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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+sam+wilson'

Jul. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello, I have many observations to share and the observations are this:

1. I saw Essek turn down Soups, Soups, Soups, Soups, and instead, go to a restaurant and order salad.
--This was very suspicious so I started following him, because Essek never turns down soup.

2. There was a cat on the street and Essek ignored it.
--This is also suspicious, Essek loves cats. We have many of them, they live at the tower.

3. He purchased a regular coffee, plain, black.
--Essek does not order plain, black coffees, he orders things with lots of whipped cream and shares it with me and Kiri.

4. He is walking.
--Essek does not walk, he floats. Sometimes it's hard to tell because he wears robes, but he is.

My conclusion is that this is NOT Essek. So right now, I am acting very natural and walking with this Essek so that he is not suspicious that I am on to him. Also, I am asking him many questions and although some of the answers ARE correct, he did tell me that I didn't have to go to school.

Jul. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

I have always enjoyed the cathedral ceilings--not the cathedrals themselves, of course, never that. There is something to be said for the increased light and it very much makes a place feel larger, even though it is not useable space.

And I know this because I no longer have a ceiling. I had one, and then for some reason it turned to ash and there is a large hole above me.

Is it perhaps a vaulted ceiling? Hmmmm. Morningside residents, do be cautious of this newfound perk. Perk for me, at least, for the person above me I am not so certain they want a hole in their floor, but, perhaps.

Jun. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

There's a Sunwing from my world that showed up, I'm not sure how long it's been here. But for those of you who were here when a whole Cauldron showed up, this is not that. At least as far as I can tell this seems to be an isolated machine. One I can override and fly around on, which feels more like Vallo being nice than Vallo being mean and dropping a bunch of out of control machines on us.

Unfortunately an animal interrupted my attempt to override it earlier today and I've since lost track of it. I'm hoping someone might have seen it? Please do not approach. As long as you give it space it should not become aggressive, but will defend itself if you approach too close.

Photo for reference.

Jun. 7th, 2023



[No Subject]

June 4th was would have been my one-year wedding anniversary. I will start by saying this: I'm not devastated, and I have obviously not turned half of Vallo into a sitcom starring myself. I am fine. Truly. For those who do not know me, Vallo took away my husband. [...] And then my boyfriend, technically, but he was the boyfriend I had back home that was murdered by Thanos. That is slightly confusing

Anyway, this post is not about grief and I am not alone on this boat. This is more about... hope, I suppose? A lot of us know well how chaotic Vallo's nature is, bringing in the people you love only to take them away later. Or they bring you someone who is not from your world but you bond with them regardless. You learn to love them. Then there is the opportunity to take the plunge into something deeper, and you should. It does not matter what Vallo can do and don't hesitate because of Vallo.

If you want to, then do it. Make the memories. Date that person, marry them, try to make a family if that is what you want. The what if thoughts might always do the worst damage to you than this place could.

That is my one post for the year. Goodbye.

Oh! Iced tea weather. We have a lot of refreshing, fruity blends at my shop. [INSERT ADDRESS HERE hello] Cold tarts as well. We have a wall of books for people to browse there is erotica if you know where to look, and anything on the menu is available for delivery. Tommy will get them to you in less than five seconds. (Is less than five seconds insulting my son's speed? I'm sorry.)

Jun. 6th, 2023



[No Subject]

Yesterday was Aromantic Visibility Day, which obviously means I pounced on Yelena and woke her up with a full-on mountain of ace and aro merch since it's PRIDE MONTH!! and I do what I want.

But, I mean, look at all this super cute stuff. Can I really be blamed? Yelena, you better keep this stuff away from your Bird of Destruction.

Anyway, hug your aroace people! Always but especially if you forgot about yesterday. Even if they curse at you in Russian because you broke a pillow on their face, they really appreciate it, I promise.

(Do NOT try to outdrink them, though, because you will have regrets in the morning when they choose to enact their revenge while you're on death's doorstep.)

