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Posts Tagged: 'werewolf+ta:+kellach+donallen'

Jan. 6th, 2024



[No Subject]

When I was a child the New Year was celebrated further into the spring, closer to when the plants would start to bloom and the planting of that year's crops. It was strange to see it celebrated in the middle of winter, but it was nice to see it celebrated. As the blight took hold most stopped having the same feats and celebrations of the New Year, which I find I can not blame many for. Hard to want to celebrate when there is little to celebrate.

I have heard it is customary to make resolutions, or to set an intent for the New Year. I have given much thought to this over the past few days and find myself unable to come up with much outside of reading more books solely for the sake of reading them. Has anyone managed to make a list of resolutions? Or do most just simply find it a foolish endeavour?

Jan. 3rd, 2024



[No Subject]

Probably shouldn't eat the weird bird hooked hand things, right? Asking for a friend.

We're going to that place with the turkey legs. Pick a day.

Dec. 14th, 2023



Serendipity Hills


Abi Blyg & Kellach Donallen
"Maybe it was just the coat. Maybe it was the cute guy with the accent and the nice manners. Either way, Abi suddenly felt a lot warmer."
WHAT: Abi falls into a snowbank and is rescued by Kellach
WHERE: Mushroom Hill
WHEN: Dec. 11th
WARNINGS: None, just these two being cute!
STATUS: Complete
Read more... )

Nov. 27th, 2023



netpost - kaitlyn ka - november 27th

Dear all of Vallo from a world that celebrates winter holidays but are not native to this one,

It's going to be my first year celebrating here which, you know, is great for all the new friends I've made here, but not so great when I'm thinking of my family back home and also realizing it'll be the first time I don't even celebrate the Chinese New Year with them, and it's making me feel some type of way.

How the hell do you cope or manage to get through it without a breakdown?

Before anyone suggests "a new hairdo", done and done. Abi and I found a place that did magical hair growth and all and I got longer hair! I debuted it during the wedding even.

Nov. 26th, 2023



[No Subject]

Right so. From what I gather, Evie and I were turned into templar twats. Sorry about that. Kellach, you've got free beer on me for a month, mate. Anyone else I was a prick to, well come on down. You can have a free punch if it makes you feel better. If I'm not here, it's because I'm out looking for wherever that prat hid the 200 year old goblin whiskey I was saving for a special occasion.

I saw you wincing just now. Stop pushing it and take a rest, will you?

Nov. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

When all you wanna do is take a walk to run some ERRANDS and Hi, warning: we have a lot of violent activity centered around the Crossed Quills and the village around it. We got monsters, we got portals (??? why), and everything is breaking. I think And I don't know if it's because I got thrown into a damn tree too hard, but I think these things aren't swiping at any of the locals?

Nov. 8th, 2023



[No Subject]

Magically Minded (do you think your character would see this? then yes!)

Greetings all, I am sharing on behalf of myself and Wanda (though I would never venture to speak for her, obviously) as your magical representatives for the DOA. The Directrix of Geliara Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry has requested assistance in first, containing, and secondly, closing, a portal that opened on the grounds of the school. Apparently a conjuration class had a spell go...incorrectly and now there is a portal that they are unable to do anything with.

The second piece to that is that somethings may have escaped. The details on what, exactly, they are, are a bit sketchy, so this may take some time and energy. You can come to the DOA office and read for yourself what the Directrix sent over and if you are so inclined, we can then proceed to the school for closer examination of the portal.

Certainly no one is required to participate but if you do we will most likely have their eternal gratitude and a favor to be called upon later, ho hum, it is very good for relations, and I will purchase the Dashing Doors for lunch. And probably have wine if this goes very late.

Nov. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

Ok...I've heard of pineapple pizza, but what the hell is this?!

SFW but cut for size )

I'm being serious. Is this a thing in this time line?

Oct. 27th, 2023



[No Subject]

[Filtered to the Ensemble who all took part in the Musical Finale]

Drinks are on me tonight, mates. After that performance, I say we've earned a few.



