
Layout By

March 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

Who: Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski
Where: Music Venue
When: March 14th - night
What: Hanging out and listening to a band
Status: Complete
Warnings: PG13

Dance as if no one's looking... )



[No Subject]

One of my favorite humans, Henry Cheng, is celebrating his birthday today!!

And while the morning has been rough, I did manage to get this picture of him holding coffee before it spilled all over him. It's the little things.

OOC cut for picture! )

This just means everyone needs to wish him extra happy birthdays to make up for it. 🎉





[No Subject]

I see that others are having problems with terrible luck befalling them. I have nothing to offer as far as advice goes, but it was requested that I show off Frumpkin when I was able to re-summon him. I could get very used to documenting his adventures.

I think he likes it here. )



[No Subject]

TMI but it's kind of funny so I'm sharing.

Went for a run, somehow managed to lose the spot where I put my own clothes, lost control of my shift, tripped over a log, faceplanted into the ground, shifted back, still couldn't find my clothes. Still can't find my clothes. Guess they're a sacrifice to the forest. RIP favorite jeans.



[No Subject]

WHO: Vanya Hargreeves
WHERE: The Forest
WHEN: March 15, afteroon
WHAT: Power practice goes wrong
RATING: Inury from power malfunction, but otherwise N/A
STATUS: Complete

With an exasperated sigh she reached for her cellphone. )



[No Subject]

» Hey
» I kind of need your help
» If you're free



[No Subject]

I've been assured, repeatedly, that normally the arrival process goes a bit more smoothly but believe me, I've spent enough time on the galaxy's slowest elevators that even going to one or two incorrect waypoints is still faster than the alternative. DOA, you all do magnificent work. Seriously.

Access to my new quarters not working, okay, I understand things can happen. I'm even all right with hitting my head no less than two times on my first foray into my new kitchen. But I had to leave because I couldn't get the timer on the wall to stop chiming every ten seconds. Even I have limits.

So hello. I'm Comman John Shepard. I'd say I must've arrived on a really unlucky day, but considering I was facing off against a small horde of zombies not even two hours ago, things are actually looking up for me.



[No Subject]

Awesome. Dropped my phone and the screen spidered out. Went to fix it and cut my damn self. Fell over my own shoe laces and I spilled coffee on a very attractive guy. The only good thing about today is it's nearly over.



Log ➢ Stan & Eddie

Stan & Eddie
"It hurt you, Eddie," he said, quiet and numb. "Why didn't you tell us it hurt you?"
WHAT: Stan's arrival heralds some heavy discussions.
WHERE: Morningside Manor.
WHEN: Backdated to early February.
WARNINGS: Anxiety, panic attacks, clown trauma, talk of death and mourning. The Loser mood.
STATUS: Complete!
Read more... )



Network ➢ Klaus Hargreeves

I went to a cafe to get waffles and the waffles were burnt! So they remade them because you shouldn't have to suffer through burnt waffles but then the new waffles were burnt too!

SO THEN I decided to get donuts but they didn't have any cream-filled doughnuts and the only donuts were chocolate icing were boring and didn't even have sprinkles.

I miss Griddy's.

Today was terrible.

That's not even