
Layout By

February 9th, 2023



[No Subject]

Are any of you adept at dealing with the mind? I guess it would be considered magical to you. Magical minds. I just need to know how fucked I am if something goes sideways. I have a few small questions, minuscule even, but I figured one of you would be able to answer.



[No Subject]

Alright, someone explain whatever the hell Valentine's Day is to me. I'm getting mixed fucking messages on the search thing and you all seem to understand in this place's charm.

Any of you know what's up with that one guy from home?

That probably doesn't fucking narrow it down, huh. He's the one with the--fuck, I don't know. A face? You know who I'm talking about. The human looking one.



[No Subject]

Beware, there are sweets falling from the sky with instructions. A roof does not seem to matter. If anyone would like several bags full of "sing in the street" sweets, I appear to be collecting more every few hours.