
Layout By

June 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

Oi! Did someone loose a goat? I found this gal chomping on some bushes in the forest this morning:

[Photo of a goat seemingly chasing the photographer wanting to head butt him]

She looks like she really needs to be milked, but she won't let me near her. Actually, she keeps trying to head butt me!

[another photo of the goat chasing the photographer]

Funny thing, though, she kind of smells like mead? Does goat's milk taste like mead? Is that a thing I've been missing this entire time?

[third photo of the goat - super close up of her face]

Aside from wanting to headbutt me, she seems nice. Does she belong to anyone? I don't want to leave her out here by herself.



posted late 6/10 (just after prom)

How many drunk ~incredibly powerful~ magic users does it take to teleport home?

(more than three apparently)

And thank you to everyone that came to prom! This commo commm community never fails to impress me with the support and just know that the kids appree appreciate you just as much as I do. I'm incredibly grateful.

Also I hope you all took food because duck fuck me there was so much of it.