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Posts Tagged: 'dc:+kara+danvers'

Jan. 11th, 2024



netpost - kamala khan - january 11th, evening

House of Danvers-Vance-Khan officially has a new addition thanks to Vallo deciding we all needed alien kitties in this world.

I even got the chance to name her which I'm sure Carol regretted the second she asked but OH WELL!

Everyone, say hello to Galadriel. :3

Cut for pic )

Jan. 8th, 2024



[No Subject]

A kitten with no apparent human attached just walked up to my desk in Special Collections to sit on my keyboard and demand pets. What's the protocol on spontaneously appearing animals here? Am I free to take him home and give him a pretentious name, or do I need to clear that with some Vallo authority first?

Jan. 1st, 2024



[No Subject]

Read more... )

Dec. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

[It's just a view of Mantis' face so far. There's a close up of her left eye, and her right eye, like she is JUDGING the device, and then there's a close up of her mouth as she opens wide and in a deep voice, shouts:]


did I do this right?

Dec. 8th, 2023



[No Subject]

[ Posted is a photo of one of these laying sad on the ground, a clear hole torn through it, Speki and Svanna standing in front looking rather smug ]

Well... we got a day out of it at least I guess.

Some of the kids at the Youth Centre have been hard at work making holiday crafts and cards to sell. I've got a page going here [ link ] where you can check it out and purchase anything that might catch your eye. They're fundraising for a trip to Blizzard World in the spring so all purchases will go towards that.

Nov. 21st, 2023



[No Subject]

Lena & Kara
WHAT: An honest talk about lifespans and what to do
WHERE: L-Corp Penthouse
WHEN: Tonight
WARNINGS: Some angst, talk of demons
STATUS: Complete

“I want to grow old with you. I don’t want to watch you live a normal life then miss you for the rest of mine.”
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Nov. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

Catra & Kara ft. Finn!
WHAT: Discussing Alex and Future Lena's situation
WHERE: Darla
WHEN: Backdated to last week
WARNINGS: Talk of death, sort of?
STATUS: Complete

“Future Me told Adora something about it, and then Adora told me, and – I wasn’t sure if Future Lena would have fessed up.”
Read more... )

Nov. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]

» Hi sweetheart. ❤️
» So Kelex pinged me with an URGENT MESSAGE a little while ago from the Fortress because there was some sort of problem.
» And when I got there, well, there was a problem, but I promise it's all okay now!
» We're just going to have to do some superdog training!
» [ attached images: 1. fluffy Samoyed Krypto looking suspicious; 2. selfie of Kara cheesing, Krypto still suspicious, both looking slightly singed ]

Nov. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]

It seems that I'm out of practice with the whole battle thing. You help take down one nether brain, take a handful of weeks off in a new world, and suddenly you forget that Misty Step is an option.

That said, I hope that everyone is doing and recovering well. That was something.

I wanted to say thank you, for getting me to the clinic as quickly as you did. I really appreciate the assist, as I know I wouldn't have gotten there without you.
Thank you for helping Astarion the other day. I like him whole and unsinged, so again: thank you for helping him.
I heard about the shop. Are you all right?

Nov. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

When all you wanna do is take a walk to run some ERRANDS and Hi, warning: we have a lot of violent activity centered around the Crossed Quills and the village around it. We got monsters, we got portals (??? why), and everything is breaking. I think And I don't know if it's because I got thrown into a damn tree too hard, but I think these things aren't swiping at any of the locals?

Nov. 4th, 2023



[No Subject]

Future!Lena & Kara
WHAT: Talking about a choice Lena makes in the future
WHERE: L-Corp Penthouse
WHEN: Backdated to Halloween night
WARNINGS: Vague demon allusions, big feelings
STATUS: Complete

“I appreciate you wanting to love me anyway, even in my old age. I’m getting a little up there.”
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Oct. 30th, 2023



[No Subject]

I'd say come to my house for trick-or-treat - I give away pints of ice cream and, yes, their containers are enchanted to keep them cold while you carry on - but penthouse life doesn't exactly attract trick-or-treaters.

