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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+bev+marsh'

Apr. 23rd, 2020


[No Subject]

Vallo huh, so like is this Earth or not Earth? I can't contact the Commander, I'm in deep shit.



[No Subject]

Looking at the amusing side? My younger self spent my money on hair products and left a note telling me to stop living like a hobo. So there's that.

You guys all alright over there? Everyone back to normal?

Apr. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

This isn't my room
This isn't the house.
Too quiet. Empty.
I hate it here.
I'm sorry. Whatever I did

Did I get voted out of the house?

Apr. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Some people panic buy a ton of shit after having an existential crisis. That was me at, like, 13. I used to fantasize about buying out half the pharmacy. Now I just delete my entire island in Animal Crossing. It felt kind of good? Not as good as a six-month supply of bandaids and antiseptic, maybe, but I'm vibing with this clean slate thing. My new island speaks to me.  )

Private Filter  )

Apr. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

I really hate when people mess with time.

At least I don’t have to deal with this by myself.

Want to get a drink?

edited to add: seifer.
So this is weird.

Uh...how are you handling things? And do you want to come drink with me and Bev. I’m not even going to pretend to be a responsible adult figure. I’ve never met one and wouldn’t know how to fake it.

Apr. 16th, 2020



Voice To Text ➢ Bill Denbrough

Rachel, sweetie, please, daddy needs, at least, one hand to... Where's your brother?

Eli! The chickens stay outside. Outside, please. They like their coop. I'll look at her in a minute. I just need to...

Yes, sweetie, I know. Daddy will start breakfast as soon as I get dad's attention.

Well. All of that just posted because, of course it did. Has anyone seen my husband?



[No Subject]

After assessing the network, there seems to be some lag time between yesterday's aging situation and today's.

You should come back to the Barns, now.

Apr. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

Well, in the words of John Mulaney, this might as well happen.

I need coffee.

Apr. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

I was thinking about home. Is there an age where you just stop caring about things or was that just Derry? Sometimes I think it'd be nice to be apathetic and capable of shrugging things off instead of the alternative. I'm over having emotions.

It'd also be nice to develop better coping skills I may have rode Silver into something and gotten myself flung off her and over the handlebars. Pretty sure she's okay. If not, I get to figure out if there's a bicycle repair shop here... even if she's not it'd still be good to know. Just in case.

Apr. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

Someone or something thinks I've been on my best Devil behavior since my arrival and decided to send my club along.

Drinks are on me tomorrow night at Lux. [Address.] No need to be on your best behavior.



[No Subject]

So I guess this world hopping is going to become a thing now? Am I done with the whole saving worlds thing? I was getting pretty good at that. A+ for inconsistency, Fate.

What's the shtick here? Magic crystal telling everyone what to do? Military industrial complex? There's always someone telling everyone else what to do.

Apr. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hearing all this talk about witch covens and ceremonies and schools gave me a slight bit of hope that maybe there was something to look forward to in the werewolf community. But can now officially confirm:


It's a hot mess. Because of course it is.



[No Subject]

Pesach Sameach.

It kind of caught me by surprise this year, because...you know...whole different year and place than I was expecting, but that's no reason not to observe. I'm going to be hosting a seder tonight, so if there's anyone who doesn't have a plan in place for Passover, you're welcome to come.

losers + dan + sabrina.
If you guys want to come, you can. I mean, obviously, you don't have to. But I don't want you to feel like you can't.



[No Subject]

Today I turn 18. It kind of sucks that my dad isn't here to celebrate. I mean he has put up with me for 17 years. He should be able to see me turn 18. Oh well, I can't do much about that. So, I think I'll start my day with doughnuts and then who knows.

Apr. 7th, 2020



Filter ➢ Friends*

Hi. If you can see this, humor me for a second. You're all still here, right?

Just, like, send an emoji or something random.

[ *ooc: Assume away! If you consider them friends, Eddie likely does too. ]

Apr. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

As part of being a responsible guardian/boss type, I have important life lessons to instill in the youth.

Now who wants to volunteer to get the shit kicked out of them by a thirteen year old girl?

Apr. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

So. Question.

Has anyone say…gone to bed like normal but then sort of had the most realistic dream--okay like honestly not sure I can call it a dream-- but like you basically lived out the last few decades… No let's not freak out Aunt Zee weeks of your life back home?

Which how that even happens in like a few hours of sleep idek but yeah.

I'm not the only one, right?

I mean at least I've answered the whole how do I free my boyfriend, well ex boyfriend from Hell, and apparently become Queen while still attending high school dilemma. Take that, annoying Kings and Lords.

But you know, it'd be nice to know I'm not alone in this kind of crap.

Apr. 3rd, 2020



Filter ➢ Various

Losers Club  )

Dan Torrance + Stan Uris  )

Apr. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

Well this is just completely unacceptable.

Sabrina. What in Satan’s name have you done now? I have been reliably informed you are here. Perhaps you can make some sense of this.



Filter ➢ Bev & Stan

Heyyyy good morning! ☕️🌤👋 Question: you guys have the funky brain shit third-eye psychic thing. Does it affect your senses? Like, can you hear somebody talking from really far away? Or smell fear holy shit I'm not saying that stuff that's nowhere near you? Just curious!!! 😊😊😊😊