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Posts Tagged: 'temeraire:+william+laurence'

Jul. 25th, 2023



[No Subject]

I'm down to five boxes of sticky notes from the twenty "Ella" ordered and I'm ready to give them away. Who needs to adhere their lives to every surface around them? They'll come with bonus glitter pens!

Jul. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

It looks like I have returned to Vallo, after a year away. What have I missed?

Captain, Temeraire, Abi, Lan Xichen are you still present here?

Jul. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

Okay, so! Things I have figured out being here so far:

✨ Emojis. Maybe I should say this phone but I feel like emojis are sort of a crowning achievement for me.

✨ Car doors. Way more complicated than they look. Worse than those circle doors that only turn one way. If you pull on the handle at the wrong time they don't unlock. But also sometimes they just unlock or lock whenever. I didn't even see the driver push the button, but he looked really annoyed when I asked so I just sort of stopped. But I think I got it now.

✨ Microwaves. Not a fan. Does anyone else feel like they're kind of yelling at you if you don't pull out your food in time? Also they're not very good cooks.

Things I am still trying to get a handle on:

✨ Washing machines. I feel like the bathtub works for now, you know?

✨ A job. Right, so I'm a really good cook and if someone would like to enlist my services, I would be really grateful.

✨ Friends. Where do people "hang out"? Is that weird to put "hang out" in quotes? It's just I haven't really had friends until I went on this quest but there's like... I'm also good not questing you know? So

I'm feeling really good about this. Like really good.

Jun. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

Not again.

Jun. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]

Defense teams should be aware that a giant hand (taller than a man) attacked at Cloud Recesses today. Gladiolus, Katou Yue, and I were able to eliminate the threat without serious injury to anyone here, but it is seldom that a trouble in Vallo is strictly isolated.

This particular hand appeared on a rooftop and attempted to crush me under its palm. It also fired a dart equipped with a paralytic poison which thankfully is not deadly. We were able to dispatch it quickly enough that I do not know what else it might be capable of.

Jun. 2nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Temeraire, Sir William Laurence & Lan Xichen
WHAT: A 50-year-old Laurence wakes up in the wrong dimension and Lan Xichen worries about what happened to his husband
WHERE: The Dragon Covert
WHEN: First day of the timeslip plot
WARNINGS: Nothing too bad, some angst
STATUS: Complete

"Who the devil are you?"
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May. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

Lan Xichen & Will Laurence
WHAT: A short and sweet Sleeping Beauty retelling
WHERE: Cloud Recesses
WHEN: This afternoon
STATUS: Complete

Once upon a time, there was a man named Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen lived in a beautiful old castle with his dear husband and their dragon, and all was well in their world.
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[No Subject]

So I'm not sure what this is, but Lan Xichen is surrounded by roses at his deck and dead asleep. Absolutely refuses to be woken up. I blasted all the songs he absolutely does not vibe with at his head - thanks Fergie! -, poked him, tickled him, threatened to throw glitter around in his office nothing.


Will, sorry for the hundred 911 texts and missed calls. But, um, panicking.



[No Subject]

Um, so... I'm pink? Not like white-person pink, more like the kind of hot pink Chloe probably paints her nails in inappropriate situations.

Is this worse than being a snowman? I think it might be worse.

May. 22nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Okay okay so why are so many of you people married?

There's not like a dominant religion here saying "do it or perish eternally in a lack of atmo", and it's not a law (I think?? I haven't studied many laws here but so far it's like the legal system here is ~just good vibes~), and it seems like most people choose to raise their own offspring which okay, cool, choice, don't get me wrong I'm not keen on implementing a Nursey-type system, but also ick?? but also fine. Look at me, I'm being so! freaking! open! minded!

But the marriage stuff, I can't figure it out. Are there like tax benefits?? What the hell. Why saddle yourself legally with a long-term relationship? Explain it to me like I'm five. I promise this is not me trying to shit on your customs and if I do feel free to shit on mine; it'll be cultural collaboration.

Also hi I need a job; my larder is bare, etc etc etc.

May. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

Laurence & Lan Xichen
WHAT: Laurence wakes up as himself again and goes to see his husband
WHERE: The Dragon Covert
WHEN: Early this morning
WARNINGS: Fluff. Some sexual themes near the end and a fade to black
STATUS: Complete

“Should I be offended or chastised that you’d prefer the company of a dream husband to the real thing?”
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May. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]

One of our Art Camp activities this week (Sunday) is "Welcome to Cardboard Castle." If anyone has boxes they are willing to donate to the cause of children's art and architecture, please notify me. I will be happy to retrieve them. We seek boxes of all sizes, though large ones are especially valued. We are also accepting donations of tape and Christmas Lights.

We all wish to thank the community for supporting us, that we may in turn support you. Your assistance yesterday was vital to our staff and volunteers, as has been the ongoing support that allows us to keep up this space and its activities on a regular basis.

[Filtered to Art of Expression Staff and Volunteers]
All of you did beautiful work yesterday, especially to have done it on such short notice. I know that the following days will be just as wonderful. Thank you all.

Please discuss your choice of places from which to order lunch today and have your order to me by 10:30. There are doughnuts and bagels in the kitchen for everyone working this morning.

The woman who complained about her child drawing butts and the man who complained about his daughter seeing scary drawings by other children have been managed, as has the woman who argued that there should also have been chips with the sandwiches. If today brings any new complaints, send them directly to me. Such nonsense concerns are not your responsibility.

If you need anything at all over the course of the day, be it support, supplies, direction, or a reprieve from your duties, call upon me. I wish to support this endeavor fully, so I ask that you consider me a resource entirely at your disposal.