Time travel is a delight. Look at all these infant faces. Wait until your children age you.

Oct. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

Alex, Kara & Lena
WHAT: Post Lena's birthday dinner girls' night
WHERE: L-Corp Penthouse
WHEN: Backdated to the evening of October 24th
STATUS: Complete

“Kara Danvers would absolutely break the law for me. And that is very adorable.”
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Oct. 25th, 2023



filtered to family & friends (including future extensions!)

I'm really glad I went ahead and booked the big room at Level Up Lounge because, as I hoped predicted, October decided to be October and the family size has expanded! I'm so glad so many of you are here!

So, on that note, we're still on for Catra's birthday party this Friday starting at 6:00 PM. We're getting a buffet set up so there will be plenty of food for everyone! Anyone who volunteered to help decorate the room, come down around 4:00 so we've got plenty of prep time.

If anyone doesn't know, Catra's back to her normal age and we have our future twins here (Hope and Mara, who think the network is lame and for old people, by the way, their words). Kids of all ages more than welcome, just... don't make me break up any fights, I guess?? NO KNIVES, KEITH & CO.

Oct. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

Exactly how many donut holes is too many to eat in ten minutes? Asking for me.



Filtered to Family

Just a reminder that Mom's Lena's birthday is tomorrow! I made plans to take her out for a fancy dinner when it was meant to be just the two of us, but I called in and convinced them to add more seats. We've got a full house so I want to make sure everyone is available.

Theo, the restaurant I chose has vegetarian options! I'll send you the menu and you can let me know if it looks good. They have variety cuisine, so it should work for everyone! 💛

Oct. 22nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Lori & Kara
Read more... )

Oct. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]


Weirdest spot you woke up in this morning, go.

Oct. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

Last night we were able to track down the source of what caused all of our network problems and found absolutely no one at the end of it. Whoever they are is a fan if that Soups place from all the trash left behind. The only name we can associate with them is T3CHN0W1TCH13, which is an internet handle that is offensive to the eyes.

All the chain letter hiccups should have disappeared after we gained access to the terminal they were using. [...] I'm hoping that also includes the corpses of any of them slain before this.

Also, please note: 'password' should not be your actual password. Do better.

We're also working on improving network security measures across the board to prevent any actual outsider from hacking into things. I can't guarantee it'll put a stop to everything, but we're hoping it stops someone like T3CHN0W1TCH13 from trying to kill us with either monsters or anxiety.

Happy Belated Friday the 13th.

Oct. 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

I don't know what happened to the morning. I meant to give an update earlier and it's - oof, it's been busy. Let's cut to the chase: we've got network issues.

We ran diagnostics on all the DOA equipment and there are no physical issues. The notifications list sent out yesterday was false - I believe everyone was accounted for (and is presumably still accounted for, please let me know otherwise). Scanning shows no standard viruses but there's something bleeding into the comms scrambling codes and throwing down firewalls. All this is strictly affecting Outlander communications, and while we've had issues with cybersecurity in the form of released history searches and faulty filters, we can all probably agree that yesterday's list felt like a personal attack.

We suspect the influx of chain letters received the other day is part of all this too. I'll be honest: I'm not sure they're supposed to be a joke, or an omen.

If you're experiencing any additional issues, please report them here. We're trying to track everything to find a source - and a potential culprit. Please be aware of any suspicious e-mails, messages, and links sent your way. If you're not sure about something, ask.

The tech division here at the DOA isn't what it used to be, so if anyone's got experience with online programming/security/hacking/literally anything beyond Googling, come see us. If anyone's got an in with techno-pagan covens, reach out. We don't want what happened yesterday to become a norm. The risk of cardiac arrest will sky-rocket.