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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+brigitte+lindholm'

Jun. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

There's a Sunwing from my world that showed up, I'm not sure how long it's been here. But for those of you who were here when a whole Cauldron showed up, this is not that. At least as far as I can tell this seems to be an isolated machine. One I can override and fly around on, which feels more like Vallo being nice than Vallo being mean and dropping a bunch of out of control machines on us.

Unfortunately an animal interrupted my attempt to override it earlier today and I've since lost track of it. I'm hoping someone might have seen it? Please do not approach. As long as you give it space it should not become aggressive, but will defend itself if you approach too close.

Photo for reference.

Jun. 2nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Mark your calendars, nerds! Enki Coven just scheduled a rare public event: a Physics of Transfiguration Magic lecture by Professor Marcus Islington. 18 August, 4 p.m., at the MageNet Auditorium, Q&A included, reception to follow. Tickets are free and available for purchase by anyone regardless of coven membership status, but you will need one for entry to the lecture.

[Filtered to Murderbot]
What would you say to taking a vacation?

[OOC: this post has been edited to remove the cover charge, this is now a free event]

May. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

Here is a list of my favorite gaming shop customers:
  • The Board Game Couple: they constantly (good-naturedly) shit-talk each other about who's going to win whatever game they're buying and it's hilarious.
  • The Dice Princess: I don't know how many dice this lady has, but I'm pretty sure she could bury me in them. I don't know what she does with them all. She loves sparkles, and even though it's sometimes a pain in the ass to sit there while she gives each d20 a "test roll to make sure they're not cursed" she's nice enough that I don't mind.
  • Chill MTG Guy: He's an incredibly good player, probably the best in the shop, somehow without taking it seriously at all? Like, any time somebody starts to get more wound up than they ought to about a match, he just talks them right down, so I never have to step in and referee somebody's big dumb card game feelings.
  • Thursday Night DM: Thursday Night DM always brings cookies or brownies or something for her group, and she always shares them with whoever's working that night. I love working Thursdays.
  • Space Shanty Guy: Sunday nights we have a group that plays a game set on a spaceship, and their bard equivalent actually writes his own space shanties. I just love the creativity and commitment. He reminds me of Will

[Filtered to Eddie]
So, I was showing the guys at the shop the D&D For Babies rules we put together, and they thought it was really cool! They asked if we'd want to maybe run a game for kids here at the shop, and...

...sit down for this one



They'd be looking for a weekly Saturday or Sunday afternoon thing. What do you think?

May. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

I'd just like to apologize to everyone my younger self tried to eat, called food names, or made really transparent attempts at luring in. I'm sorry, typhon don't naturally recognize human beings as beings, so they look at you like you look at a head of lettuce. They also don't really get the concept of individuality, so the idea that killing one of you isn't equivalent to cutting your hair is also totally foreign. I'm back to normal now and once again possess empathy and therefore feel really bad about that.

[Murderbot and FCG]
Now will you let me out of the cooler?

May. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]

You owe me big time, Ronan Lynch Alright the Mother's Day event at the Barns is still on for Sunday even if people are still kids, so come by for breakfast and a Sunday market and to pet animals and stuff.

Hi, can you two come help Blue and me this weekend with setting up and running this thing? If the kids turn back before then it won't be that big of a deal but there's no guarantee.

Also if you turn into toddlers I'm writing you out of my will.

Okay. Who wants to be helpful? We've got a list of tasks for you guys if you want something to keep you busy and help out.

  • I need someone who's really good at folding cards.
  • Two who are allowed to use scissors.
  • Someone who isn't going to eat a glue stick.
  • Someone who wants to sort beads.
  • Any of you that want to do any taste testing.
  • And whatever else Blue puts on the list.
  • Apr. 26th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    You know, if I had a dollar for every time there was a timeline in which my castle was stolen from me and I was pushed out or killed... I'd have two dollars.

    That doesn't seem like a lot but that's so weird that it happened twice as far as I know.

    THAT BEING SAID, I should probably get better wards for the castle just because I had some geese get in easily and grab my knives. Anyone wanna come help?

    Apr. 24th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    I've been looking at the college and university here and have a question if anyone has tried to do the same. Do you have to pick a major and work towards a degree or can you just take classes that interest you?

    Apr. 12th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    [Texts to Brigitte]
    » Hey.
    » Can you Will you I need a fav
    » I got this sword and it's all busted.
    » Think you can fix it?
    » [Insert photo of a broken katana. Bottom third is intact, pointy end is somewhat intact, the middle's all shattered]
    » Ain't no big deal if you can't.

    Mar. 29th, 2023



    2023 Network Post

    The problem with keeping your more prized spell components, books, and wine locked away where few know to look is that one of those "few" apparently includes your future self that has the stickiest of fingers, it would seem. Not even a payment left behind by way of the apparent spell for time travel, either.

    Please know that I understand this is the least of our worries and I am not trying to make light of a very real situation, but I feel better having lodged my complaint nevertheless. I am willing to lend aid if I can, either magically or through research.

