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Posts Tagged: 'she-ra:+catra'

Jan. 2nd, 2024



[No Subject]

Lance and I just got done fighting a couple of weird chimera type of assholes with sharp hooks for arms in the forest. We were clearing some underbrush, when jumped us from the trees. They were uncomfortably close to the cabin, but wards kept them out. (Thanks Teela and Atreus.)

They can leap pretty far, they're also twice my height, and they like rushing you. So watch out, whoever's out in the forest. Sending coordinates to patrol now.

Jan. 1st, 2024



[No Subject]

Adora & Catra + Finn
WHAT: A family birthday breakfast for Adora
WHERE: A tavern/diner in the forest
WHEN: December 23rd
STATUS: Complete

“Then I’ll carry you around when we’re old ladies. Even if I’m falling apart, I will always do my best to lift you up."
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[No Subject]

After taking some Tylenol (I cannot handle an extra glass of wine like I used to, not because re-lived my college years somewhere out in the city) to nurse this stereotypical New Year's headache, I realized that this month marks my sixth month here. I keep thinking this place is going to kick me out like it has the first two times. It's definitely the longest I've been here, and while I miss the two main males of my life, I'm grateful to still be around.

But this sense of staying around long-term has made me realize that I need stable employment to spoil people with. Please see this shameless photo of who I am in need of spoiling. It's both of them.

Background: Military, NASA, Engineer, Astronaut, space-traveled, crash-landed on another planet a galaxy away from Earth, married the prince, became queen, did a lot of politics and sword battle. I enjoy getting my hands dirty. I also enjoy wearing jeans again versus the royal garb.

Would anyone have any leads on some kind of mechanical work? I'm a bit rusty, but I've retained a lot over the years, and if I can successfully figure out the kinks of a one-thousand-year-old spaceship that needed oil changing, I can most likely translate that into smaller vessels.

Dec. 31st, 2023



[No Subject]

I intensely dislike the feeling of lost time.

Dec. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

I may have Druidcrafted a bit close to the sun, because our Christmas cactus is thriving more than anticipated. Does that mean the holiday just continues?

Speaking of holidays, with the new year coming up, it's hard not to think about how this is going to be my second one here with all of you and that's a lot to wrap my head around. It's been an eventful year, so I'm curious: what's your favorite thing that happened to you this year? Do you have anything you're looking forward to in the next year or any goals you're making?


Dec. 21st, 2023



[No Subject]



Hi hi hi hi???


Does this work? They said it work, how do you know when it works?


OH LOOK! There the words are! It works!

These guys here and Not-Zoro said I should introduce myself. They also said the food does not always try to eat you back and I really hope they are right. Food should not try to eat you. You eat food. That's the way it goes.

Hi, I'm Monkey D. Luffy, Captain of the Straw Hat Crew and FUTURE KING OF THE PIRATES. Perhaps you've heard of me.

Dec. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

Catra & Adora
WHAT: Date night for their second wedding anniversary!
WHERE: Darla, then The Dragon's Kin Sushi Restaurant, Vallo City
WHEN: Tonight!
WARNINGS: Talk of anxiety and anxiety medication
STATUS: Complete

“Don’t you dare diss any version of my wife. I told you I’ll fight you. Right here, in the middle of this restaurant, I will get us almost kicked out because of violence and nothing even remotely sexy, and that’s going to be fucking tragic.”
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Dec. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

Now that I've returned to work and have caught up on many, many correspondences, our menu at Galdin Quay has been updated to reflect the holiday season. It might still be warm on the water, but we're happy to provide a holiday feast.

We will also be offering four-course experiences until the end of the year - limited availability each night and reservations are recommended.

After the new year, I plan on hosting another dinner party and tasting event at our house to help practice for the upcoming spring menu. New year, new ideas, and I am already crafting recipes to stretch the imagination - if you want to attend, you have to have an open mind, an empty stomach, and the ability to offer constructive feedback.

A question for the masses: What's the strangest thing you've eaten and enjoyed?

Dec. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

Well, that was fun. Kind of dramatic but fun. And I guess now we have an engagement video, in a way?

Anyway, good luck to everyone out there participating in the race! Catra and I have plans to stay right here and soak up all the Finn time since we were Hallmark-ified for four days. But we're rooting for you!