[Filtered to Temeraire]
Is Sir William Laurence carrying on well? Please tell me if there is anything I may help with, as I am certain he will not.

May. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

I awakened this morning to discover that my husband is thirteen years older and has no recollection of Vallo. Is anyone experiencing similar difficulties?

Apr. 21st, 2023



[No Subject]

Marriage suits me very well, I have found. I do not know how long it will be before I stop saying "my husband" at every available opportunity and actually refer to him by name again. (His name is William Laurence, and he is the very best husband anyone could be granted by fate.)

And though I have said it already, many thanks to all those who joined us to celebrate our wedding. The event was most joyous because of you. Thank you also to Wei Wuxian for introducing me to the music of Shakira at the reception! It has led me to a study of popular dance music of her era, which is truly fascinating! And Prompto is enjoying this office music much more than the sea shanties or the doom metal.

[Filtered to My Husband]
I think the only truly great challenge of planning an engagement party for our friends will be ensuring that Ignis attends the party rather than supervising the kitchen. Everything else should be relatively simple.

Apr. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

The Lan-Laurence Wedding

After consulting an astrologer for an auspicious date, William Laurence and Lan Xichen were married on the lakeshore of the Dragon Covert, on the 15th of April, 2023, in the company of their families: Temeraire, also known as Lung Tien Xiang, and special guests Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, Lan Sizhui, and Jin Ling.

The ceremony itself was a mix of Christian-Anglican and Chinese tradition: an Anglican ceremony, followed by the three bows to Heaven and Earth, the families, and to one another. During the exchanging of the rings, Will and Lan Xichen also affixed bracelets made of red thread by Lan Xichen to one another's wrists, so that they may find one another again in the afterlife.

The Dinner and the Reception )

Apr. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]

Will Laurence & Lan Xichen
WHAT: Lan Xichen comes home
WHERE: The Dragon Covert
WHEN: April 7th, 2023
WARNINGS: References to character death, but mostly just fluff
STATUS: Complete

There was only one thing Lan Xichen wanted when he returned from the future: to go home.
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Apr. 12th, 2023



FUTURE LOG: Laurence & Prompto

Laurence & Prompto
WHAT: Gladio is thralled and Prompto goes to see Laurence
WHERE: The Dragon Covert
WHEN: October/November 2029
WARNINGS: Character death, sad Future!Vallo things
STATUS: Complete

Prompto wanted the magical answer, but he was afraid that there wasn’t one. That coming here was a mistake.
Read more... )

Apr. 6th, 2023




I am honored to report that in 2033, we have ended the threat of Interitus for all Vallo timelines. Many are injured, but we are now able to focus on healing rather than destruction.

May fortune smile upon you in 2023 at least as much as it has smiled upon us here. We travelers will see you soon.

Please use this page to check in with your friends and family as needed.

Apr. 5th, 2023




Our 2023 friends you've found the simulacrum, you know what needs to be done.

We will await the ripple through timelines before making our final push on our end. Knowing Vallo and what we've heard has been happening there the past few days I'm sure you'll all be on guard for Vallo throwing a few obstacles your way. We trust that you'll get through it though, we always do.

We're all so incredibly grateful for the help you've given us - from lending us your own to raising spirits on our end and reminding us of what we're fighting for. What we can start to rebuild when this is all over. We will have your people back to you soon.

Good luck tomorrow.

Those of us in 2033… what can I even say.

Logistic wise - we leave first thing in the morning. I know the sudden move was a lot at the end but it looks like we're sorting it out. If you are missing anything, need anything, require any repairs on any weapons or anything you need to bring, speak now. As always we are expecting nothing but trouble in the city. You've gotten your groups by now, look after each other.

This is what we've been working for. We've lived through some of the darkest years we could ever imagine but it ends tomorrow. I know nothing can erase what we've been through, erase the pains of what we have all lost. But a better future awaits us. The chance to rebuild a world we can live in and not just survive in. We will find brighter days ahead.

Take the rest of the day to do what you need to do. Check your gear, supplies. Come tomorrow we won't have much chance to talk to each other, whatever you want or need to say take the time to do so now. Try to get some rest.

We'll see you all on the other side.

And if this is way too much to think about and your brain is on fire and wants a distraction let's revisit an old one, the true battle of our time - pineapple on pizza? Yes or no.

(( I'm turning off my notifs for this post so feel free to use this as catch all cross timeline post for everyone! ))

Apr. 3rd, 2023



2033 Network

Enjoy this day of rest. We've earned it, but we're not done.

Throughout my many years of service to this world, I have seen my fair share of disasters and apocalyptic scenarios. From alien invasions to rogue A.I. systems, the threats to its people have been varied and numerous.

But let me tell you this: every time the world has been threatened with destruction, it has always been met with bravery and resilience.

It is in the face of adversity that we truly find our strength. We have seen this time and time again, from the bravery of our soldiers in wartime to the selflessness of our first responders in times of crisis.

No matter the threat, we have always come together as a people to face it head-on. And that is what makes me proud to be an Outlander, and to be a citizen of this world.

But make no mistake, this threat is real. Interitus is not to be taken lightly. It knows we have a plan, regardless of our success. We must be prepared for anything that may come our way.

It is up to us to work together and come together for the greater good. We must be willing to sacrifice for one another, to stand up for what is right, and to fight for the survival of our world.

So let us not fear the end of the world, for it is in the darkest of times that we shine the brightest. We have faced many apocalypses before, and we're sure to face more in the future. But with courage and determination, we will always emerge victorious.

For as long as there are people willing to fight for what is right, the world will never truly end.

Stay strong, my friends. The future is in our hands.