Jun. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

It is Officially June 1st! Which means it is less than a month left until graduation and official start of summer and MONTHS OF FUN! But more importantly, it is PRIDE MONTH!

I showed up last year in July so I missed this month (holy crap I'm almost here for a year!) but I want to know about everything Vallo does for it. Because I assume it does a lot for it. NICE things of course, not like.. murder hornets or something.

Also, also.. was that not an amazing prom?? Guaranteed it was better than the prom I would have probably had in my high school which isn't shade at my friend, Zoey, but like.. usual public high school budgeting, you know.

Filter: Peter Parker

May. 31st, 2023



[No Subject]

You know, as far as interdimensional adventures go, I think this might be- no, definitely is the best one. Did I have to register myself for money? Sure, I did a lot more for a driver's license. Do I have all my gear? No, but I'm sure I can get more. Does my hip kind of hurt from my landing? Oh yeah.

BUT the people I love are here. Most of them. And the most important one (no offense to the others, you understand). So things are definitely looking up.

Now all I need is a place to get a great burger and life will be perfect.

Oh yeah, sorry. Peter Quill, nice to be here.

May. 29th, 2023



[No Subject]

ok fine I'll post on your dumb little baby network. hey losers how's the reality hopping going? anybody NOT sitting at a desk asking me what my SPECIES is figure out which big bad jerk is behind all this? I got things to do and a team to watch out for otherwise they'll get dead and then I gotta find a whole new team and who has the time for THAT?

speaking of

anybody seen a doofy looking tree wandering around?

May. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

okay so there's this GUY and i saw him and he has a HUGE SWORD LIKE IT'S SO BIG and idk guys with big swords definteyl have like cool MOVES and i wanna know if he's like a bad guy or a good guy or if we gotta fight him so i wanna like follow him around to see if he does anything COOL with the sword because he has to rite? so who is gonna come with me to follow him because like i don't NEED HELP but if you wanna see some cool stuff i bet this guy will do it and then we fite him or we ask if we can hold the sword

May. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

I'd just like to apologize to everyone my younger self tried to eat, called food names, or made really transparent attempts at luring in. I'm sorry, typhon don't naturally recognize human beings as beings, so they look at you like you look at a head of lettuce. They also don't really get the concept of individuality, so the idea that killing one of you isn't equivalent to cutting your hair is also totally foreign. I'm back to normal now and once again possess empathy and therefore feel really bad about that.

[Murderbot and FCG]
Now will you let me out of the cooler?

May. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]


Morgan has regressed into his youth as a mimic. For those of you who missed Dorsey’s second cannibalism party, a mimic is a gnarly little shit that can turn into different inanimate objects - hence the name - and is dangerous, cunning, and vicious.

I currently have him trapped in the bathroom but what I need is a small container. Like a mason jar, but badass.

Do NOT hurt him. He’s just like one of your brats. He doesn’t know any better.

Also don’t let him reproduce in your face. My emotional needs are met by one Morgan.

May. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

i require MEAD. however much a pouch full of gold coin or a favor from a son of odin will get me. i have none of your fancy paper bills or cards of credit so do not ask for any.



[No Subject]

Everyone good? Are any of you younger/older/needing help?

Apr. 26th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hold the FUCK UP. How is it April when it was just January? 😭 I mean, I know, it's fucking Vallo, but it feels like I remember being here like yesterday??

Where are my people at? Adaine? The Hangman was here like five seconds after I left the DOA, and it's honestly kind of rude that he didn't bring you with him if you're still here.

Apr. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

PEOPLE oh my god!! I was over on Wide Street (or ~Rue Grand~ as the theatre people call it) to get those super fancy pastries after training, and I found out that Rogers: The Musical is coming to Vallo!

OOC cut for my badly edited poster )

This is crucial information, and I don't know how I missed the advertising, but ANYWAY. The show was a massive hit back home before I ended up here, and if you're considering seeing it, YOU SHOULD. It's a little ridiculous and not super historically accurate, but it's fun!

