
Layout By

October 24th, 2023



A Musical Number: Daud

(The door opens to reveal a neatly dressed man and woman, both well-pressed and buttoned up. They’ve been cornered by Idris, who is growling at them both as they take a careful step back together. Neither has noted the sensual beat that’s started up around them as Daud steps out. If they weren’t Vallo natives, they might recognize the opening to “Sweet Transvestite” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show)

Just a Guy Who Fishes )
(As the young couple makes a run for it, Daud sighs with relief. The music stops, and only then does he realize what he's just done. A look of abject horror comes over his face as he goes back in. His friends - something he has now, whether he likes it or not - are just going to love this one.)



Vallo Musical: Alex Stern

Who: Alex Stern, with a brief guest star from Darlington
What: Alex gets hit with the musical bug, and Whit is nostalgic for an early Lorde EP
Where: Main Street and the Library of Alexandria
Song Reference: Love Club by Lorde
Anything else? Fine with anyone seeing this!

But that's the joke, that's the punchline/You won't expect the floor caving in. )



Vallo Musical: Abi

(Abi stares intently at the canvas as a smooth R&B intro she’s much too young to remember starts up. Even if she recognized Toni Braxton’s “Unbreak My Heart,” she would be too focused on her work to notice it. The painting just isn’t working the way she wants it to, and she’s only got a week before she has to bring it to class. She doesn’t even notice when she begins to sing.)

Unbreak My Art )

(Shocked and exhausted by this emotional number, Abi falls to her knees and realizes that Vallo must once again be up to something. She’d probably better tell someone.)



[No Subject]

So this morning I was working on a project and suddenly burst into a dramatic torch song, complete with ballet choreography? The closest I get to singing and dancing is singing along with all the songs in The Labyrinth, so I'm pretty sure some magic happened.

Is this hitting anybody else, or is it just our house?



[No Subject]

If anyone needs any animal company while you're singing to truly live out your Disney dream, just ask! My specialty is smaller woodland creatures but I can go PRETTY big when needed. The owlbear might be a little fierce but that's okay! You do you!

Also, hi, I'm Oona Hopper, my family already knows I'm here and I've been around for a few days eating SO many waffles with El (that's not all that different in my time but she's younger and so cute you guys I have the BEST sister!!!!!) (And Pops, like, my constant moral issue is how did I luck out into getting him as a dad????) but I wanted to say hi anyway!



[No Subject]

That moment when you get unceremoniously dumped into the past and you text the love of your life to find out what's up and you get "FUNNY STORY..."

Anyways I need 2K.



Vallo Musical: Darlington

(SCENE: The Great Library, Special Collections Department. Daniel “Darlington” Arlington III is deep in thought at the desk following Alex’s musical number. He knows he needs to talk to Alex, of course–about everything. About his trip to Hell, about what she went through while he was gone, about his feelings for her, about the complications around those feelings…(maybe not about the guitar part starting to play faintly in the background, creating a soundtrack to his thoughts. Queen’s “Under Pressure” (which of COURSE he could tell from the opening of “Ice Ice Baby” is getting slightly louder as he continues to consider the great issue: he is not good at talking, not about the things that mattered most. He’s polite, a fine diplomat, good at finessing a situation, but he doesn’t discuss FEELINGS. It’s the Arlington family way. No line from a comedian ever spoke to Darlington like that John Mulaney bit about cramming all your feelings down inside until one day, you die. That was exactly how the Arlingtons did things.)

Doo doo dah dah )
(That last round took it out of him—Darlington has broken a sweat doing all that running around the stage, and he just knows someone is bound to come investigate. As the piano plays him out, Darlington slumps back into his chair and waits for the grand embarrassment to come.)



Vallo Musical: El and Mike

(It’s a beautiful autumn evening on the front porch of Hawkins House. They’ve been through a lot recently, and it’s hard to find the fun and the joy they’ve usually felt in this place. As Mike looks at El in the moonlight, though, he’s suddenly overwhelmed by just how much he adores the girl next to him, and utterly amazed that somehow she feels the same. As the feeling hits, that’s when the music starts.)

In classic 80s fashion...I've Had the Time of My Life )
(The dance is concluded not with a lift that would definitely get one of them killed but with Mike twirling El around and dipping her low over his arm. For just a second, they freeze, letting the image settle for the audience, and as the music cuts off, Mike breaks out laughing. This is the stupidest, best thing he's ever done.)



[No Subject]

As fun as all this musical and future kid chaos is - can't believe you guys made me a grandpa already - anyone free to watch Lucy for a few hours?

And then anyone strong enough to lift a wooden beam, I need your help.



Musical Plot: Group Help Tango

WHO: Astarion + NPC Vampires I Made Up
WHAT: Astarion attends group therapy. It gets real musical.
WHERE: IDK some side-room at the DOA repurposed for group therapy. Anyone can have witnessed this tomfoolery if they wish!
SONG CHOICE: A bastardized Cell Block Tango from Chicago.
NOTES: Canon-typical violence, references to past abuse

Pitch. Six. Scroll. Uh-uh. Cazador. Monster. )



Musical Plot - It's A Thriller Diller Tonight!

Who: Henry Townshend & Stella Bloom (NPC)
What: Henry’s working late, and ghosts interrupt his photo shoot!
Where: Back Door Media (the porn studio Henry works for)
When: Late tonight
Song: Michael Jackson’s Thriller
Warnings: Horror, ghosts, and ghouls, but it’s all PG13

[OOC NOTE: We’re going to say that Henry and Stella are both supernaturally sensitive. These aren’t necessarily the type of Ghosts Henry usually sees, but we’ll blame that on Stella!]

[Henry is working late at Back Door Media. Stella Bloon, one of the actresses, asked him to do a horror themed photo shoot using the studio’s set for their latest horror themed production. The studio owner granted his permission, so long as the pair do the photo shoot after hours and credit the studio.
As the two are getting some risqué shots on a set made up to look like the laboratory of a mad scientist, a strange feeling comes over them both. It feels as though someone or something is watching them from the shadows.]

It’s Close to Midnight )



[No Subject]

» Maury called, I'm not the mama.
» I'm weirdly bummed?
» The kids are all fun.
» You know what? You should agree to share a kid with me, maybe we can manifest one before the end of October to hang out with.
» 😂



Log: Shadowgast

caleb & essek widogast
WHERE. Xhorhaus, in their bedroom.
WHEN. Morning of October 19.
WHAT. Essek wakes up in the past, so he wakes up his husband to let him know.
WARNINGS. Schmoopy wizards.
Read more... )



netpost - kamala khan - october 25th

Dear everyone who is older than me or came from decades way before mine: I apologize for ever calling stuff from your lifetime "old timey" or "classic" or whatever, because.

I showed my future daughter my computer and she saw The Sims 4 and she called it retro. RETRO.