
Layout By

February 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

I'm Alex. Keep a distance. I don't trust any of you.

You're not supposed to eat in these places, right? Fuck, I need Dawes I need Dar But I could use a bagel, so. It's free, right? Where's that.



[No Subject]

It's weird how video games got both way harder and way easier in forty years. Like, on one hand, saving? Holy shit, being able to save is amazing! Play pretty much any game right there in your house? So cool! But then there's way more buttons, way more going on, so much more to pay attention to and keep up with. I honestly feel kind of ashamed of thinking that being good at Pong was something to brag about.

Anyway, that's my rambling intro for a request: what video games would you recommend for someone who's not new to the concept, but new to any game made post-1986? Gimme some training wheels so I can get good.

Filtered to Nancy:
What do girls want for Valentine's Day? Flowers and chocolates? Is that good?



[No Subject]

I kind of realized that I arrived in a bit of a whirlwind, both in just dropping in here and then with the whole hell incident that went on right on the heels of it. (Thank you to everyone who worked on getting that sorted out, for the record. I'm sure that was a stressful time.) But, since that all is done and over with, I wanted to just give a reintro to those I haven't had the chance to meet. Seems only polite, I guess.

So, anyway. Hey, I'm Teddy Kaplan-Altman, also known as Hulkling back home, among other things. Billy is my husb boyfr uh partner, so apologies in advance because if you know him, you're going to have to get to know me. Package deal, I don't make the rules. Uh, let's see. I love Lord of the Rings, literally all pizza, and am unfortunately a morning person. I'm green sometimes, so don't be surprised by that.

That's all I've got. Either way, nice to meet you all.

On a scale of yes to very yes, what are the chances you'll let me take you out on a date for the 14th?



[No Subject]

I was waiting in line for coffee and then I just felt the need to share how much I love Prue Halliwell. I love her so much it's almost terrifying with my ability to screw up my relationships but she's amazing. Absolutely amazing.

I also love this coffee. The pixie is so grumpy but so great at what she does and it's entertaining exchanging remarks with her in the morning. I love this coffee a lot. Like goddamn it is good this morning.



[No Subject]

I will take any and all recommendations on a forge that creates reputable weaponry, and whatever places exist where you can act out violently but doesn't include murder or arrest from the law. I'll pass on simulations.

Thank you.



[No Subject]

texts to Revy

>>Don't ask how
>>but I'm stuck in a fucking broom closet with a client
>>Can you come to [location] and get me out?



[No Subject]

» Nat’s in her feelings and needs love and squish hugs.
» Want to come watch James Bond and sandwich her with me?



[No Subject]

Can't sleep. Listening to music. Drinkin' and smokin'. Thinkin'. Been doing a lot of that. Sometimes I think my head might explode from all of it. Anyway, hey to any other night owls that may be up.