
Layout By

October 25th, 2023



[No Subject]

I was havin fun with this whole song and dance thing Vallos got us doing. Then I did a full on number at me favorite diner this mornin. Complete with dancing on the tables and swinging on a ceiling fan.

Today I learned that the ceiling fans at Duffys Diner can not support the weight of a full grown man. I am pretty sure I've fecked up my back.



Log: KitTy

Kit Herondale & Ty Blackthorn-Herondale
WHERE. Kit’s apartment at Morningside!
WHEN. Early this afternoon, Oct 25th
WARNINGS. Uh a little future angst but it’s mostly sweet.
STATUS. Complete!
Read more... )



filtered to family & friends (including future extensions!)

I'm really glad I went ahead and booked the big room at Level Up Lounge because, as I hoped predicted, October decided to be October and the family size has expanded! I'm so glad so many of you are here!

So, on that note, we're still on for Catra's birthday party this Friday starting at 6:00 PM. We're getting a buffet set up so there will be plenty of food for everyone! Anyone who volunteered to help decorate the room, come down around 4:00 so we've got plenty of prep time.

If anyone doesn't know, Catra's back to her normal age and we have our future twins here (Hope and Mara, who think the network is lame and for old people, by the way, their words). Kids of all ages more than welcome, just... don't make me break up any fights, I guess?? NO KNIVES, KEITH & CO.



Log: Dorym

Orym & Dorian
WHO Orym and Dorian Storm
WHERE Bells Hells Spooky House, their bedroom
WHEN Evening of October 24
WHAT As they're getting ready for bed, the boys reflect on having a son.
STATUS Complete
ART CREDIT Here (don't look at the tail)
WARNINGS Scandalous shirtlessness, but also just criminally lovey dovey 🥰
But just when enough time had passed that Dorian should have been asleep, and maybe Orym already was, he asked, "How many instruments do you think he plays?" Read more... )



Log: Jacob & Serefin


WHO: Serefin Meleski & Jacob Frye
WHAT: Celebrating their anniversary and getting hit by the singing bug
WHEN: October 25th
WARNINGS: Sappy thanks to the song
STATUS: Complete
Baby, this love, I'll never let it die Read more... )