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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+cassandra+cain'

Aug. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

I told myself if some of these migrating thoughts (good term, Cass, I like it) ended up in my head that I'd just keep it to myself instead of putting one more person's business out on the network for everyone to see but then I woke up this morning with some stuff that made me change my mind. So it felt kind of important to say something and my dad was always good with some advice when I needed it, so here goes:

Dear Lonely Girl,

I don't know who Scanlin is, though I did know a Thomas Scanlin and he was something else, but don't be mad at yourself for caring about him leaving. I don't know if you had a thing or if you were just friends or hell even enemies because all of those leave an impact and there being a sudden hole is going to hit you in the gut whether you like it or not. Let it out. And hey, you're not alone. I'm sure you've got plenty of friends here, like this Sara & Ray you're thinking about. Others, too, right? Chin up, things'll get better. Plus who knows, we've got at least one god here, maybe yours will show up, too.

Anyway, I'm no therapist or advice columnist, but I'm literally thinking about you right now and hoping life gets better for you. And if you're into beer, I'll buy you one. If you're old enough.


Aug. 6th, 2020



[Network Post]

So no one had "migrating thoughts" on the Vallo weird shit pool, so I'm rolling it over. You can still put in if you want!

And hey, now I know what it's like to be knocked up. It sucks. Sorry, dude, whoever you are. Maybe just put a TV in the bathroom so you don't have to get up to pee so much.



[No Subject]

You know... whatever this is it would be a great idea for a short story and I might be afraid of dolls now.

Was it in the hardware store? What was a doll doing in a hardware store?

Aug. 5th, 2020



[No Subject]

I would never dream of doing this back home and I'm still not confident about doing it now, but I'm going to anyway. Vallo isn't anything like home and there's a lot more diversity of people here.

So consider this a Public Service Announcement.

Hi, I'm Liv and I'm a zombie.

It's weird to just put that out in the open. Please don't worry, I won't hurt anyone. Ravi has me connected to a supply of brains which keep me from going full Romero. I keep my nails short so I won't accidentally scratch someone. The last thing I want to do is make anyone else a zombie.

Also, please note that injury, fear, basically anything that spikes adrenaline will cause what I refer to as "full-on zombie mode." I'm still not dangerous then but I will look like the monster I am (red eyes, veiny face, superhuman strength).

So...that's it, I guess.

Jul. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

To the Concerned Citizen:
First off your drawings have delighted my two year old. They currently reside on our fridge and bring much joy. So I thank you for that.

Secondly, you are correct in assuming whatever/whoever picks our arrivals most likely will not read this. Unless they/it are able to read it via us reading it. Which is kind of creepy. However I have put the request for more cowgirls/cowladies out into the universe for you. I am sorry that it will probably not do much in the long run, but I tried. I did not put out there for the smart talking cow people as I vaguely remember about half of a movie with apes like that and from what I can remember it Did Not End Well.

I hope that helps to answer a few of your concerns.

filtered to critical role )

Jul. 27th, 2020



Suggestion Box Note

[Left in the suggestion box at the DOA. There are several badly drawn cowboy hats on it, and one badly drawn cow. Also a sticker of a glass of milk, for some reason.]

To The Powers That Be or Whoever The Hell Picks Our Arrivals, Which Aren't Gonna Read This But Whatever:
You obviously are really into the cowboy thing since we have a million of them running around, so whatever gets your motor turning over, cool. But maybe ignore your cowdude boner for five minutes and get some cowgirls or cowladies. Or just some cows. Like smart talking cow people who can be pissed off at all the hamburgers.

It's for the good of the population. If all you have is cowdudes then the species will just watch TV and die out.
A Concerned Citizen



[No Subject]

This isn't fair. I only got caught because I didn't know other people were playing tag too. Can we play something else now?

Jul. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

Since I saw the catchy little video, I guess this is where I go next. Kind of like the first day of school, making introductions to the rest of the class.

Name's Raylan Givens. Sorry for pointing a gun at people this morning. Didn't sleep all that well.

Jul. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

The production quality of the video shown could have been better, Emmett. I hope whatever you drugged me with to play this joke won't linger because I could have sworn I saw an unicorn and those aren't real. That was Rosalie's suggestion, wasn't it?

This has been hilarious, but I'm ready to go home now.



network post

Woke up and I'm still here. Fuck. I guess that's a thing, huh?