    Also, to add: the honeymoon was lovely, I continue to be grateful to be legally attached to my husband, and Aeor is still very cold. The lights are reminiscent of the last Apogee back home that I remember from my youth, too, which leads to an odd sense of nostalgia.

    Mar. 28th, 2023




    I'm glad you're all here. I don't have the workshop anymore, but I make do with whatever we can get at the compound. Recovery operations are successful pretty often. Viktor's working out of our second location. So if you need to arm up at all, patch any armor, or need gadgets and devices set up, I'm still here to help.

    It goes without saying that we're relying pretty heavily on you all, I hope that's not too much stress. But I firmly believe that together we can do this. I don't think the stakes have ever been higher, if that's any motivation.

    Mar. 27th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    HEY KATE ARE YOU WORKING ON SOMEONE WHO'S ACTIVELY DYING or is it just like... whatever... broken arm

    because I kind of want to make out with you right now

    Mar. 24th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    [ Filtered to Brigitte & El Higgins ]

    Thank you for the workspace; it met my requirements precisely. I will be using it during the work week, and, I have recently hired El Higgins as my assistant. You've already met Blitzcrank, but I am certain he will often be underfoot. I will ask him to take caution not to trip anybody; he's generally good about that but ah, sometimes he gets excited.

    Thank you once more for the fresh start.

    [ /Filter ]

    [ Filtered to Lena ]

    If I were to approach you regarding using your offered workspace for projects of a more ah, delicate and discreet nature, what would you say?

    [ /Filter ]

    Mar. 21st, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Well. At least the whiplash doesn't feel as bad the second time around.



    [No Subject]

    Queer Women with Sharp Objects, we must meet because I am going through a withdraw of both. This weekend? Friday night? Both?

    Once again, I provide the following frequently asked questions:

    Q. What do you define as queer?
    A. Good news for all, I do not, you define yourself and if anyone tries to give you shit about it, I have been told I have 'big step on me' energy (which is true, and I will step) (on necks) (or whatever else).

    Q. What is a sharp weapon?
    A. Traditionally, this comes in the form of something with a blade component--examples include but are not limited to axes, knives, swords, war fans, scythes, but please, be creative. I love to see it.

    Q. I have never used a sharp weapon before, does that matter?
    A. No, not particularly. I would not recommend attempting one without tutelage, but I know there are many qualified people who are ready and able to assist. At the worst, you will learn what is not for you. At the best, who knows!

    Q. Will there be drinks and snacks.
    A. Yes, absolutely, though perhaps not at the same time as the sharp weapon using. Although again, who is to say.

    Mar. 10th, 2023



    [No Subject]


    would like

    if any of you shits makes fun of me I WILL hang you upside down by a signpost that reads 'fucknut' until you cede consciousness

    a haircut?

    I've never had one. I realize it's a method of self-expression. My hair is composed of organic materials but it doesn't grow so there's never been a need. But.

    ??? What should I do?

    Mar. 6th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    The message is a liiiiittle late but HAPPY WOMEN'S MONTH, VALLO! Is it a thing in Vallo? I don't know but my best friend Josh told me that it was a thing on Earth and honestly, it should totally be a thing in Vallo too. Just saying.

    Speaking of, what would be the reaction if I was to say that there might be a Women's Day brunch held at Castle Whitespire in celebration for it? Maaaaybe this Saturday so it wouldn't entirely be last minute? Because last minute would be holding it on Wednesday but since tomorrow is the full moon, there is no way in hell I'm going to be in any condition to host anything in the next two days.

    Mar. 3rd, 2023



    [No Subject]

    So there's a slow pitch softball beer league here in Vallo. Basically you play on Thursday nights for fun, drink a round or two, nothing serious.

    Anyone interested either in playing or sponsoring?

    Feb. 23rd, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Due to present circumstances, I'll be moving to a different apartment at Morningside this weekend. The old one is far too much space for one person. It will be a shame to leave the laboratory behind, but staying would be wasteful. And I do not want to remember

    I am considering the necessity of a lab assistant once I have settled somewhere new. Someone studying biology or chemistry or medicine, with an interest in the arcane and in improving lives. Someone organized; one of us should be. Someone in university? Perhaps high school if you are of whatever the legal age is for such things. I don't know what the laws are here. Child labor is fine where I'm from so I haven't looked into it?

    Full disclosure I killed my last assistant. I do not intend to do that again, but it seemed relevant.

    [ Filtered to the Science Community ]

    Does anyone have unused laboratory space I might use for my projects? Brigitte, I had heard you might, but I did not want to impose.

    [ /Filter ]

    Feb. 16th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Marika protect me from students who hear "five page minimum" and take it as the bare minimum.

    Twenty-two pages! On Vallo jury practices! I've only just come up for air.

    What's this about Valentines Day, then?

    Feb. 10th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    I will take any and all recommendations on a forge that creates reputable weaponry, and whatever places exist where you can act out violently but doesn't include murder or arrest from the law. I'll pass on simulations.

    Thank you.