Vallo Musical: FINALE!

WHO: Everybody who came out to smash things at the warehouse today, with featured players Darlington, Nancy, Astarion, Tav, Prompto, Nebula, Rocket, Adora, and Kellach
WHAT: Everybody came here to smash things, and then they get roped into one final number.
WHERE: The Warehouse of Horrors
SONG CHOICE: A situationally relevant take on One Day More from Les Miserables

One Song More! )

Oct. 25th, 2023



[No Subject]

I was havin fun with this whole song and dance thing Vallos got us doing. Then I did a full on number at me favorite diner this mornin. Complete with dancing on the tables and swinging on a ceiling fan.

Today I learned that the ceiling fans at Duffys Diner can not support the weight of a full grown man. I am pretty sure I've fecked up my back.

Oct. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

So this morning I was working on a project and suddenly burst into a dramatic torch song, complete with ballet choreography? The closest I get to singing and dancing is singing along with all the songs in The Labyrinth, so I'm pretty sure some magic happened.

Is this hitting anybody else, or is it just our house?

Oct. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

Oi, if you haven't seen the signs, don't forget to wear a costume to fight club this weekend. Best three will get $200 bucks each. The audience will decide, but if you want me to find a few extra votes for you, I am susceptible to bribes. And flattery! Oh and you won't be kicked out if you refuse to wear anything but I will call you a sad sack for the rest of your natural born life, so choose wisely.

Want to put on our stupidest shoes and jump out of a plane with me for our anniversary?

[OOC: this is your fight club sign up reminder! Remember you can put down 4 of your regular cast and up to 2 more of your future kids cast.]

Oct. 12th, 2023



Log: Abi and Kell

WHO: Kellach Donallen and Abi Blyg
WHAT: Getting milkshakes to get Abi's mind off art critique
WHEN: afternoon of 15 September
WHERE: Basrar's Soda Fountain
WARNINGS: vague reference to an assault toward the end, reference to werewolf murder, references to men being creeps

At the counter she gave her order efficiently, requesting a chocolate monstrosity that she knew she wouldn’t be able to finish. She didn’t care. She had suffered, and she had earned that chocolate. )

Oct. 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

I'm told this is where I should ask about this, but if anyone sees this guy around, I'll pay handsomely for information leading to him.

Don't kill him. Or I'll kill you.


Oct. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

Oi! Vallo! What kind of fecking nonsense is this?! Don't go around telling people I'm gone when I'm not! That's rude!



[No Subject]

[Texts to Catra]

>> I'm coming over with sushi.

[Separate but identical texts to Henry, Kellach, and Atreus, sent later on in the afternoon]
[The Henry text is part of the Revy/Henry/Leon group chat]

» You'd better still fucking be here.

Oct. 7th, 2023



netpost - fen - october 7th, late evening

I guess I have a smithing/weapons repair business now. Papa's Pride Workshop has been left to me since I'm the only remaining employee. Brigitte put her heart and soul into this and I don't want to see it going to waste. So... if anyone is still looking for employment anywhere, there are plenty of openings. I've got smithing down with a specialty of knife-making but this place can definitely use an expert on cybernetics.

Hopefully some time in the future, she comes back and the workshop will still be here for her.

Also, Vallo? Fuck you.

Filter: Sophie
I guess this is going to keep me busier than usual. So.. hugs and kisses, see you when I come up for air?

Oct. 6th, 2023



[No Subject]

It's not a minivan, but... )

Oct. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

i'm posting my recent search history in solidarity, because I feel bad for you guys:

oil painting tips
oil paint history
how to make oil paint
how to stop crying
best coffee in vallo city
lofi beats to study to
vallo aita
is disappearing a breakup
best donuts in vallo city

we're all weird and that's okay.

[filtered to kellach]
i think you can go to college if you want, but you probably can't become the goblin king. also, have you ever seen The Labyrinth?