So uh, hi. I need coffee. And on the huge off chance anyone comes across a smallish sword, can you let me know...? It might be mine.

Cause I don't know where the hell it went.

Jul. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

So that Moon Day is coming up and I know I've seen lots of advertisements for some really cool deals--I'm definitely trying out the moon pie and the burger one. Probably also the shake because triple chocolate with chocolate chips, Oreos, brownie bites, and fudge sounds too delicious to pass up.

But the roller skating rink is doing that Midnight skate thing with the fun lights like all day.

Who wants to hit that up in the afternoon with me?

Jul. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

I found the keys to the old nightclub that I used to work at on my kitchen counter. I decided I'd check it out, and there it was, the Black Mask Club, just as I remember it.

Except I don't want it to be the way that I remembered it, because Roman Sionis was a piece of shit, and he's dead, so it doesn't have to be how he wanted it anymore. And lucky for me, he gets to pay for all of the renovations. I hope he's rolling over in his fucking grave thinking about it. Or as his case would be, the bottom of the ocean near Gotham Pier.

So yeah. I'm opening a nightclub. I've hired a crew to get everything done as soon as possible, but there's a couple of things that I'm going to be taking care of myself. Like cleansing the shit out of the upstairs apartment space. I don't want anything left of that man in that space.

So, in a couple of weeks, everyone 18 and up is invited to the grand opening of La Sirène. In the meantime, I'll be holding interviews for bartenders, bouncers, wait staff, and in-house entertainment. No creeps allowed.

[Cass and Harley]

The way I see it, Roman fucked you guys over pretty bad, too. Want to come over and help me break some shit? Also, there's plenty of space upstairs if you want to move in. Just tell me that the hyena's at least fucking housebroken. Or at least, isn't going to use me as a chew toy.



[No Subject]

It has been suggested to me that I probably ought to do a proper introduction, rather than simply subjecting you all to my...I believe the words tedious ramblings were used. I apologize for that. It was hardly intentional, but it is also unsurprising. That does seem to be the way of things.

My name is Jon. Jonathan Sims. I am the Head Archivist for an organization called the Magnus Institute, an academic institution dedicated to the research and archival preservation of the esoteric and paranormal in London. So I suppose this is less strange than a great many things that I have encountered, if no less frustrating.

I don’t have much to say beyond that. Martin would be better than this. I’m a friend of I know Georgie Barker. And I second her hope that the Admiral arrives. He is quite a good cat.

Jul. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

A film is certainly a unique introduction to a kidnapping.

I suppose I needn't explain what will happen if I'm not set free?

Jul. 13th, 2020



[No Subject]

You know, I’m kind of sad the bunnies are gone. It was kind of fun to hunt something that can fight back.

Jul. 12th, 2020



Network Post

Okay so we've had people turned into kids, bunnies, geese, weird ass goblins.

This weird shit is gonna keep happening probably, right? So I think we need a pool. I'll run it. You can put in as many different guesses as you want. Odds on a guess go up if more than one person says it. You put down a minimum of five bucks per guess, I'll hold. If no one gets whatever happens next, we'll roll the guesses over until someone wins.

Sounds good? I'll put in two guesses first.

1- Everybody turns into dogs or cats.
2- People crawling outta the tv.

Jul. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

I am of the opinion that if Wyatt Earp knew I had been taken down by bunnies, I would not hear the end of it. Then again, the same could be said of any Earp I know. That being said, any Earp that comes here is never to know. Additionally, who is willing to come get me out of this hospital because I am tired of all the lights flashing in my eyes and lack of sleep and I cannot be held accountable for my actions if I stay a moment longer.

Jul. 10th, 2020




[the not breakfast club teen crew]
Is everyone okay? That got really intense...

Jul. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

I've taken down a psychopath and his army of hired goons, and gotten away with barely a broken nail.

But apparently, fighting killer bunnies is what gets me laid up with a broken ankle.

All I can say to that is that is some total bullshit.


You make it out all right in all of this mess?

Jul. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

I've been here for about a month now. I miss some of my friends from back home, but my girlfriend is here with me, and my shapeshifting animal companion pet I guess that's what you can call it from home showed up, so this place isn't all that bad.


Melog showed up today. They just found me when I was out today.

Also, we should have a date night. We can try something new. I heard the movies are fun.