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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+jesse+mccree'

Jun. 3rd, 2021



Texts to Jesse


May. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

I was informed that there may be people here that I know? This is all very overwhelming. I appreciate the informative.. ah, musically inclined explosive information video, but I still have so many questions. Namely, how is any of this possible? From a scientific point of view... it shouldn't be?

Sorry, I'm getting carried away. This is all a bit much. My name is Dr. Angela Ziegler. Some may know me by my code name Mercy? Though if you only know me by that name I doubt

May. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

Ain't sure what the story is but I think I just made a tumbleweed appear for dramatic effect.

Uh yup, just did it again. Tried thinking about two but just the one came tumbling by so apparently my godlike control of desert flotsam is limited.

May. 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

I guess Vallo was repaying me for that time it bankrupted me, cause I had extra $$$$ in my wallet today.

Every new house needs a lifesize metal dinosaur sculpture, right? Good cause that's happening.

May. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

I think I need a motorcycle.

Sorry I missed your friend's birthday. I think I'm gonna get myself a bike for mine.

Which reminds me, I have some good news.

May. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey friends! :)))))))) Holy Fudge Covered Oreo Mint Creme! We at the Barns have been working on a Parents' Day to celebrate or honor or remember really any important person in your life! And it's going to be SO great, friends, like, just full of fun and excitement and amazing knitted works and adorable animals and awesome food*! Everything we do is fantastic, of course!!! But this might be my favorite**!

*More specifics will probably be coming, I just get really excited about things :))))))
**because we'll do something else in a few months and that might top it who knows! Or tie!

One of the things we'll have are Slip 'N Slide races and Ronan and I have been doing EXTENSIVE testing and it's been going REALLY well. We're practically experts at this point in time, I'm trying to convince him to go pro lololololololol.

Wait, some people might not know what a Slip 'N Slide is, whoops!

Here! )

Doesn't that look great?? BUT of course, we like to do things a little differently and put our own spin on things :)))))))) so if you have any ideas on what would make Slip 'N Slide (that 'N is really important!!) races better, let me know! And Ronan and I will get to work making sure that they are as fun and safe and fun as can be! :))))

I hope everyone's doing REALLY well, remember we always have our markets on Tuesdays and Thursdays but if you need a special delivery, we're SO happy to accommodate!

Meanwhile I'll be here, enjoying the view )

May. 11th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey stop being a stealthy little shit and come watch bad tv with me and my girlfriend. Or tell me what you think of the place so far. Did you get an apartment or are you doing things your own way? What's the last thing you rememb

May. 5th, 2021



Private Journal Entry to Sydney Clarke

Private journal entry to Sydney Clarke )



[No Subject]


Hi there! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Tina. I'm contacting you all because you're all badasses and I also think you won't gossip. Hopefully.

I need to organize an immediate jail break for Ezekiel Jones. If you don't know him, he's an Outlander and he was just taken by the authorities. Please don't ask too many questions. I would also appreciate it if you did not mention this to Bucky Barnes, and anyone associated with him that's bound to rat me out, because I will never see the light of day again if he finds out.

Basically I need help to do crime. If you have a price, tell me so I can see what I can do.

May. 4th, 2021



Journal Entry

Nothing like an attempted assassination to liven up a boring day. I'm glad we were able to track down the conspirators.

Apr. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

Well damn. Suppose that's what I get for putting down roots. Drinks on me at Galahd tonight.

Apr. 24th, 2021



[No Subject]

Howdy folks. So we've gotten the designs on the house all sorted and now it's a matter a hiring a crew. I figured y'all need to approve that sort of thing. They'll be on the farm for at least two months, maybe three, making all kindsa racket, and coming and going too, so ya wanna do some kinda audition process or something? Got my eyes on a halfling crew with a whole lotta spunk, but I'm also fairly easy to please and I won't have to live with them working nearby.

Apr. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

Though arriving a fair few days earlier, I fear I've put off customary introductions in favor of mastering this unusual device used in place of paper and pen and unfortunate puppetry as to make a decent showing. I cannot say I agree with the suggestions it gives in lieu of words I used. If I mean to say duck I will say du - goddamn it

My name is Seth Bullock. I find myself a few years and many miles from home though I have been assured I am far from alone in this. Ms. Forbes was kind enough to give me some detail of this place though I am aware that I will most likely be learning for days to come.

I suppose though introductions be made this way, I will meet many of you in person as well. This sounds ridiculous. The pleasure is mine.



[No Subject]

YOU GUYS okay listen I know this sounds like something that I would make up or experience in a fever dream but I PROMISE I didn't.

I went to get my breakfast burrito after my breakfast bagel and while eating my red velvet Pop-Tarts I kid you not it rained blue raspberry Sour Patch Kids. Only for a little bit, but it was so cool!

I'm a little worried for the birds and animals if this keeps up???

And if Lemonheads happen next, that could really hurt???

Peeps would be good though, those would be soft!

Okay, but taking a poll, what kind of candy would you want it to rain? (Assuming that it didn't hurt anyone by falling or make a mess of things and it would be okay for the animals to eat!!!)

Apr. 17th, 2021



[No Subject]

So much for being in the Ghost River Triangle forever, I guess? Thanks to the people at the DOA who filled us in on everything going on here, though. That intro video was amazing! Helped with the WTF moment. (Sorry again for the "Dead On Arrival" jokes, btw. I'm sure you've heard them a million times!)

ANYWAY - Wynonna, we heard you might be here! Your two favorite people are here, come get us!!!

Apr. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

Real disappointed I didn't manage to shoot that dog-hating creep before this here complication kicked in, but I also don't really need to be going back to jail none. Could at least make it so I could bite his ankles, Vallo. You owe me one now.

Apr. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

what the fucking fUCK

Apr. 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

I understand something's up to its infamous tricks as of late but if someone finds an off-white worn Stetson, you mind letting me know? Just happen to be attached to that hat and who knows if it'll show up from whence it disappeared.

Apr. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

Sooooooooo things have been going missing? And like, a whole ass building?

... Has anyone checked their bank account cause I'm in the neg by $7200 atm and I discovered this after my card got declined getting tacos.

Sidenote: Jesse you're buying dinner tonight.

Apr. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

Whoever I offended, I apologize and I'll make it up to you if you quit turning my coffee into mud water.