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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+nicholas+scratch'

Apr. 29th, 2021



[No Subject]

Sabrina Spellman
Nicholas Scratch
WHERE Spellman Mortuary•
WHEN Today
WARNINGS Not really. Just some talking about Nick's decisions for going forward, getting a gift from Vallo, and groundingggg.
Being grounded was the stupidest thing ever. Read more... )

Apr. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

WHO: Nick & Dan
WHAT: Having a chat about LE SUSPENSION while making dinner
WHERE: Mortuary, in the kitchen
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Noooooope, not really
STATUS: Complete

Nick loved cooking with Dan. He needed to make it a point to do that more often, because it was a good way to talk without a lot of pressure added. )

Apr. 27th, 2021



[No Subject]

Texts with Aidan )

--What the hell is going on?!?!

--Where are you?

Where are you?



[No Subject]


Apr. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]


I don't know cars that well but what are the chances that pulling up to the Mortuary in this causes Dan stress?

Hey! You know cars, right? Like you actually know things about them and appreciate them?

Apr. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

Okay, so not like massively weird and the rest of my magic is working fine, but I can't spin around and change my outfit.

I am stuck in the same thing.

Which I also didn't put on but woke up wearing????

Is anyone else experiencing weirdness?

Apr. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

This Afternoon into Night
Nick & Sabrina
"This is home now"
The Forest | Some camping fluff
Read more... )



[No Subject]

Early April
Zelda & Nicholas
"Would you care to explain any of this?"
Spellman Mortuary | April Fools
Read more... )

Apr. 13th, 2021



[No Subject]

[Family filter*]

Since Vallo is being weird again, Nick and I are gonna take off for the weekend and go camping. We're going to head out on Friday after school and be back on Sunday. Hopefully without becoming puppets. ♥

*basically the mortuary and Lucifer

Apr. 8th, 2021



[No Subject]

So quick question, but who pissed off the Wicked Witch?

Because I found my father's place here and when I went to check it out, it was full of these assholes. They don't come in peace because they're throwing everything they can get their hands on AND bananas at anyone that comes too close to the house.

And yes, they fly.

Hey wildlife sanctuary people, a little help?

Apr. 7th, 2021



[No Subject]


Tonight's the night and I know we're all bundles of nerves for it. But cast party. Does The Boardwalk* work for everyone after the last performance on Sunday?

*Its listed as like Dave and Busters on the misc places page in the ref comm

Apr. 5th, 2021



[No Subject]

It feels like cheating, because it was only August back home before I was brought here, but today is my birthday and I guess that means I am technically 17 now. Better that than turning 16 again, I suppose; a lot happened around my last birthday, what with my spring break revolving around our sophomore year project that included adventures on a floating pirate ship island, being kidnapped by my own people, trying alcohol for the first time, and family dramatics, to put it incredibly lightly, so... a do over is welcome. I just wish

And I think my do over requires cake! I wasn't allowed Give me your best bakery recommendations, if you have them. I would make one myself, but I'm not that adventurous.

Apr. 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

Saturday Night
Sabrina & Nick
"She was trying to get some normalness into their lives while she could, focusing a bit on Nick because she knew normal was a much more foreign concept for him."
Cerberus Books | Fluff
Read more... )

Apr. 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

[Dan, Nick, Ambrose, Roz and Aunt Zee]

I was talking to dad...and he brought up that like maybe the forest thing showed up with actual souls inside of it. Which I didn't think to check for since you know, Pandemonium didn't. But that maybe it came here so that I could do what I always wanted to do--which is like release those that don't deserve to be tormented nonstop for an eternity.


Mar. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

Tuesday Afternoon
Nick & Sabrina
"It seemed no matter how hard they might try they couldn’t quite leave Hell behind."
Dorian's Gray Room | Discussing Hellish Nightmares
Read more... )

Mar. 23rd, 2021



[No Subject]

I don't suppose I'll ever live the salty pancakes down, though?
Read more... )



[No Subject]

Hello, yes, hi, normally I would fill this space with some flirtatious banter or something...else witty, I don't know, but the things in the forest? They have cloaks and look like human birds? Are from Tranavia. They're called Vultures. They're blood mages, like we are, but they're...worked on? Tortured? We don't completely know how they're made, but they're made and then they're much more powerful. They're a bit like a secret police, a bit like a military. I was tutored by one, he was eccentric but not so bad compared to the rest of my tutors.

But when the process of becoming a Vulture goes--wrong--they lose their humanity and they're much more powerful because they do not listen to anyone or anything, they do not recognize limits, they are more monster than human. Which is what these are.

I think I am rambling a bit

Here's what you need to know. They're incredibly fast, and they fly, which yes, that is where the name comes from you're welcome. They're very good at just about everything because they do not care and they cannot be reasoned with. Once they set their minds (because they have a bit of a hive mind, I don't know more than that to explain it) to something, they will achieve that thing. Which is usually death. They use fire, mostly, but they've been known to create earthquakes, rip boulders out of the earth, that sort of thing. And then they have monster claws and teeth that have torn apart armor like a piece of paper.

You can behead them. That is it. Otherwise, they will keep going. They have no sense of pain, or compassion, or empathy, or anything. If you are going somewhere, I suggest it is in groups. I'll be out as well.


I'll take care of it.

I am not underestimating you.



[No Subject]

It's strange to think I've been here for a whole month already. It really doesn't feel like it's been that long, but I guess calendar's don't lie. Time flies when you're exploring a totally new place or something, right?

I've found a few really cool spots to think, but I'm curious. Fellow outlanders, what is your absolute favorite spot in Vallo?

Mar. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

Anyone up for a bit of sparring? Could use it at the moment.

I received the notification of your brother's departure. While I know the both of you are more than capable of looking after yourselves, please know that I am here for you should you have any need of me.



[No Subject]


I triple checked and there shouldn't be any more demons trapped in anything in the house. I'm still not sure how she got out in the first place though.

We might want to get the shoes out of it completely though. Idk if this place can make curses backfire or not.

Are we just ignoring our dreams aga

I'll be at Pandemonium if anyone needs me.