
Layout By

September 24th, 2021



[No Subject]

Jory and I would be doing a disservice if we didn't embarrass our baby brother on his birthday. So happy birthday Eli, never forget that you were a theater star in our house long before you ever made it on the stage.

cut for ooc purposes, not actually cut. )



Log: Lan Xichen and Dorian Pavus

WHO: Lan Xichen and Dorian Pavus
WHEN: The day after Lan Xichen's Katamari ordeal
WHERE: The Elegant Room at Cloud Recesses
SUMMARY: Tea and Sympathy
WARNINGS: Lackadaisical approach to tea protocol, References to getting stuck to a ball and rolled around

Perhaps they could even toast to getting out of sticky situations. )



[No Subject]

For those of you who were (or are) cats and are now (or will be) missing the experience, might I suggest considering adoption of a cat-shaped companion? I do not know if that will really make things better, but it cannot hurt.

In fact, how about one of these from the animal shelter? Cut for several images! )

I do not understand all of the name references, but I have been told they are very good.

[OOC - these are all from my local humane society!]



[No Subject]

I'm really starting to hate this place.

[George Weasley]

Please put me to work. I need a distraction.



[No Subject]

Don't be sorry that she's gone. In our timeline, Natasha was, and definitely is, still doing great things. Other timelines don't really factor into it, so I'm not going to stress over it. People come and go in this place; it's the nature of things and getting upset over it is even the pain of losing someone close can be mercifully short at times.

I say all of that above to head off anyone telling me they're sorry for Natasha leaving, but as I wrote the words I feel they should be for everyone on that list, along with every previous list and every list to come. Take heart, we'll see them again.

I'm glad you got a chance to know her. If you need anything, I'm here.