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September 10th, 2023




• Fig Faeth
• Morgan Yu
• Vex'ahlia de Rolo



[No Subject]

I don't accep
Trinket is g

Just humor me and tell me you're fucking here.



netpost - nancy wheeler - september 10th

Any of you magical types have something to take that would instantly make a hangover go away? Like I mean by seconds?

Filter: Robin Buckley
Okay, I didn't get to properly ravish you in that suit by the end of the night, but I swear, I'm going to make it up to you as soon as I no longer feel like my head is going to burst!



Netpost: Stiles Stilinski (Sept 10)

It was my best friend's birthday yesterday, and I'm pretty sure this is the first year I haven't actually seen him to tell him happy birthday. Which really sucks and kind of puts things into a depressing sort of perspective.

So. Good things about being here and not home? Dramatic reduction in things trying to kill me. A 100% reduction in instances of possession. Less rain. Recent fun with flooding aside, I mean. But that was an anomaly right? So it doesn't count. Because in Beacon Hills that's just a standard week. Maybe this place just needs better soil drainage. I don't know what that entails, but probably something involving a lot of sand.

I should probably be writing a paper on the etymology of the term serial killer instead of wondering about soil drainage but everyone knows that was that guy from the FBI in the 70s. So that's boring.

Hey Lydia, want to help with my paper?



[No Subject]

I just got home from the library and I noticed that the wards protecting the house were messed with. They weren't fully broken, but it's odd so I'm going to be asking for some help to reinforce them and get one of those cameras for the front door and other places on the lot, just to look out. I don't know that it was anything nefarious, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Anyway. About Fig I know that I'm not Anyw Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to make things feel more secure, all right?
I think someone might have tampered with the wards on the house. I came home and they were clearly touched, though I don't know if someone was trying to break in or if that is just me being paranoid. Either way, will you come over when you have a chance and check my new warding work, just for another set of eyes?

Also, I just wanted to Today has been When you have a chance, that's all.
I don't How was the wedding? Fun?



[No Subject]

Please forgive me for asking more of you, but I need a favor. And I need it quietly. I suspect Mnestaes will balk at beseeching the covens, but I know they were involved in his sentencing and therefore they are the sensible option for commuting that sentence. Not officially, of course. But physically. I promised myself that I would see him free before the assassins catch up to me and I have gotten distracted from that goal.

Do you have any coven contacts who would respect confidentiality in this regard? Not your mother Someone who will answer questions and potentially aid us without telling the fae, I mean. Or someone with a a particularly intensive historical library? I have searched what coven materials are available at the great library to no avail. But it does not help that I have very little information about the rite itself.
You will help me shop for a thank you gift. For Eliphas. I do not have much to spend, but if I have a price in mind, I can try to work out some kind of trade with magic peddlers.