(Also, Steve, I asked, and they said they'd LOVE to have you whenever you want and you obviously get in free. I'm guessing that'd probably be true for the rest of the Avengers here, too!)

P.S. NAT 👀👀👀 we must go, don't argue with me.

Apr. 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

As much as I love the slow pitch game and an extra excuse to drink on a weeknight, I've got some excess energy to burn today. The skin-crawling restlessness has been hitting me hard, and I'm guessing I'm not the only one who could stand to blow off some steam.

How many supers or enhanceds out there are up for a Clash of the Titans-style baseball game tonight? Full strength, liberal use of powers (not against each other, but in the pursuit of the ball), no holding back.

Kamala, Rogers Sr. and Jr., Kratos, Stark, consider yourselves drafted.

EDIT: Come by to the Avengers Compound grounds [coordinates] any time tonight between 6-7pm. Spectators welcome, food and drinks provided. Teams will be picked then and there, as soon we get a final player total.

Apr. 6th, 2023




I am honored to report that in 2033, we have ended the threat of Interitus for all Vallo timelines. Many are injured, but we are now able to focus on healing rather than destruction.

May fortune smile upon you in 2023 at least as much as it has smiled upon us here. We travelers will see you soon.

Please use this page to check in with your friends and family as needed.

Apr. 3rd, 2023



2033 Network

Enjoy this day of rest. We've earned it, but we're not done.

Throughout my many years of service to this world, I have seen my fair share of disasters and apocalyptic scenarios. From alien invasions to rogue A.I. systems, the threats to its people have been varied and numerous.

But let me tell you this: every time the world has been threatened with destruction, it has always been met with bravery and resilience.

It is in the face of adversity that we truly find our strength. We have seen this time and time again, from the bravery of our soldiers in wartime to the selflessness of our first responders in times of crisis.

No matter the threat, we have always come together as a people to face it head-on. And that is what makes me proud to be an Outlander, and to be a citizen of this world.

But make no mistake, this threat is real. Interitus is not to be taken lightly. It knows we have a plan, regardless of our success. We must be prepared for anything that may come our way.

It is up to us to work together and come together for the greater good. We must be willing to sacrifice for one another, to stand up for what is right, and to fight for the survival of our world.

So let us not fear the end of the world, for it is in the darkest of times that we shine the brightest. We have faced many apocalypses before, and we're sure to face more in the future. But with courage and determination, we will always emerge victorious.

For as long as there are people willing to fight for what is right, the world will never truly end.

Stay strong, my friends. The future is in our hands.

Apr. 2nd, 2023




Good evening. I am pleased to report that our mission today was successful, and that though some are injured, all warriors from both timelines survived the fray.

May fortune smile upon you all in 2023, and may you keep safe and well.

Mar. 31st, 2023



Ancient Vallo Journals: 2033 ⇆ 2023

What's up, assholes. Using these things so you folks in the past are up to speed on where the fuck we're at with all this stuff. I'm not apologizing for my handwriting.

So the info that our time traveling wizard duo was able to pull from 2023 (with the help of you fine nerds back there too, thank you for that) was actually good shit, because as of a bit ago we were able to use it to figure out where the weapon is at that we can use to take down Interitus once you folks in the past destroy the simulacrum. It's in the city, because of fucking course it is, hidden away.

Naturally this means we have to put a group together to extract it. We've got our secret hidey hole way into the city to get in, but we're going to need a mix of Sneaky Shits and Fighty Fucks to do it, so ivolunteerastribute.gif and all that shit below, visitors and our regular crew alike. As always, this isn't a guaranteed safety sort of situation, but we'll need to get a lay of the land ahead of time to at least mitigate. They're a bunch of dicks, though, so no doubt something will come up so know that before you step up.

More details incoming once we have a better idea as to the group we're looking at and once we've got it secure, that's one step closer to getting this asshole fucking gone.