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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+hazel+levesque'

Sep. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

I've been gone for 5 months??

I mean, it's better than 25 years, so I guess that's an improvement. BUT STILL. Luke? Julie? Hazel? Anyone?

Sep. 13th, 2021



[No Subject]

There's a lot to process still, but it was suggested I reach out on here because there are some people around who know me... so, hi?

Sep. 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

Last week I signed up to run for Head Girl at Geliara. Tomorrow are the debates, Thursday is the vote. Not a lot of time, but at least it's not dragged out. There doesn't seem to be much stock put into things like posters, bribes, and probably empty promises, which I'm okay with. The other people running are Margeaux Alarie, a Vorerra Coven member and Asher Grey from Geliara. This should be interesting.

For everyones entertainment, I taught Lance a TikTok dance. He can't blame whatever was causing the singing and dancing the other week.

A video similar to this is inserted, with Roz and Lance as the dancers.



[No Subject]

As always, Kaltenecker is a trooper. She's adjusted swimmingly to her sudden relocation after showing up last week.

Aug. 24th, 2021



[No Subject]

22 and under crowed

Somehow, there's one week of summer left before classes resume across Vallo. Does anyone have plans to throw an end of summer party?

EDIT: End of summer party Sunday night at the quarry.

Aug. 10th, 2021



[No Subject]

Dorian's is closed until further notice. Thankfully there hasn't been any issues yet, but I'm not really feeling like taking that risk while facing yet another apocalypse.



[No Subject]

I've never felt so entirely disconnected from nature and it's honestly a bit disconcerting. No, it's very disconcerting. I don't know how much I can help with anything right now, but if anyone needs me, I'll certainly try. If anyone needs a pick me up, your coffee break is on me today. It's not much, but hopefully it helps a little.

Please check in! Hera, I know you're still settling in, so it just figures that something in Vallo would go awry. Do you need anything? Are any of you feeling disconnected, too?

This is probably poor timing, but I wanted to check on you, too. Has everything been okay lately?

Aug. 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm pretty sure summer just started and now it's nearly over. And somehow an entire year has passed since the last one.

Do you ever just suddenly remember all of the people you were friends with who aren't here anymore? And wonder how they're doing... Like are they home? Or did they go to a different world again?

I think this time last year I was going dress shopping with Bev. Because Allura was throwing that ball. I have photos of that time and the memories and the quarry is still here but none of them are. But sometimes it doesn't feel like it was real, even though I know it was

Jul. 29th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hello, good morning.

Name's Mobius, and I just got here yesterday after a bumpy landing. I have some people one person I've studied intimately for literal years, and one adorably feral cat who acts like she's just been tossed into a sink-- Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum? friends here already so I seem to be doing okay. Got a bagel, the DOA lecture, and a map.

Now, hypothetical question - if one were to need a ridiculously ginormous power source, say, something to power a last hope of civilization's escape from the apocalypse (like a train, or a clown car) where would I go about finding one of those? Plus if anyone else has any other Vallo tips, I'd like to hear them. Thanks in advance.

[ooc: blanket warning for loki spoilers in comments, probably!]

Jul. 11th, 2021



[No Subject]

WHO: Dorian & Hazel
WHAT: A bit of tutoring and helping her tap into her Necromancer skills by introducing her to some Thedosian magic and boooooks (and a skull)
WHERE: Skyhold, Mage Tower
WHEN: Idk today?
WARNINGS: Creepy shit
STATUS: Complete

Now, you may be asking yourself - how do I connect with the spirits? )

Jul. 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

Mazikeen decided that yesterday was the best day for her to have her puppies. They seem to all be doing well but honestly IDK much about baby hellhounds and crap. But I think they're adorable.

cut for picture )

First family dinner this Friday? Y/N?

ooc: pretend their eyes are red please and thanks

Jun. 10th, 2021



[No Subject]

Has anyone else had mysterious livestock turn up recently?

... There's a cow in my garden. As it certainly doesn't belong to me I can only assume this must be Vallo's doing.

May. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

Friday Afternoon
Hazel & Nick
"Your face at the party didn’t look like good news."
Morningside Apartments | References to Death & Suicide, CAOS Spoilers
Read more... )

May. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

It's been awhile and Vallo is crazy. So Friday, party at Dorian's for whoever wants to let loose for awhile!

May. 9th, 2021



journal entry - public

Update incoming.

We have the time stone and I'm all set to cast the correct spell to wind the clocks forward and bring us home. Mid-day tomorrow, we're all going to gather in Civitas by the palace right in the center. I'm sure everyone's seen it by now. If you want to just show up, that's fine. If you want to help, here are some options.

• Is there anyone who can fly and potentially help transport people? Also teleporters who can transport people? Just so we're not spending too long traveling. There are a few waypoints but not as many as in present Vallo so if you're planning to use those, leave enough time to get to Civitas. We're all eager to get back but I don't want to leave anyone behind. I'll open a couple portals too, in various locations.

• Because Vallo is Vallo no matter the time period, I'm not going to disregard the idea of another dragon or a similar annoyance popping up to hinder our efforts. Volunteers to take point and guard the perimeter?

• And this is important: when the spell is cast, please be standing near someone and hold onto them. You don't have to hold hands (but feel free to do this if you want to tearfully look into someone's eyes as well). I anticipate we'll all end up in the same places we left from but it's important to stay grounded and latched onto something while time surges ahead, especially for those who are injured.

• People back in the present - yeah, hi. Your loved ones should be popping up randomly so just keep an eye out and maybe clear an area so they don't reappear on a bed of knives (I don't know what kind of kinky furniture you people with the hog-tying search results have).

I think that's it for now. Let me know if there are any questions.

And yes, I'll be putting a hex on the time stone to prevent anyone or anything else from taking it. It won't even release itself from its holding device without me and anyone who attempts beyond that will get burnt for their efforts. A simple spell, one I used to protect the time stone in my world but it was quite effective.

May. 8th, 2021



[No Subject]

Sabrina & Hazel
"Um, also, could we maybe not mention to Nick that we were attacked by killer chipmunks?"
Ancient Vallo Forest | Dealing with cannibal chipmunks
Read more... )

May. 1st, 2021




[ written into her journal about an hour after arrival ]


Is anyone seeing this?

Hey if you are, who all woke up somewhere entirely else today? Can we get a bit of a role call or something going? I'm here with Baz, Genya, and Alex.

private to josie and lizzie:
Check in please? You both okay?

Apr. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

[Dad & Persephone]
Hey. I'm going out for a bit with Arion. I didn't want to disappear without saying anything. Sorry about Zagreus. If you need anything, just text.

Apr. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

It occurs to me that with finals on the horizon and summer break just around that corner, that I'm going to need to find something to do with my time. I have never held a job before, in the sense of having a set schedule of hours and receiving a salary for my time and work, so perhaps that is something that I ought to consider changing? I don't entirely know where to start, though.

Out of curiosity, and if you are reading and inclined to answer, what was your first job? Perhaps it will give me a jumping off point.

I have a confession to make, now that the kids have dispersed. I've thought about it and as unequipped as I felt that I could be to observe a slumber party as an adult, even from the outskirts, it made me very much wish that I would have been able to have them as a child.

Apr. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

This is worse than the bedazzled Converse. This is so much worse. All of my clothes are like suburban 50s housewife dresses. If anyone needs me- don't. Because I am not leaving my room.

edited to add:
[ FILTERED TO BUCKY & NYX EXTENDED FAMILY ] (if you think this includes you, it does.)

I have been convinced to leave my room despite this monstrosity of a wardrobe with the promise of awkward family photos. So, get your asses over to the house, cause this is happening.