
Layout By

November 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

At the DOA right now. Peter landed in a tree and angered some squirrels. He's getting registered, but has no memory of being here before. [...] We also found a cage from the High Evolutionary's ship by a Waypoint, full of those baby raccoons. They're alright. Terrified, though.

Patrol's been productive.



[No Subject]

Gamora & Peter
WHAT: Gamora finds Peter on her Defense shift, and the two of them find some old friends to bring home.
WHERE: Vallo forest
WHEN: Today!
WARNINGS: Talks of death/murder, vague allusions to animal abuse
STATUS: Complete

“I like this more than the mustache you had. The unkempt curls, too.”

“Yeah? Thanks. One of the kids on my grandpa’s block told me it was Neanderthal chic.”
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[No Subject]

[Team D (+ the Dragon Covert)]

Team D,

I was sorry to hear of the loss of Adam. I did not know him well, but he seemed kind and affable, and I'm sure that losing him was not easy.

I know how difficult it can be to accept new leadership, especially when it comes from an outside source. I regret that I do not know any of you as well as I might like to.

I should like to change that, by having you all for dinner tomorrow night at 18:00, so that I might become better acquainted with all of you before our first patrol shift.

Please let me know whether or not you're able to attend.

Yr obt svt,
Wm. Laurence



Log: Zoro & Sanji


WHO: Sanji & Zoro
WHAT: Sparring and being ridiculous
WHEN: Around 10/29ish?? idk
WARNINGS: Blood & violence
STATUS: Complete
You didn't answer my question. Why are you deflecting? Read more... )



Log: Ronan & Adam

Adam & Ronan Lynch
WHAT. Celebrating their 2nd anniversary (and Ronan's birthday)
WHERE. Their bedroom
WHEN. November 1st
WARNINGS. Sappy but tame
STATUS. Complete
ART. credit on full art
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[No Subject]

Ok...I've heard of pineapple pizza, but what the hell is this?!

SFW but cut for size )

I'm being serious. Is this a thing in this time line?