
Layout By

February 8th, 2023



[No Subject]

» I woke up to a cat sleeping on one of my pillows this morning.
» I can't be positive, but I believe she belongs to my comics counterpart. Her name is Liho.
» I've got the door closed for now, so just be mindful if either of you go to steal some of my clothes this morning.
» I'm going to pick up some things for her on my way home, and we can work on slowly introducing her to the rest of the animals later this week.




[No Subject]

Happy Wednesday!
Have a very colorful Monty.

And a riddle from the kids that I am sad to admit took me way too long. I blame not getting my second cup of coffee before they bombarded me with the tough questions this morning.

What starts with an E, ends with an E and only has one letter in it?



[No Subject]

Does anyone here know how to sail and/or have a sailboat (or a motor boat for that matter, I'm not picky). I know (or at least was told) that we can't get too far away from the island, but I used to live on a ship back home. I miss being out on the open water.



[No Subject]

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