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Oct. 11th, 2022



[No Subject]

I don't really have the means to offer free food and alcohol like the others, but I'm so glad everyone made it back. I hope you're all doing okay.

Thanks again for the axe throwing lessons the other day. It definitely helped.

Hey, I just wanted to check in. Your friends made it back okay, right?

Oct. 10th, 2022



[No Subject]

Just letting everyone know that tomorrow's Zeph'aeratam classes are going to be cancelled, but we'll be meeting back up again for Thursday's classes. It has been brought to my attention that self care is real important, so this is my attempt at dabbling.

Thanks for understanding!

Now that we're all home, I just wanted to say: hey, I'm Orym. I hadn't met most of you before all of that and there really wasn't time for pleasantries, so now felt like a good time.

Thanks for all the work you guys put in to getting us out of there. You all did real good, for whatever my saying that is worth.

Oct. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

Murder Mansioners, drinks (and food) on me at Al's tonight and all this week. You more than fucking deserve it.

Sep. 28th, 2022



[No Subject]

It's been a little over a month since I've had gainful employment and here are a few things that I have learned.

1. Magic, as it turns out, continues to be very cool.
2. So does having a steady paycheck.
3. People really will haggle over anything if you give them the chance. I don't know if that's just specific to working in a magic shop, because I really don't see people haggling over things at the grocery store or anything, but it definitely happens. Which is unfortunate, because
4. I'm still struggling with methods to put my foot down that aren't just a smiling all charming until they get the hint.
5. Somehow Unseen Servants, despite that they are unseen, have very distinct personalities? Benedict is my favorite, but don't tell Rodrigo or Esmerelda.
6. The ombre potion wall is more than just pretty and it's real important to remember which potion does what and is where. It's also real important to not knock any of them over. Not that I have! But I've seen some close calls and it's stressful every time.
7. Prestidigitation? Super helpful.
8. The bakery across the way from the shop has really good cinnamon rolls.

Anyway, those are my life lessons, some more valid than others. If you want to see me in action, you should come to Gilmore's and buy some things in honor of 1 and 2 on this list.

Aug. 28th, 2022



[No Subject]

Despite the fact that apparent betrayer gods from my home world continue to enjoy trying to ruin everything, our TEAM C monthly meetup is still a go! It'll be Monday evening at 7 pm, and there will be dinner and dessert, drinks for those who want them, and plenty of time to just hang out and have fun together. There may or may not be goodies to take home, since I felt the need to make our fearless leader proud. And if anyone does wish to imbibe in the available spirits, there is plenty of room at Greyskull Keep should anyone need somewhere to crash for the evening.

Hope to see you all there!

Aug. 26th, 2022



[No Subject]

Did you still need home remedies for queasiness and heartburn?

Aug. 24th, 2022



[No Subject]

I'm posting this because it seems to be a reoccurring theme on searches these past few days.

There's nothing wrong with being gay, or bisexual, or any other damn type of sexuality you identify as or are still trying to figure out if you identify as.

If it helps at all, there are a lot of people here who open about their sexuality, and at least some of us are more than willing to be someone to talk to. Reaching out is scary, I get that. But when you're ready, we're here.

If anyone makes you feel less than, or if someone judges you based on that, know that there's a special place in hell for them. Not the other way around. Celestials/gods/whatever you believe in don't give a shit who you love.

And Girl, Interrupted is a solid 90s movie. But that's like ancient history for me, so please debate.

Also, also, I need three cocktail drinkers at Lux ASAP. Testing out new ideas, need feedback. Sabrina, you don't count.

Aug. 11th, 2022



[No Subject]

First and foremost, I wanted to check in with you and see how you’re doing. You’ve taken a lot of hits recently and it fucking sucks. Is there anything I can do? Trinket is willing to come give you bear snuggles if you want them.

How are we doing?

Slayer’s Cake is back on track. I know it took longer than I anticipated thanks to Vallo and its shitty gifts, but I wanted you to know I’m finally moving forward with opening it to the public. I think it’s going to be equal parts bakery and baking classes now, though, so you can stop in any time for your baked goods fix!

Aug. 5th, 2022



[No Subject]

Good afternoon, my new friends! I have only been in your world a very short time (such a shock this morning--do you know how truly unfair it is to be lounging oh so comfortably on the coast in sunny Feolinn with a glass of their very best diamond plum wine only to be deposited unceremoniously in a forest of all places? I cannot), but I have made the most wonderous discovery and it is gelato. I am currently eating it with the tiniest of spoons and it is as delicious as it is wonderous and I suggest you all try it immediately.

That out of the way, hello, good day, it is lovely to meet you all.

Now, I can't help but notice that I am rather stuck here. I have been informed that not even the most fair and advantageous (for both parties, obviously) deal made with a hapless group of adventurers can create for me a little doorway to hop back to the Menagerie Coast and my glass of wine, so I have decided to view this as a grand opportunity for growth and excitement and I am beginning to bore myself, so I'm going to just let this paragraph come to an end now.

Ah, and of course: I have been told there is a blue tiefling about. I would so very much like to be reunited with her, should someone be able to point me in her direction.

Aug. 3rd, 2022



[No Subject]

All right, who took my boots?



