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May 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey, Diego. How are you managing as the new family time traveler?



[No Subject]

I saved a sheep from a snake monster.
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Journal Entry

So I see these books have writing in them now. Guess I should have checked again sooner.




Today, in Ancient Vallo news... )




The bright side of being sent to the past with Nikolai Lantsov is the fact that a) this all still seems a fair bit calmer than Ravka and b) this man can quite literally charm the proverbial pants off of anything. If anyone is needing additional clothing for blending in, food, or money, we have a limited amount of each to share thanks to him. We've made it to Civitas and found a room above one of the taverns if you need to know where to find us.

We might want to lay off the dice games tonight. I have a feeling that someone was at least on the verge of figuring out my little gust trick and they're already suspicious enough. I think we've got enough to sustain us for a few more days, though, depending on how long this lasts. And also depending, I suppose, on how much others take me up on my uncharacteristic generosity.



[No Subject]

Last Saturday
Jake & Margo
"See the stupidly big mansion behind me? We’re going to rob it."
Vallo's city streets | definitely not getting into trouble
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journal entry

I really wish I was back in the future. Also, can Vallo stop sending me into the past without protections? Cause I've had to run into too many questionable spaces because I've been splashed with water and don't need everyone to see me turn into a mermaid in public. I wish Rikki was here



[No Subject]

Tuesday Afternoon
Alexis & Eleanor
"I guess this part of the time traveling experience is okay? I still feel like I’m in a weird Doc Brown movie though."
Civitas | Besties reuniting with strong wine & warm food (But they'd still rather be back in normal Vallo)
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journal entry - public

[a handwritten "note" of gibberishy scrawl that ends in ink just being dragged across the page]



Journal Entry - Ancient Vallo

This place is certainly interesting. They didn't particularly like my choice of weapon, though.

I can sense you here. Are you alright?



Journal Entry

Before anyone else Hello. I know we are all a bit spread out throughout both time and space, but I wanted to just check in. I took for granted being able to see any of you at a whim, apparently. There was a bit of an incident earlier on today with myself and Verin, however everything is -- ah more or less is fine turned out okay in the end, so don't worry. It has also rained a great deal today, which I suppose is the least of any concerns but I have spent too much time here waterlogged.

Are you all fine? Has anything else happened there? I have some theories about all of this, some of which revolve around ley-lines, but they're not anything I can properly measure without my equipment at home.



Journal Entry

Nothing like an attempted assassination to liven up a boring day. I'm glad we were able to track down the conspirators.



Journal Filter to Sara Lance

Journal Entry Filtered to Sara Lance )



[No Subject]

Monday Evening
Ambrose & Nick
"I’m here, and Zelda too. You don’t have to deal with this alone."
Spellman Mortuary | WARNING: references to suicide, death. CAOS spoilers.
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