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Posts Tagged: 'critical+role:+vax%27ildan'

Feb. 24th, 2024



Space Network

I know you've all heard the announcement of Daud's passing by now. I was the unlucky one to find him; I've seen a lot of death, but this might be one of the toughest ones yet. "Dad" was the best of the best, and so many of us wouldn't have been half the pilots we are without him

Whatever gods, beings, or forces you believe in, turn to them now for Daud. Echoing command, if anyone has any theories on what may have happened, come forward, and let's get this solved.

Feb. 20th, 2024



Space Network

Global message, not at all directed at Hawkeye:

Today I have been asked for a space-hook, winter air for the landing vehicle tires, headlight fluid, and keys to the drop zone. I need you to limit your tormenting of junior enlisted to one prank per day. Some of us have work to do around here.

Feb. 19th, 2024



Log: Vax'ilmore

WHO Vax'ildan and Shaun Gilmore
WHERE The Xhorhaus, their bedroom
WHEN Backdated to a very early morning last week
WHAT Vax is having a lot of worries about the portals and Velora, so he wakes up Gilmore to tell him about it.
WARNINGS A little angsty and panicky on Vax's part, but ends happy!
Vax wasn't just saying ‘protect them, for me’ he was saying 'stay safe, for me', and Shaun fell in love with him all over again. Read more... )

Feb. 14th, 2024



[No Subject]

This is my second Valentine's Day ever, since we didn't really celebrate anything like this back home, at least in the Zephrah part of Tal'Dorei. I think the idea of celebrating love as a holiday is a nice one, but I'm also just someone who likes having added chances to show people, romantic, platonic, familial, or something in between, that you care.

And I understand that roses are a popular flower to give to express that and while I do like roses and usually have a magical blue one on me at all times, I just wanted to share some others, in case you were looking for options to give to another or yourself or you just like flowers: Cut for flowers! )

Anyway, happy Valentine's day to everyone out there, but especially to Dorian. Love you, Dor.

Feb. 11th, 2024



[No Subject]

Not to sound cliche, but the sun is very bright this morning. Why is the sun so bright this morning? Surely it was not this bright yesterday morning.

Completely unrelated, thanks for all the drinks last night, folks that bought me them. Holy shit.

Shaun, I need you to come close the curtain, please.

Feb. 9th, 2024



[No Subject]

Apparently it was Vax's birthday earlier when shit was going down so fine, he can have a redo I guess. Tomorrow night. I personally think we should start at that place with the singing and the costumes because he hates it so much and it makes me laugh, but whatever. We'll probably go to a few other places too, so if you're around, say hello and buy the idiot a drink.

And yes, Gracie will be with us for some of it, don't bother saying anything because Lila and I don't give a shit and Gracie's walking now so she'll probably bite your leg and you'd deserve it.

Feb. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]

So introduction 2.0? I'm Violet, I missed most of you arriving because I got here when everyone was gone, I guess? I added to the black dragon population since Tairn arrived a few days after I did, you might've seen him if you were at the battle, or at our first training session with our new Defense team.

I've noticed our world has a lot of different rules for dragons, so I figured I should go over them. Mostly so it's not awkward, again, when I speak for him? I promise I don't forbid him from talking or anything, it's just that our dragons only speak to their riders and other dragons. So if he's not talking to you, it's not personal, it's just you aren't worthy no that's rude his person.

Second is that, technically, it's considered rude to them for someone to talk directly to a dragon that isn't your own? But Tairn promised he'll be open-minded and he's not going to eat any allies who do. He just may not be in the mood to answer.

And this isn't really a rule but he has a mate back home that isn't here, so Tairn is crankier than usual. I can't blame him, it sucks, and actually physically hurts him to be away from her for long. He won't hurt anyone on purpose unless they threaten me or him, though.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I probably can't answer everything because dragons keep a lot of secrets, but this place even being weird and chaotic is a lot more calm than home and no one's even tried to murder me once.

Feb. 3rd, 2024



netpost - fen - february 3rd, morning

I think I almost got eaten yesterday. I mean a lot of us almost did, BUT the reason I didn't was because there were like a shit ton of elemental based powers that came my way and just incinerated the thing that was about to eat me.

I'm pretty sure that was the Coven making their way to help fight, and I'm just wondering, is there some kind of debt with Vallo when that happens, like I owe them my life or something? If there is, it is what it is, I guess, and I can say safely that fell in love with one or two of them from the distance when that happened.

[...] Can anyone introduce me?

Filter: Vax
Cupcakes and dagger throwing at my place when you're up for it, belated birthday boy??

Feb. 1st, 2024



Shared Network

I am just a humble rogue-paladin-druid wondering if we're still going to be fighting these portal assholes tomorrow, because it's my birthday and I think Vallo owes me a cake.
If you hear I got swatted out of the sky in a burst of feathers and needed to lay hands on myself to fix it--

Well then, you probably got accurate info.

I've had worse and I'm fine now, but I'm going to take a break while others are around to fight since it seems like this isn't going to wrap up anytime soon.

Jan. 28th, 2024




Uh so is it always like this around here? Chaotic but quiet all at once?

I'm Violet. They told me I wasn't being held hostage and the mender dropped me off at the place where they gave me money? But I'd rather find my dragons. So if you see a giant black dragon followed around by a smaller black dragon, let me know? Neither of them are very good at being well-behaved if they think I'm in danger.

