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February 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

What is this "Vallo Sexyman Poll" and why did my Saturday morning student give me the full update on "Magic Edition is Professor Essek vs Gilmore and Professor Essek is losing!"? There are others? It is a trend? They said God Edition has Thor vs Kratos right now and it's tied and I still do not get it. I am very confused. Is there a reward?

My vote goes to my husband, obviously. Essek is very sexy.




[No Subject]

Vallo's done something to me.  I keep calling people names.  Not insults.  More like the kind of nicknames a person might use for the significant other, like Sweetness and Darling.  It's embarrassing for me, and probably them too. I hope no one thinks I'm harassing them. 

I was planning on staying in for Valentine's Day.  I might start doing that now.  I don't want to end up using these names on my profs.