the good girls and boys of Vallo.

I'll start: Frog pic! )

So um I need an opinion--a few opinions, maybe.

Because the Head Girl spot is open again at school for the remainder of the year, they're doing a last minute by-election to fill the spot. I was considering putting myself in the running. Yes? No? What are you thinking, Adaine? Please discuss.
Hello, Mr. um Fjord! I don't know if this is something you would be comfortable with, but I understand you are familiar with swords, using them properly, all of that. Are you potentially available for lessons? I had been working with Eadwulf, but given Vallo has done what Vallo does, I was hoping someone else might be willing to step in.

Jan. 4th, 2022



[No Subject]

The calendar is telling me it's January 4th, but I am still sort of wrapping my head around having come from summer break to just going through the holidays without. It feels a bit like cheating and also a bummer, considering it means having skipped Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Al, we might have to have January Thanksgiving.

But it's somehow been about a month since I got here and I've stopped being surprised every time I wake up and I'm not in my bed back home, so I think we're getting somewhere. Even if that somewhere means I have to wait nearly a year before carving a pumpkin.

Jan. 2nd, 2022



[No Subject]

This will have been my second New Years celebrated in Vallo--a thought that errs on the side of mind-boggling, if I let myself linger on it for too long--and I am always struck by how my people back home would likely appreciate the holiday. There is New Dawn, but given that being a holy day for a god they don't worship, perhaps not. And perhaps not all would line up quite so much for the overindulging on champagne and more bawdy revelry, but I can't help but think that a culture largely built around a cycle of rebirth would find reason to enjoy a holiday focusing on welcoming the ushering of a new beginning, bettering oneself, and so on.

Then again, the powers that be would likely just have decreed standing out in the sun to be part of the merriment, so it may be best left to celebrate by others.

That heretical thought aside, here is to a good new year for all. My resolution, as I am understanding that it is tradition to make one, is to not be displaced into ancient times, be maimed by fowl, or wake up without my magic. If I resolve to not do these things, certainly it will override whatever it is that keeps this place spinning. My logic is sound, surely.

Jan. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]


WHO: Cassandra de Rolo and Verin Thelyss
WHAT: While taking a break from studying, they stargaze and talk about the future.
WHEN: Mid-December, back during finals week.
WARNINGS: Some vague talk about family loss akin to Cassandra's history, but mostly just fluff.
"A night off might be exactly what we both need." Read more... )

Dec. 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

I spent the day doing last minute holiday shopping as I am yet out of the habit of both celebrating these sorts of winter holidays and buying gifts for others for them. It was all fine and well, despite there being far too many people around, but I may or may not have been followed the entire time by a group of very enthusiastic carolers. Perhaps it was coincidence that their route followed my path so well, I do not know and I am trying not to think about it too hard.

Instead, I have to wonder. The song about the days and gifts of Christmas. What is one to do with so many birds? Are the gifts metaphorical? Are these things that one might actually have purchased for one's "true love" at some point in some world's history? This does not even bring into consideration the gifts beyond the birds. I have many questions that I suppose could be researched further on the internet, if I so wish.

Regardless, a happy whatever winter holiday it is you celebrate (Winter's Crest, for today) and my hope that you will not be saddled with a surprise six geese.

Dec. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

I think that I would very much like to drink tonight.

It has been a very long time since I've had the chance to do this or actually wanted to, but I have emerged from my Final Final of the Semester stupor and could use some celebration for getting through the past months and having a handful of weeks free of study, classes, and writing papers so should anyone be of a mood? Join me. I'll be going to Fight Club to spectate and would like to continue after all is said and done and foresee generosity on my part and many buying of rounds.

Dec. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

Dare I say it, but I am very much looking forward to this winter break away from school? I love school, I am a complete nerd, I wear that as a badge of honor--but I also spent too much time away from working on my own projects because of the television thing last week (I am sorry to all involved, but it was rather addicting) and a few weeks to just work on those sounds entirely too ideal.

That being said, I probably shouldn't spend the whole time wrapped up in my study. Probably.

What are some winter type activities or traditions that you just have to do every year?



[No Subject]

I have a great many cookies, should anyone have a sweet tooth that would like to take some!

How are you doing? I wish I hadn't missed so many days so close to your wedding, so I want to check in on how you are and see if there is anything last minute you would like my aid in.



Log: Jiang Cheng & Jiang Yanli

Jiang Cheng
Jiang Yanli
WHO Jiang Cheng & Jiang Yanli
WHERE Soups Soups Soups!
WHEN Early December
WHAT Yanli is going through it and her brother offers support.
WARNINGS Some death talk and general sads
"You have the soul of a caretaker, jiejie. It has always been the purpose that seems to fulfill you the most." Read more... )

Dec. 12th, 2021



[No Subject]

So all of this holiday wholesome binge-watching fun has me missing Winter's Crest. I know that the Christmas everyone else seems to celebrate is just around the corner and I know that it's less of a thing for you Wildemount people (Wildemountians? Wildemounties?), but I also know that I enjoy family meals and an added excuse for giving gifts that don't need to be reciprocated so I would like to propose this being a thing.

If others perhaps agree to this being a thing, I know the calendar here is all fucked, but it's usually the 20th of Duscar so next Monday? Big old dinner? In the tower--if that's okay with you, Caleb--so no one has to actually cook?

Dec. 9th, 2021



Serendipity Hills

Happy, happy Thursday, Serendipity Hills!

Just a quick reminder that if you're interested in participating in our annual cookie contest and haven't signed up, there is still time to do so! Stop down by the bakery and we'll get you sorted. There are so many different prizes up for grabs this year on top of the normal top prize, so I hope you consider taking part, whether you have years and years of experience or you're fresh off the cookie sheet!

And if none of that is for you, we also have cookie decorating kits available so you can take them home and just have fun without the contest! Fun for kids of all ages, including you adults that just want a little holiday whimsy in your life.

That is all from me! Enjoy your days! ❄️ ☃️ 🍪