Aug. 2nd, 2022



[No Subject]

First Dariax, now Fearne. Dor

I was about to message Fearne to ask her if she was the reason my shoes were in the freezer this morning.

Are you all okay?

Jul. 31st, 2022



[No Subject]

Shaun Gilmore
WHO Shaun & Vex
WHERE Glorious Purveyors
WHEN Saturday, July 30; Evening
WHAT Shaun has a question to ask Vex 👀
WARNINGS None, really. Some sads, mostly not sads.
I have to wrestle every cent out of you for as long as I can before you run me out of business prying on my emotions. Read more... )

Jul. 8th, 2022



[No Subject]

Everyone, this is Swift Wind.

Swift Wind is my alicorn from back in Etheria. He showed up yesterday and ganged up on Thor with Thori from what I understand?? Sorry, Thor.

Swifty mostly does his own thing, and he likes to think he's the liberator of animals. We haven't seen any animals that are as interested in liberation as he is, but just a warning in case you have some wild ones like Thori. He has a hero complex probably worse than mine and he talks. A lot.

Feel free to call me or Catra if he starts causing you any trouble, and we'll come get him.

P.S. Team C! Don't forget dinner at Ignis/Gladio/Prompto/Noct's tomorrow night!

Jun. 25th, 2022



[No Subject]

hello vallo it is me vax'ildan vessar and i lost my sorcerer so if anyone has seen a very handsome tall man with impeccable facial hair could you please tell him that his undead roguish paladinish druidish boyfriend is looking for him.

also i have maybe been drinking a little lot again.

also while i have you here you're all really great and i love you all and am glad we were able to meet those of you i don't know back home even if this place is fucking weird as hell sometimes. but i'm glad to have met you anyway.

that's it

anyway happy pride 🌈

Jun. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

*Catra, Cullen Rutherford, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Iris Amicitia, Leon Orcot, Lucifer Morningstar, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum & Vex'ahlia

Hey everyone!

I've realized recently that I've been team coordinator for about a year and that, outside of training, we haven't done much team bonding. I'd like to change that because you guys are awesome and deserve it, and I appreciate that I barely ever have to fill out crazy incident reports.

So, I was thinking team dinner? I'm looking at next week when we're off shift, either the 10th or 11th. Catra gets a good rate at The Canteen (the little cat chefs think she's some kind of Cat God or Queen or something), so if that's okay with everyone, I can call for a reservation.

Let me know any thoughts, conflicts, etc., and we can work something out. Thanks, guys!

May. 6th, 2022



[No Subject]

I have had this raven following me around for almost two weeks now and she is still nameless. This is not for lack of trying? Nothing seems to click and I'm starting to think it is a good thing we already know what our daughter's name will be thanks to Vallo, if I'm struggling this hard. So, in what may or may not be a great idea, I'm coming to you all for suggestions.

These are the ideas I have had and decided against so far:

Peanut Butter (PB)

(Vix/Vux/Vyx is tentatively still on the table for now. I was not given adequate feedback when I asked someone at a very reasonable time of the night.)

Ideas? Even if I don't pick your idea, you will have my appreciation which might mean something, I don't know.

May. 3rd, 2022



voice post

[...] little sounds when I touch the screen, that's really cool. Hah oh man, look now it's writing down what I say. Bubble Ziggurat Public Dorian Vermissitude Fireball Volcano. Fashion Poodle Glorious Ocean Lollipop. Wow, it got all that!

What? Oh, thank you! Yeah, I've been told that before. Really I think it's just a misunderstanding. Sure, I might be a pretty dwarf, but beauty's in the eyes of all the Beholders, you know? That's a saying. It means something about persp- Oh?

Uhm, I don't know what a movie is, but you mean you'll pay me to just take my shirt off? It's like the video they showed me inside? That was pretty amazing. Cool, cool. There'll be other people there too? Okay. Give me the address. Hah! Yeah, I want to be rich off easy work, man you get me. Thanks! I'll see you tomorrow!

Oops, forgot to turn this off. ... forgot HOW to turn this off. Ah hah, there's a SEND button, bet if I tap that, it'll [...]

Apr. 30th, 2022



[No Subject]

VAX & CASSANDRA, backdated to April 16
I think I had a dream like your Raven Queen dream, Vax. Only I didn't see her, I saw Percival. He was older. We had a fam Older than I last remember, I mean. And I know it was a dream, but it felt as real as anything else I've remembered while I've slept, except that I was cognizant of it being a dream happening to me.

Anyway, I saw him, and I thought you might both want to know.

You and me and a cup of tea?

Apr. 28th, 2022



[No Subject]

Percival (NPC)
WHO Vex’ahlia and Percy (NPC); Thanks to Jade for piloting him for me ♥♥♥♥
WHERE Their home in Whitestone
WHEN Saturday, April 16, 2022; Early Morning (Backdated)
WHAT Vex dreams a visit home and finds some comfort and some resolution, however bittersweet.
WARNINGS Mentions of grief and loss, guilt.
I was more thinking we should threaten they’ll have to recite the titles if they refuse to sit still. Read more... )

Apr. 25th, 2022



[No Subject]

I'm pretty familiar with ravens, but less so with a singular one just following me around? And staring a lot? ...through windows? So I think that I'm ready to no longer be in denial and admit that this one is trailing but before I do.

Cut for image! )

Anyone recognize her?