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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+doc+holliday'

Oct. 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey, uh. Doc? Nicole? Waves? You three might want to head back to the Homestead. There's a whole herd of these fucks outside trying to graze.

Time to get my redneck on and go shoot some of these assholes to scare them off.

[Attached phone image of Chargers in the yard out front]

Sep. 22nd, 2021



[No Subject]


Back home my mama's people would have a laidback dinner to wrap up on the equinox celebrations on the Sunday evening closest. Figured some of those traditions might be worth doing here, honoring having those bonds and all.

So Sunday evening. My place if you don't have anything else going on. Bring a dish to pass maybe? Figured Willa and I might make my mama's fried chicken recipe and a vegan option for those who don't eat meat. I'll take suggestions though.

Sep. 8th, 2021



Filtered to Family & Friends

Hey guys!

Following up on Wynonna's birthday post the other day, we've officially made a decision. Joint birthday festivities will be held at SHORTY'S on FRIDAY NIGHT! It's our local bar from back home, and it just showed up in Vallo. It's got enough liquor to last us through the next couple of weeks before we need to start stocking up again, so might as well enjoy, y'know?

Presents not required. We've got a pool table, karaoke, all your expected bar stuffs! Nicole and I are baking cakes - vegan and non-vegan - so come on out for lots of cake and booze and celebrate with us!

Sep. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

Guess what? Time for more Birthday Shenanigans: Vallo Edition.

My sweet baby sister's is on Wednesday (and she's actually here to celebrate it!) and mine is Sunday. Who wants to do what? I vote for being drunk for that entire time.

Aug. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

I know things have gone to absolute shit recently, but it's still my man's birthday and we're going to celebrate however we can. Drinks and food at the Homestead tonight at 6, BYOB if you can. We've set up a makeshift shooting range around back for those that want to get their aggression out.

Aug. 10th, 2021



[No Subject]

Wards down? Magic failing? You'll bounce back! You always do! You're the best and I believe in you!

In the meantime, though, technology is still going strong. If you need energy shielding or micro-fusion generators or direct-beam equipment, Papa's Pride can help! Weapons and armor in case there's some big bad evil monster out there causing it? We've got that, too! No magic required, even the completely untrained can fire a rocket launcher! (please don't fire rocket launchers untrained)

Am I using this predicament to drum up sales? NO, because any defense item for your self or home is free of cost right now and I am not hurting for money. Safety and protection is important, and I will be your shield!

Aug. 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

OI, Holliday. It's your birthday again soon. What do you want to do for it this year?

And yes, this is me making this public so everyone knows it's your birthday soon and that you're gonna be Old As Fuck. 😘 Love you, hot stuff.


Okay but seriously, we did a big party at a roadhouse that no longer exists last year. Let's go, people!

Jul. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

I suppose it is not uncommon to receive something from home after you have been here for some time? Unable to find sleep with the cacophony of some days past, I stumbled over the building my partner and I built to house our hardware business in Deadwood.

What is needed to start a business in these days?

Jun. 29th, 2021



[No Subject]

I think I am going to build myself a work bench. I would like to get started on some woodwork projects, but it would be nice to have a place to do it and store supplies. Seems like a good way to pass the time.

Jun. 13th, 2021



[No Subject]

I know weird fuckery is afoot again (what else is new?), but going upstairs to check on my kiddo after her nap to find her HOVERING OVER HER BED isn't really what I had in mind. Figure your shit out, Vallo.

May. 27th, 2021



[No Subject]

When I was a kid, May 30th was a special day in our country. In 1971, it was moved to always be the last Monday of May and a lot of people look to it as the unofficial start of summer, resulting in numerous retail specials and sales (mattresses, barbecue supplies and outdoor gear, those kind of things).

It's common for countries to have celebrations for their armed forces or their politicians, but this one in particular is important to me. I wanted to share a bit of information about Memorial Day. It's a day where we honor, mourn, and remember those that have died in service. Somber, I know, and the majority of the military I know won't take offense to people wishing others a Happy Memorial Day. Just perhaps a reminder of what it means.

Coming here has provided a new twist, because I'm sure many of you know others that've fallen in wars we've never heard or dreamed of, have your own military traditions, or even may have died in service yourself and found yourself alive here. I'm hoping I can convince you all to use this day - this coming Monday - to not look at this as some random United States holiday, but a day we can all honor and mourn the lost, knowing they were doing what they thought was right, giving their all for it.

I'd also welcome anyone wishing to tell stories of people they know that've given everything for everyone else. What I wouldn't give to end all wars, but I can't bring myself to disrespect those who've died in them. I don't know if my words will bring anyone comfort, but if you need a shoulder or an ear, I'm here.

May. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

So if anyone sees me floating in mid air and wiggling my hips to "Jump in the Line" coming out of nowhere, I know, I can't control it, and I've just decided to embrace my inner Lydia.



[No Subject]

Ain't sure what the story is but I think I just made a tumbleweed appear for dramatic effect.

Uh yup, just did it again. Tried thinking about two but just the one came tumbling by so apparently my godlike control of desert flotsam is limited.

May. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

Is suture thread and regular thread the sam Having to still myself the last week or so left me to burn through the books I had lying around the house. Anyone has some they're willing to part with, I'll reimburse you and make sure they go to a good used bookstore after.

Crime, mysteries, suspense but I'll read just about anything.

May. 3rd, 2021



journal entry - doc holliday

Hey. How are you holding up over there?

May. 1st, 2021




[ written into her journal about an hour after arrival ]


Is anyone seeing this?

Hey if you are, who all woke up somewhere entirely else today? Can we get a bit of a role call or something going? I'm here with Baz, Genya, and Alex.

private to josie and lizzie:
Check in please? You both okay?

Apr. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

My Glock turned into a Colt Single Action Army revolver.

I honestly hope it doesn't change back.

Apr. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

Though arriving a fair few days earlier, I fear I've put off customary introductions in favor of mastering this unusual device used in place of paper and pen and unfortunate puppetry as to make a decent showing. I cannot say I agree with the suggestions it gives in lieu of words I used. If I mean to say duck I will say du - goddamn it

My name is Seth Bullock. I find myself a few years and many miles from home though I have been assured I am far from alone in this. Ms. Forbes was kind enough to give me some detail of this place though I am aware that I will most likely be learning for days to come.

I suppose though introductions be made this way, I will meet many of you in person as well. This sounds ridiculous. The pleasure is mine.

Apr. 17th, 2021



[No Subject]

So much for being in the Ghost River Triangle forever, I guess? Thanks to the people at the DOA who filled us in on everything going on here, though. That intro video was amazing! Helped with the WTF moment. (Sorry again for the "Dead On Arrival" jokes, btw. I'm sure you've heard them a million times!)

ANYWAY - Wynonna, we heard you might be here! Your two favorite people are here, come get us!!!

Apr. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

what the fucking fUCK