Dec. 13th, 2023



Serendipity Hills - Viewable on TV!

Catra & Adora
WHAT: An emotional roller coaster of a proposal
WHERE: Mushroom Hill Ski Resort
WHEN: Tonight!
WARNINGS: Mentions of panic/anxiety, a little bit of angst
STATUS: Complete

“You wanting to keep my vaccinations up to date is really hot dirty talk.”
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Dec. 6th, 2023



netpost - sam wilson - november 6th

Calling all magical folks or those knowledgeable about:

Our team's patrol today spotted something that looks like a teleportation circle in the forest at [location]. Can't say how long it's been there but there are runes near the thing as well as objects that seem to be badly burned. Most of them were not distinguishable from ashes at all but the ones that were are: an apron, a grumpy frog t-shirt, and a mug with cacti on it that says "You Can't Touch This".

I can't get much information out of this but if anyone else wants to step in and take a look, that would help.

Dec. 3rd, 2023



[No Subject]

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Nov. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello, I'm back, but not here to rip out any hearts unless you ask nicely.

I'm working on getting things sorted, but Henry's a baby now because Vallo made a choice. I'm not complaining, but this means diapers, sleepless nights, and me not being able to work fulltime at my old law firm until I can figure that out. I need a babysitter and my go tos are gone (what the fuck, Vallo) or don't remember me (what the fuck, Nyx).

I'll accept applications here.

Once that's sorted, I'll be needing some help when I'm working fulltime again. I need an investigator on my payroll to help me work my cases. No real requirements other than light feet and a can do attitude. No perkiness..

I'll also accept applications for that here.

Business out of the way, who is serving the best wine right now? Everything's different, did you guys rebuild some things?

Nov. 22nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Catra & Adora
WHAT: Catra goes She-Ra to rescue Adora during patrol
WHERE: Vallo Foret
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Some will o' wisp violence but nothing graphic
STATUS: Complete

“When you told me that every version of you–you know,” she referenced, too afraid to let the words loose from her mouth, “it’s the same for me. I hope your wife tells you that. I bet she’s better with words than I am, anyway.”
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Nov. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

Catra & Adora ft. Finn!
WHAT: Adora leaves for one hour and Catra goes through it; upon her return, they breakdown some timeline differences and similarities
WHERE: Darla
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Talk of war, brainwashing; babies being (gross) babies
STATUS: Complete

“They needed a bath, and I underestimated how much they hate baths. So I got in with them, because I hate baths too, so now we’re hating baths together.”
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Nov. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

Catra & Adora
WHAT: A She-Ra!Catra wakes up to her enemy and their kid, and the two have a conversation
WHERE: Darla, then a tavern
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Not really
STATUS: Complete

“Does this happen a lot to you? Do you just get different versions of yourselves that show up here and oh, it’s just a fun time for you so let’s go get bacon? Because this isn’t fun for me, lady."
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[No Subject]

You ever have one of those nights where your best frenemy is like shots and then more shots and you swear that last one didn't really do you in but yet you wake up in a.... treehouse? That glows? With a dog and what I am pretty sure are two actual wolves? Do wolves eat people? Is this how I die? In a really nice treehouse by getting eaten by a wolf?

Nov. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

Catra & Kara ft. Finn!
WHAT: Discussing Alex and Future Lena's situation
WHERE: Darla
WHEN: Backdated to last week
WARNINGS: Talk of death, sort of?
STATUS: Complete

“Future Me told Adora something about it, and then Adora told me, and – I wasn’t sure if Future Lena would have fessed up.”
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Nov. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

It's baby dino season on the island, apparently. My last two trips out here have had a few baby encounters, which means they're thriving!

I know that a lot of the kids that loved If there's any interest in doing another education overnight camping trip, let me know and I'll plan one. I can't promise you'll get to see the baby raptors (safety reasons), but I can give you these pics and a [VIDEO] that I took earlier.

Can I keep them? )

Nov. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

[Group chat with Catradora and Revy]
Sent around 7am

» Shit.
» Catra, hey, can you watch Chris for us today while we're on patrol?
» After those fucking monsters got into Morningside last week, we don't really want to leave him alone all day, you know?