
Layout By

November 27th, 2023



[No Subject]

Filtered away from Nikolai; spoilers for A Power Unbound )



[No Subject]

WHERE: Vallo: Fight Club Locker Rooms
WHEN: November 25th, 2023 (Backdated)
WHAT: Post Fight-Club, they shower and completely miss the point.
WARNINGS: Again, they're dumb.
STATUS: Complete
The realization that Zoro's hair would smell of him for a bit tripped him up, though. Read more... )



[No Subject]

text messages to robin )



[No Subject]

FitzChivarly Farseer
Tyler Lockwood
WHERE: Vallo: Hopper's Fitz's Cabin
WHEN: November 27th, 2023
WHAT: Post What If? the boys catch up and Tyler asks questions that Fitz doesn't want to answer.
WARNINGS: Men Bad at Talking
STATUS: Complete
“He is not pack." Read more... )



netpost - kaitlyn ka - november 27th

Dear all of Vallo from a world that celebrates winter holidays but are not native to this one,

It's going to be my first year celebrating here which, you know, is great for all the new friends I've made here, but not so great when I'm thinking of my family back home and also realizing it'll be the first time I don't even celebrate the Chinese New Year with them, and it's making me feel some type of way.

How the hell do you cope or manage to get through it without a breakdown?

Before anyone suggests "a new hairdo", done and done. Abi and I found a place that did magical hair growth and all and I got longer hair! I debuted it during the wedding even.