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Jul. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

It hurts to say this, but I've just received a report that there a vicious bunnies in the forest. They will attack. They're moving in groups and destroyed at least one farmers livestock. Everyone please be careful. Team B is on patrol and I'm hoping for more information soon.

Thank you, Monty Python. Drinking should be allowed at work.

Jul. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

I'll be offering lessons over at the Underground a few times a week. If you're interested, let me know here and we can work out a schedule.

I can train you in Muay Thai, MMA, Krav Maga, Kali, Systema, karate, or boxing.

Jul. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

Inspired by my didn't involve children but still literal accidental kidnapping last week - craziest thing you ever stole? Winner drinks free on a night of their choosing between tonight and Monday.

Jun. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

The fuckery from yesterday is apparently still a thing if anyone was interested.

So... I have one of you goats. In my living room.

I might need your help here.

Jun. 24th, 2020



text post: veronica mars

So...anyone have need of a PI around here?

Jun. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

First the geese then a bunch of things going missing. Is this normal for this place?

Jun. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

With Laurel gone, I just wanted to let everyone know that in addition to running the NA/AA meetings on Wednesdays, I'll also be running the 'So You Died and Now You're Here' (I...don't think we actually came up with an official title) group meetings too. I figure we can just have them Wednesdays after the AA meeting (same place, at the DOA, ground level), so they'd start around 8. If that doesn't work for attendees let me know. And if you're new and want to attend either meeting, you're welcome to do that too. Maybe just send me a message so I can update number of chairs needed.

There will still be coffee and pastries at both meetings - we'll just stock up. But dying and then coming back can be a lot to work through so I wouldn't want that support group to fall by the wayside.



[No Subject]

Here I was with a quiet afternoon to myself to catch up on a little paperwork and what happens? I dimension-shift! Seriously, can't a guy just have one afternoon off?

Jun. 7th, 2020




A note to new arrivals, we have training grounds for anyone looking for a location to spar or train. We also have a number of classes available, including private lessons, beginner classes, swordplay, Aikido, and Stick Fighting.

There's also a defence department with teams who regularly patrol the area for monsters that arrive through the Waypoint, for anyone who might be interested in that kind of work.

To all those who've heard this pitch before, shrug emoji. Broken record.

takashi shirogane.
Thanks again. I have my biggest tech brain helping me upgrade so hopefully that makes things smoother soon. But again, I really appreciate you taking over for a bit. If you ever need anything, let me know?

Jun. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

Highballs are on special at Galahd tonight, first round free for whoever tells me the best worst joke they know. And because I'm shit at keeping up, if anyone's new and hasn't come by for their sorry you got dragged to an alternate dimension drink make sure you do.

Jun. 5th, 2020



[No Subject]

If anyone finds a '77 Ford F350 sitting around, could they send me the location? Thanks, appreciate it.

Apr. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

It occurred to me that when Steve previously showed me where he kept his work files, that was his way of saying 'this is yours to deal with' if something happened.

So it looks like I'm dealing with it. Effective pretty much now I'm taking over as the head of the defense department. You if need something, let me know.

For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Sara Lance. In my own reality, I'm a vigilante and Captain of a time-ship. If you need to know more, come see me.

Apr. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Thank Th Still not good a

Thanks. For keeping the teenager out of trouble. Don't remember much but at least it wasn't a bender.

Apr. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

In light of it being one of those weeks - drink specials tonight at Galahd, the good kind of specials.

From what I've seen we've had a few people hit and probably a few who need to help out those who were so anyone need help filling out their teams?

ETA: As John suggested - daily check in? Make sure you've got a full enough group before heading out kind of thing.

Apr. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hey kidnappers. Can one of you lend me a few bucks to get some breakfast?

Apr. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

I've been up for under two hours and have already dropped, spilled, or broken eight different things. Pretty sure that's a sign to go back to bed. Anyone else having a shitty morning?

Apr. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

Okay, so who do I go to when you basically just arrived here like a week or so ago and your wallet gets stolen by a poltergeist? Like I have no money and my credit cards are all maxed out and now cancelled, so I can't afford the ghostbusters. I can't even afford a bottle of Perrier right now.

I guess I'm asking if there's a poltergeist catching crew and if there's a list of places that might be hiring someone with a degree in Public Relations. And also what your favorite cocktail is because I need to make one and drink it, stat.

Apr. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

My Monday was far more Monday with the cafe out of the scone I like. Small problems, I know, but would have been an easier pill to swallow on a Wednesday.

ETA: Heads up if you missed Morgan's post. There are a creature known as Owlbears in the forest right now. Territorial and in mating season. Keep safe everyone.

In case you missed Morgan's post a few days ago - be on the lookout for Owlbears. Looks just how it sounds. Got some information from Caleb who has them in his world. He said they're fairly easy to scare off with a group but hiding from them doesn't always work as they've got a good sense of smell. Aggressive and territorial and also in mating season so more so.

If you get into trouble call back and we can send some more people your way. Stay safe out there everyone.

Breakfast tomorrow?

We're overdue for a pizza night I think.

Hey, everything alright? Haven't seen you around for a few days.

ooc: let's pretend I know how to copy and paste, link is fixed!

Mar. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

Goddamn cactuars -
So heads up for anyone heading out to or already in the forest, there seems to be a bunch of cactuars running around. They look like this. Cute if you're into that kind of thing but will shoot a shit ton of needles at you without warning and will sometimes travel in large groups. So keep your distance if you're not prepared to get pulled into a fight.

Mar. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Check in time. Anyone need anything? We could use some more help at the DOA with greeting arrivals if anyone feels like they've got enough of a handle on this place to help others with the initial coming through.

Also a game! Two truths and a lie. Comment with three things, two of them have to be true and one a lie and everyone can guess which is which.

1. I have two tattoos.
2. I once spent six hours in the town jail for getting caught stealing lip gloss.
3. I broke my arm twice from cheerleading.

Cyrus at Aperture Etc [address] will have a camera and some entry level sound equipment for you, he said to pop in anytime next week. He'll be on hand to give you the crash course in it as well.

(( kids here that is ))
I was going to take Lucas to the park tomorrow afternoon if anyone wanted to come with us? It's supposed to be a beautiful day.

Soooooo... say you showed in another universe (I know, hard to imagine) and in that universe existed a kid that a friend of yours was half responsible for. Would you want to know? AKA do I tell Derek's friends about Lucas?