
Layout By

February 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

WHO: Stephen & Wanda
WHAT: Strange finds a newly arrived Avenger
WHERE: Streets of Vallo City, then the Sanctum
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: None really
STATUS: Complete

Anyway, have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons? )



[No Subject]

This is - I don't understand social media

I do not know what to really post here besides hello, my name is Wanda, I'm new. I hear I am to find familiar faces on this?



[No Subject]

I've lived in a big city in a big state for almost fifteen years now, but National City's nothing compared to Vallo. I thought I had the lay of the land, but really, I've seen barely a slice of this place.

Also - who around here can point a girl in the direction of a good bike? I feel empty without my baby here.

Private to Sara Lance )



[No Subject]

Prepare to see the most adorable puppy because I can't resist sharing his smushy little face. Spirit's been curled up on the couch with me all day, and I think that blanket is now officially his.

If you're having a bad day, I hope he can brighten it for you. He's also available for cuddles - they're very comforting. 🥰



[No Subject]

Seems a bit strange I'm just supposed to pick back up at this whole living thing -
Right. Suppose I'm adding to the chorus of new here. Was told if there's anyone here I might know this would be the way to find them thought not quite sure who all is left to find -

Remus Lupin.



[No Subject]

Things I am going to regret later: eating a large plate of breakfast nachos, strawberry nutella crepes, and a side of bacon for brunch. Is it absolutely worth it? Yes.

I thought about taking this opportunity to tease you mercilessly, but I've decided I really just wanted to tell you that I love you. I'm glad you're with me, you know.



[No Subject]

Over the last few weeks
Marina & Eleanor
" It was like the show never, ever let up, one bad thing leading to the next with absolutely no room to breathe in between. Was that their lives?"
Watching The Magicians at Marina's Apartment | WARNINGS: Mentions of Rape, murder, torture, this show is pretty fucked, y'all.
Read more... )



[No Subject]

Thursday after the Disappearance Notifications
Anthony & Eloise
"Only one name was relevant to him, and he would not believe that Daphne had disappeared until he saw so with his own eyes."
Daphne & Eloise's flat | No warnings
Read more... )



[No Subject]

WHO: Ella & Dan
WHAT: Addressing the Bad Dreams (and a nap)
WHERE: The Snooze Room @ the Chakrabarti Clinic
WHEN: Last week sometime
WARNINGS: Not really? Ella talks about her shitty ex
STATUS: Complete

Lucifer suggested I come and see you. )



{Posted well after dusk}

This is interesting. Honestly, if there was ever a reason to break the Masquerade

Does this happen often?

[Filtered to Kindred Vampires]
How would one go about acquiring blood to satisfy one's diet?



[No Subject]

[Teen Filter]*
So. There's a lot of new people that have arrived in the last month or so and I thought it'd be good if we all got to know one another a little better?

Anyway! I'll provide games, snacks, alcohol.

I'm thinking next Saturday, the 27th, starting at 8pm over at Dorian's Gray Room [LOCATION in the city]. You don't need to bring anything unless you want to.

[*if you think they are a teen then they count as a teen. eternal/ghosts/whatever]



[No Subject]

so like??

how do you guys make it so your bodies can exist in another universe? because that's the kinda thing that shouldn't be possible and i should be going all glitchy, but i'm not right now and i actually feel pretty normal?



[No Subject]

WHO: Isabela & Ava
WHAT: Meeting in a dive bar!
WHERE: The city (...a dive bar)
WHEN: Tonight?
WARNINGS: TBD but probs not
STATUS: In progress (continued in comments)

there's whiskey in the jar )



Log: Nursey & Dex

WHO Nursey & Dex
WHERE The Haus
WHEN Valentine's/Nursey's bday
WHAT Their Valentine's date goes terribly but the after-date is pretty great
STATUS Complete
Aw, Billiam. You even wrapped it. I feel special. Read more... )