
Layout By

March 31st, 2024



[No Subject]

Wild Vallo

Darlings, we spotted the portal creature in that meadow on the southeastern side, closish to the pond. It was resting, poor thing, but didn't stay that way all that long before an arboreal animosity made a most auspicious entrance and it flew off.

Does anyone have eyes on it?



Ancient Vallo Journals

I am just making note of this as I realize it, looking over the data from the last handful of days, as I think it may end up being important for both sides of the portals: but, speaking of the portals, it appears that there is some sort of pattern in how they are appearing and disappearing around the surface. If that's the case, it would make it easier for us to coordinate once this containment unit is completed on our end and when you in the other Vallo are able to get hold of the creature.

That being said, if I could get someone with an eye for such details to check my work, I would appreciate it.

I also wouldn't say no to a mint lavender matcha latte and a cheese danish from that place I like, if someone married to me would be so kind.



[No Subject]

That integral piece of Kai was missing and, whether or not they could ever make the truth of that make sense, they weren’t going to be able to sit idly by until she was safely home.
WHAT: Kai decides to do what they can to help Adaine regardless of any qualifications to do so.
WHEN: Shortly after the disappearances, before the rescue mission began
STATUS: Complete!
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