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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+ignis+scientia'

Jun. 19th, 2020



Public ➢ Mental Heath Resources

It's come to my attention that there might be a few people here who, like me, could use some mental health support. I have a pretty big list of resources and contact information that I've gathered over the year that I've been here. I'm happy to pass it along to anyone who might be considering some form of therapy—or even just a counseling session or two. When I got here, I was [...] in a very bad spot to put it extremely lightly, and if I can help ease someone else's stress, I'd like to try.

[Link to a Google Doc]

The highlighted names are the people I've personally seen and highly recommend. If anyone has any questions or just wants to talk to someone, my door is always open, too. Completely confidential. Umbra—my licensed therapy dog—is also available whenever you need. Or just for pets. He likes those.

Jun. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

I guess I'm one of the people who found something that isn't mine today. I swear I didn't steal - Is anyone missing a blue blanket? It's very soft. Druk has been nesting in it since I got to work, so you might want to wash it first. I'm sorry I -

Uh. Yeah, that's it.


Jun. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Texts to Ignis Scientia]
» Hi Ignis, this is Brigitte. The smith who helps with Gladio's swords?
» I know we haven't had much of a chance to talk but I kind of heard about some of the food you gave the geese
» And I guess I want to know how much trouble I need to cause around Vallo to get that kind of reward, because I can take Obi-Wan's stove if I need to
» Mainly because while I can build some amazing stuff, I did NOT get my mama's cooking talents

Jun. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

I would like to thank everyone who came out to my party Saturday night and took the time to welcome me. I can see already that Vallo has a lot to offer, and I'll do my best to make the most of it.

Now, can anyone tell me if the libraries here have any record of the magic of the lands? I'm eager to get started on my research but a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

Jun. 10th, 2020



Erica Reyes ⥈ Net Post

Okay... I've had time to cool down. Now that I'm back to being level headed, whoever took my coffee maker needs to bring it back in the next 10 minutes... Nobody needs to get hurt much.

Jun. 9th, 2020



Voice Post

[ There's a whole lot of loud chirping and shrieking in the background. Zuko sounds like he's trying to play it very cool—and failing. ]

Do, uh. Do dragons eat clothes?



Log ➢ Ignis & Noctis

Ignis & Noctis
He'd spent hours trying not to seem like he was hovering close to Ignis after his sight returned.
WHAT: Their search for Ignis' glasses leads them to Galdin Quay, and almost a revelation. Sigh.
WHERE: Around Vallo City.
WHEN: Late April (backdated).
WARNINGS: Some mentions of PTSD.
STATUS: Complete!
Read more... )

Jun. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

So I've been thinking: if Quidditch only exists in realities like mine, what other sports might exist in other realities? Does anyone have a favorite sport that doesn't exist anywhere else?

Jun. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

Holy HOT FRIES you guys do I have GREAT news! On Tuesday, Ronan will be back at the market!! :))))))))))))))) (he is definitely rolling his eyes at me right now, I can just tell, but I am really exited and I know you are too!!!) I would say a whole thing about how I'm really proud of him for starting this whole thing up, and just in general, and that I love him and admire him SO much but it would definitely embarrass him so I won't. :)

ALSO just like how we did a special event for Mother's Day we're also doing one for Father's Day, in two weeks! It's very similar, we'll have a breakfast deal, we'll have crafts, and SUCH good fiber arts, our pond will be open for fishing and you guys our pond is SO great, like, you think it would be just a pond whatever, but no, this is a GREAT pond!! ALSO there is a big rumor that Ronan MIGHT do a storytime and you guys. You. Guys. As someone who has been the beneficiary of Ronan's storytimes before I like, can't even express what they mean to me. It's like, the equivalent of chocolate chip cookie dough bites. THAT GOOD.

Also good?? Are these cards he made!!

They're basically the Uncrustables of cards )

I am also around for hugs (with consent!!), high fives, fist bumps, or just words of encouragement if you aren't into being touched at all! :)))) If you come to the market every time we're open, thank you!!! I love seeing you! And if you haven't but you're looking for an excuse, consider this your personal invitation! I would love to see you!!

And so would this guy! )



voice-to-text post

ZUKO where are you, firebreath? They TOLD me you were here and this place feels gross. Crowded and ugh. Don't MAKE me come looking for you.



[No Subject]

Is anyone else trying out for the community musical? Six? About the wives of that jerk Henry VIII.

It seems like it could be fun to do now with school finished for the year.

[Coven club]
How does having our first meeting on Wednesday at 5pm sound for everyone? I was thinking in the forest (by the lake that is surrounded by the sunflowers on the one side) but suggestions for a different place are welcomed!!

May. 23rd, 2020



Network Post

Filtered to Chocobros )

Filtered against Noctis )

I've heard a few people lamenting their lack of cooking skills, here and there. If I offered a few free basic lessons - or less than basic, if someone has something specific they want to learn how to make, provided it's something I'm familiar with or can learn quickly - would anyone have any interest in learning?

May. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

I've decided that I would make a very good bartender. Anyone hiring one?


May. 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

Still so weird -
Currently taking recommendations for the best pizza place and things to check out on Netflix.

May. 15th, 2020



Filter ➢ Clownbusters*

Hey, guys. I know I said this last night I think it's fuzzy, but I really appreciate everything you've done to help me with the haunting shit. It was a huge risk for all of you just to be there, and it means a lot to me that you were. I don't know how to thank you for that, but I'm gonna try after I lay in bed for another couple hours doing absolutely nothing.

You're the best. 💜 I have hugs I wanna deliver later, but if you'd prefer high fives, that's cool, too. I hope you're all okay.

ooc filter list!  )

May. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

Heads up if you were looking to come down to Galahd tonight - we'll be opening an hour or so late. Got a bit of a mess to clean up after an attempted gnome goblin robbery.

As well we will be closed Saturday, go check out the fights at the Underground instead.

May. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

Yeah... nothing like taking the dog for a walk and being followed by at least thirty odd crows.



[No Subject]

Well your city gives a fine welcome, doesn't it?

May. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

So the chances of this being a really weird, really wild dream are pretty low, huh?

May. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

Uhhh. I think I've been adopted by a cat?  )

Or she thinks I don't have enough fish in my diet. It's unclear.

Filtered to Gladio Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, & Prompto Argentum  )