Jan. 27th, 2024



Shared Network

Testing, testing. Are you getting this? We're using my connection to the Black Lion and the quintessence tech in my arm to form a bridge between the networks. Basically, we're playing telephone through a giant sentient spaceship. Stop by and thank him for me? I'm sure he's stressed by all of this.

Anyway, assuming someone is reading this, on the other side of the portal is a parallel Vallo. We've made contact with a group of Outlanders here and confirmed that they are alternate versions of some of our lost people. Most of them have lived here for years and some have different memories of their home worlds. They've formed a rebellion against another group, made up of more of our lost people. They call themselves the Court of Revenants and they're the reason this message is filtered as best as I can get it.

Please be aware that Council members might look like someone you've lost, but they have apparently taken control of this Vallo through force and terror. There is a stalemate between the Council and the Rebels because any physical violence here creates what they call Echoes - spectral enemies that attack anyone close by and only stop when the fighting stops.

Now I'm sure you're wondering where our Outlanders are. I've been told the people here suffered a violent headache and a flash of memories that then faded when the portal opened on this side. It can't be a coincidence. I suspect our people are tangled up metaphysically with their counterparts. I have no idea how to separate them. If you have any theories, please don't be shy.

As for the rescue team, everyone is accounted for and safe. Our focus right now is planning a recovery mission. A few rebels were taken captive just before we arrived. Keith is We will get them back. In the meantime, please feel free to use this post to brainstorm and reconnect. Since I know it'll be a question on your minds, here is the list of the captured:
• Ashton Greymoore
• Dorian Storm
• Keith Kogane
• Luffy
• Nancy Wheeler
• Noctis Lucis Caelum
And a list of the Council and their allies:
• Caleb Widogast
• William Laurence
• Henry Townshend
• Kellach Donnallen
• Ostyia Rabalska
• Teddy Kaplan-Altman
• Billy Kaplan
• Abigail Blyg
• Lan Xichen
• Lee Thompkins
• Joshua Rosfield
• Julian Blackthorn
• Ronan Lynch
• Serefin Meleski
• Silas
Anyone not on either of these lists should be able to see and respond to this post. Okay, enough rambling. Time to see if this actually works.

Jan. 25th, 2024





So nothing? No one has heard from anyone yet?



Vallo Prime Network

((early this morning))


Hey, wake the fuck up.

Jan. 24th, 2024



Vallo Prime Network


I don't want you to even feel as those there is one single, solitary question, of course I will watch Kiri. Nothing will so much as look at her without my say so, I swear that to you.


You have my blessing to go, my love. I would never keep you from protecting your family, and I would never hold it against you for doing so. The children will be safe with me.

Jan. 22nd, 2024



[No Subject]

One of the items I won at the auction was a group dinner for 8 at the Crossed Quills, for all of us. Should we try and plan for something next weekend for Vax'ildan's birthday?

Unless Diego has designs on throwing a gigantic birthday bash for his best mate, that is.

I still don't know what to do with mys I wish I could tell you it gets easi The superpowered fighting ring is open to you whenever you might require it at the Underground, I can add you to the biometrics so you don't have to ask for entry if one of us isn't there.

I'm assuming that normal alcohol does nothing for you?

Jan. 9th, 2024



Serendipity Hills Log: Vax'ilmore + Velora

WHO Vax'ildan Vessar and Shaun Gilmore (+ Velora Vessar)
WHERE Serendipity Hills; Vax and Velora's room, then Gilmore's shop
WHEN Backdated to evening of December 14
WHAT Velora reminds Vax that it's Christmas and on Christmas you tell tell people how you feel, so Vax does exactly that. (And Velora also tells her brother how she feels.)
WARNINGS Kisses. Shmoop. Belated Christmas joy. All that good stuff.
There had been a piece that was needed to click into place for Serendipity Hills to really feel like the home he had always known it to be. And was it really all that surprising that it had been Shaun? Could it have been anything else? Read more... )

Jan. 7th, 2024



[No Subject]

A big thank you to everyone who attended the party last week and made bids and donations for the youth center. It always gives me a lot of feelings that I'm only just equipped with feeling when I see how generous you all are. Those kids deserve it, let me tell you.

Make sure you pick up your prizes soon, if you haven't already, please and thank you.

Also, might be addicted to cannolis now. This is my own fault.

Jan. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]

Ever since New Year's Eve people have had ideas about what new "fun" toppings they can request on pizza like they did at the charity event. Too much warm fruit. And finally today someone said they wanted strawberries, peaches, and pickled radishes with scrambled eggs and I just

I no longer work at Nino's. I quit. It was that or jail. Find a new place to knife fight out back.

A certain someone's birthday is next Wednesday. Now that I have oodles of free time, you're cordially invited to clear the evening. We're doing whatever Gansey wants.

Jan. 4th, 2024



[No Subject]

Would anyone care to see a family cat picture before the kittens started sprouting their wings? Now they are learning to fly and every picture of them is a blur.

I assume everyone will answer ja. )

Are you feeling a little better now that you have stuck your hands in moist soil?

Dec. 31st, 2023



[No Subject]

((posted laaaaate tonight/eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarly tomorrow morning))
((also this is a picspam and requires a lot of mental photoshop and theatre of the miiiind))

I went to that Critical Role Land with my moron friends and it is the best place I have ever been to in my entire life.

I found Vax )

It's just an amazing likeness. Incredible. I'm looking at two Vaxs. Vaxes? Vaxii? Fuck.


What the fuck is this nonsense )


Here are other pictures look at them or don't I don't care )